
This forum’s racist issue

66 posts in this topic

Just now, Thestarguitarist14 said:

Black people do not have as much power as white people.  What do you not understand?

Yes. White people have more power. And they are abusing it. And they are retarded for doing so. Im not defending them. Im just saying black people are no better when it comes to being a saint not abusing power.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 minute ago, Salvijus said:

You're complainimg about abuse of power yet you yourself are abusing animals. Don't you see the problem here?

Everybody abuse everything when they have power. And black people are no exception. 

Saints are exception tho. But you're not one of them imo.

LOL.  Classic what aboutism.

Too bad I donate to the nature conservancy, the National parks society, the Grand Canyon, Nat Geo, the Humane society, only eat meat that the animal was humanely killed and etc.  


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1 minute ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

I have tried to have discourse about this in the past.  It’s useless.  You are not going to convince non black people to care about black people.  Why?  Because they benefit from White supremacy.  All races except for the black race do.

If others have an issue with what I say then they are not on my side.

I don't think it's the message you're sending that is necessarily the issue, but the language and energy you're using to deliver it.

When you communicate in such a rigid way you are going to divide people in a way that is counter-productive to your starting goal. Reflect on that.


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1 hour ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

I made a thread about how Sophia Bush called out Joe Rogan for his use of the N word and wow.  I am appalled by the amount of racism on this site.  

It just seems so fake to act like you are about spirituality and consciousness when you call black people calling out racism victims, say that black people don’t deserve reparations for being slaves and whatever white supremacist stuff.

Or did you guys not learn anything from George Floyd?

I am not looking to have a discussion about this as one thing is clear: you are either anti racist and anti white supremacy or anti black and okay with white supremacy.  There is no in between.

   OMG guys! He's having a discussion about this issue, when he said he wasn't interested in having one! Posted in the wrong sub forum too.

@Leo Gura


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1 minute ago, Salvijus said:

Yes. White people have more power. And they are abusing it. And they are retarded for doing so. Im not defending them. Im just saying black people are no better when it comes to being a saint not abusing power.

We have NEVER had power in this country. Your point is moot.  Black people are seen as the underlings of the U.S.  

Just now, Roy said:

I don't think it's the message you're sending that is necessarily the issue, but the language and energy you're using to deliver it.

When you communicate in such a rigid way you are going to divide people in a way that is counter-productive to your starting goal. Reflect on that.

On this issue there is no room for fluidity.  If they do not like it then it is good.  I am done dealing with fake people.  At least I will know who is real and who is not.

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23 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

You do realize that a big reason why a lot of black people are poor is because of slavery and the years of hardcore racism that followed?

Btw, my parents are immigrants.  I would not get a dime.  The black people who are descendants of slaves deserve the money.  They were promised this long ago and never got it.  And look how bad it is for them.

But of course if you are not black you do not care because white supremacy benefits everyone who isn’t black.


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4 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

We have NEVER had power in this country

Yes you have power.

Go to place where black people are the majority. They will shit and trample on white people. We are all the same. None us are pure. We all have abused power over weaker ones at least once in our lifetime. That's an important insight if you can digest it.

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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1 minute ago, Salvijus said:

Yes you have power.

Go to place where black people are the majority. They will shit and trample on white people. We are all the same. None us are pure. We all abused power over weaker ones at least once in our lifetime. That's is great insight if you can digest it.

STOP!  You are just saying a bunch of b.s.  You are not even part of the black community and have no idea what we are up against.

You are so caught up in your head that you cannot see your racial bias.  And until you deal with that you are just as bad as the hard right wingers and the alt right.

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34 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

You do realize that a big reason why a lot of black people are poor is because of slavery and the years of hardcore racism that followed?

Btw, my parents are immigrants.  I would not get a dime.  The black people who are descendants of slaves deserve the money.  They were promised this long ago and never got it.  And look how bad it is for them.

But of course if you are not black you do not care because white supremacy benefits everyone who isn’t black.

Go talk to the descendants of slaves about what they think of Africans. Tell them you're a 1st gen immigrant.

