
Are you hopeful for the future?

12 posts in this topic

We have advanced to the point where victory could have defeated us. The rational optimist/ pinker and few others show us stats of progress and while there is progress on technological levels, wealth, green values etc this doesn't seem to be translating to human happiness. We have environmental issues, mental illness, life expectancy decreasing, relationships in turmoil, modern dating issues with the divide between men and women and low fertility / declining population which could lead to economic stagnation / collapse. Loss of meaning, connection to each other and nature. Our own advancements ie internet and now social media is polarising us more and more. Culturally and technologically we are evolving, but our social and conscious evolution can't keep pace to keep those forces in check or from destroying us. 


The question of family comes in and if one's out look on life and the future doesn't look good it begs the question why would you want to bring life into the current world only to suffer. Not sure if Leo wants kids or family, but I ponder this a lot and am uncertain. When you tell people you don't want children due to a dire future, people with kids get angry as it puts them in fear mode, and people without kids especially women get emotional and call you negative, weak (shaming guilt tactics) etc as it goes heavily against their maternal instinct and social norms. It seems most humans aren't rational humans but rationalising humans. 


The only thing certain is uncertainty, in the past we also had uncertainty but the issue now is the pace of change and level is so fast with technology we can't keep up or balance / ride the wave of change. We have more than ever technology / knowledge wise to fix many of our issues so the world could go either way, it all depends on us. But seeing how the world couldn't even come together to tackle covid and now the war mongering happening, it seems humans aren't evolved enough yet. Only this time, we have enough power to destroy us. Smart people are saying similar such as Yuval Noah Harari. What do you all think?

Edited by zazen

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10 minutes ago, zazen said:

We have advanced to the point where victory could have defeated us. The rational optimist/ pinker and few others show us stats of progress and while there is progress on technological levels, wealth, green values etc this doesn't seem to be translating to human happiness. We have environmental issues, mental illness, life expectancy decreasing, relationships in turmoil, modern dating issues with the divide between men and women and low fertility / declining population which could lead to economic stagnation / collapse. Loss of meaning, connection to each other and nature. Our own advancements ie internet and now social media is polarising us more and more. Culturally and technologically we are evolving, but our social and conscious evolution can't keep pace to keep those forces in check or from destroying us.

The rise of green will elevate these problems more and more slowly


god i don't like using that spiral dynamics stuff

Edited by Windappreciator

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i'm only hopeful for the somewhat spiritual-ish path and if there is turmoil i'll try to find peace within me

all that other stuff i'm not sure about although there seem to be good developments in things like renewables, medicine etc.

but also obviously many "bad" developments

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Where I live in the United States, the center of gravity shift towards Green is looking to be incredibly rocky and drawn out.

I can't say I'm very optimistic about the political situation in the United States, as I foresee a sizeable chunk of my adult life being played out against the backdrop of trying to forestall the collapse of democracy.

That said, it seems likely that things will be better for future generations, and what we're going though right now are growing pains.

I'm far more optimistic about my personal situation, so I guess it depends on what I choose to focus on.

Edited by DocWatts

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As a black man I actually am.  2020 was a huge year as black people made strides in our fight for equality and inclusion.  And in 2022 it is clear that racial tensions are still high and will not being going away until black people get what they deserve.  

Though, it is sad just how many people are racist in this country.  I see it on this forum.  I get it as they benefit from white supremacy.  Just disappointing.  But they have already lost.  By 2045 the majority will no longer be white.  Black people are also tired of it.  

So year, I think things will get better.  As for politics, I doubt that I am voting.  The right and left are both racist.  All we did was trade one racist for another.


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Heck nah.

The collapse is coming, it's just a matter of when and how bad it'll be. We're already living at our equivalent of the tail end of the Roman empire. The stock market has already collapsed long ago, it's just a zombie that is being propped up by printing more fake money.

It's funny I used to always fantasize about living in a post-apocalyptic world as an alternative while I was working the job I hated. Now that it's almost here it doesn't feel so good.

You talk about family and stuff. The problem is that at least during The Great Depression, at least people could rely on each other. We talked to our neighbors on a regular basis and helped them out, we visited our family more than a handful of times per year. Now we're so isolated and self-reliant that you're on your own.

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Two contrasting videos. We will technologically advance, but that says nothing of human happiness levels and emotional stability. Counter movements are already underway and discussions on what makes us happy such as nature, connection, community, creativity. Spirituality / meditation should likely become a lot more popular as well and already is. Just not sure society will evolve with the pressures or slowly decline under it. The word collapse is used a lot but decline is more accurate just as the way the British empire declined or Japan is stagnating, its not some apocalyptic collapse. 

Edited by zazen

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If humanity is able to solve the energy deficit, then we’re headed for a beautiful future. Otherwise, the future seems pretty bleak.

Edited by ArcticGong

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No. I am more pessimistic now than I have ever been.

If you can find anyway to create and earn off well grounded optimism do it. Now is the time.

Edited by BlueOak

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I'm worried for the future of mankind, but my future is secured and safe as far as I know.
I'm hopeful that as I increase my consciousness, things will make more sense and I do feel hopeful for a future for myself, now that I will own a home, I have a place to stay and always build from...

I go down to my shadow when I do not have that solid ground and I can understand that if the world doesn't have security, that they will act out, too.  We need to distribute the wealth in the world better somehow... uhm...hmmmn... but yeah, the future for the whole world worries me a lot.  I want everyone to have what I have.

Edited by Loba

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