If you weren't brought over here for slavery, African-Americans don't consider you "black" in the way they look at themselves. You have nothing in common with them except skin color. They categorize you entirely different than themselves. You're an "other" from them as much as you are any other race. If you're a Nigerian immigrant or something, you AREN'T part of the black experience and you'll never understand it either. Your skin color alone doesn't make you black in the way that slave descendants are black.

We put Japanese people in internment camps during WWII and confiscated all their belongings. We brought Chinese people over to build the railroads. Immigrants come from every other part of the world and work their way out of poverty in a generation or two. Why is it exclusively black people who haven't been able to do this for the past 150+ years?

How much would reparations need to be per slave descendant before we can call it even? If they're currently victims of poor education and other issues, how would you stop them from just squandering the money and ending up back in the same position?

Edited by Yarco

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3 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

@Roy Is this okay?  This is clearly racist.

This forum is so disappointing.

Meds. Now.


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Just now, Yarco said:


Go talk to the descendants of slaves about what they think of Africans. Go read the 800-page manifesto from Matthew Harris (a black philosophy PhD) that just dropped about what he thinks of Africans.

If you weren't brought over here for slavery, African-Americans don't consider you "black" in the way they look at themselves. You have nothing in common with them except skin color. They categorize you entirely different than themselves. You're an "other" from them as much as you are any other race.

We put Japanese people in internment camps during WWII and confiscated all their belongings. We brought Chinese people over to build the railroads. Immigrants come from every other part of the world and work their way out of poverty in a generation or two. Why is it exclusively black people who haven't been able to do this for the past 150+ years?

How much would reparations need to be per slave descendant before we can call it even? If they're currently victims of poor education and other issues, how would you stop them from just squandering the money and ending up back in the same position?

Well I was born in America so I am African American smart one.

And I already know what side you are on and it’s not ours so buh bye.

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@Thestarguitarist14 im not denying that white used their power over black unfairly. The point I'm making is totally different but you're not getting it i think. Probably not even trying to get it.

Okey im pretty sure it is not getting anywhere. Im out.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Reposting what @Fleetinglife said on this 


Racism is, a part from being an overt prejudice and an in-group and out-group bias one holds, mostly unconsciously embodied phenomena of being a part of system that benefits from the existence of some sort of social hierarchy along racialized lines where one group exercises supremacy over all others in the social privelleges they have in the system and positions that they hold and are more prone to be available to them from my experience, this only more true in ethnic majoritarian states or ethnostates that define themselves as much of being founded and belonging to a majority group in them hogging all the relevant influential and positions of power within it. 

I live in what can be termed a white ethnostate claiming the name of only one ethnic majority people that live in it, that was re-founded and maintains its distinct identity precisely through the opposition against other ethnic majority groups and cultures not of that ethnic group's ones in the region, and so do they do the same, a mutually reinforcing national and ethnic exclusion vicious cycle, also internally it can be said to be a white supremacist state because only people from that ethnic group or culturally, ethnically converted into that ethnic group (so they don't suffer discrimination, prejudices and ethnic hate directed towards them as prior members of a minority ethnic group descendants within the country) hog all and mostly in the majority of cases positions of power, prestige and influence within the nations population and societies  taken as a whole (where are there are few exceptions and cases to the contrary perhaps in some areas I am really not much aware of a lot of examples, perhaps few here and there, and haven't really heard about a lot of them). 

The reason why I am saying all this is that ethnic discrimination and racism that people here display is so deeply ingrained within their in-group bias and strong individual identification with their own group that they belong that is mostly unconsciously done, repeated, imitated and parroted without much awareness given to it, almost as a taken granted social, cultural norm not given much thought, it is not so much as always overt discrimination but more of the prejudices and biases being reinforced through the use and repeat of specific discriminatory language and terminology, for example the POC people here called the Roma, that are present as racial, ethnic minorities in many European states and countries through the continent, are stigmatised and labelled through a derisive term "Gypsies" aimed to single them out and racially and culturally discriminate them as not belonging to any ethnic majority in any of the ethnostates in the region and as being implicitly inferior to them, (as well through racial discrimination through their physical appearance and more darker skin tone and pigmentation then the more melanin filled ?ethnic majority population) and discriminate them as almost subhuman and animal-like in contrast to the majority peoples ethnic group present within any of the ethnostates in the region. 

So, here the ethnic discrimination (based on language, culture, religion and ethnicity) is also coupled with a very present deeply embodied and omnipresent unconscious racism that the ethnic majority populations harbour without paying much attention to to anyone outside their in-group, in the aspects severee and strong in-group identification on almost a national tribal level, ethnic narcissism, chauvinism, discrimination, in-group and out-group prejudices and stereotypes and coupled with a pretty seveere actual racism, racialism directed towards whose slightly different physical appearance and characteristics might signal belonging and having a background from another ethnic group (Albanians as a national minority and as a neighbouring people's suffer racism based on some typified and stereotypized physical characteristics and traits (even though for all intents and purposes to the outsider they would appear as white and almost the same as other ethnic majorities in the region) that some of the ethnic majority population here thinks signal their "Albanianess" and actual "gene inferiority" and they are called derogatory names based on that (that are ironically and tragicomically taken from their language as terms they themselves use to refer to their people and nation and have been unconsciously imported, used and turned into ethnic slurs in Serbian, the ignorance and the narrow mindedness here is tragicomic sometimes), and this also happened and is still happening with the Muslim Bosniak population here and in the neighboring countries in the region, ethnic discrimination against them based on culture and religion coupled with actual extreme racism bringing up psuedo-scientific, fabricated and invented beliefs and "gene theories" in to the mix, and the open racism Roma people in all countries in the region suffer sometimes purely based on physical appearance and invented notions of their culture. 

The point of me posting this post is to show in this thread is to provide a snippet that racism, racial biases and prejudices doesn't just exist in post-colonist Western countries but that is actually more omnipresent and taken for granted in countries where there doesn't exist an culture facilitating the questioning and criticizing of the extent of its actual presence and unconscious embodying in a population through an unquestioned maintenance of an ethnic majoritarian, white supremacist system in terms of power, political, social and cultural distribution within that society and how not questioning, criticizing this and centering some action and activism around it actually continues the unquestioned and unconscious supremacy that those belonging and being identified as being a part of the majority benefit in part and more from the maintenance of that system by those of their power representatives who exercise power for the benefit of retainment of that ethnic, white supremacist system so they can keep getting elected from that ethnic majority group that thinks it benefits the most from the maintenance of such a supremacist system and by doing that unconsciously excludes others who don't enjoy the same benefits as being deemed the native population, ethnic and racial majority within the system and effectively disempowers them and marginalizes their social influence and opportunities for social positions and effective pure meritocratic social ladder climb within that society because of these imposed implicit ethnic barriers, existing racial, cultural stereotypes and prejudices and imposed social handicaps and majoritarian supremacist assumptions. 

That's my two cents on the universality and widespreadness of racism issues existing often unconsciously embodied within societies reproduced by systems that benefit from them in some shape and form in and some populations that buy into them in the first place until there is a push for wider systemic reforms and social, cultural changes. 



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It kinda reminds me when theives complain that they got mugged. 

People who abuse power themselves all the time complain that others are doing it onto them. There's a joke here somewhere if you dig deep enough.

Okey, im out now for sure.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Just now, Salvijus said:

It kinda reminds me when theives complain that they got mugged. 

People who abuse power themselves all the time complain that others are doing it onto them. There's a joke here somewhere if you dig deep enough.

Okey, im out now for sure.

Wow, at least you admitted that you are a racist. The black people are the thieves right?

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Just now, Thestarguitarist14 said:

Wow, at least you admitted that you are a racist. The black people are the thieves right?

Abusers of power are the thievies. That include white and black and every other human on this planet.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Just now, Salvijus said:

Abusers of power are the thievies. That include white and black and every other human on this planet.


Damn, you sound like a NASCAR right winger mad on Twitter at Bubba Wallace for getting the confederate flag banned.

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