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K Ghoul

Slutty classmate - I’m triggered

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I’m a female. It’s a new semester and there’s this other new female in my class who’s acting provocative - dressing up slutty/showing off her skin,legs, takes up class time by asking semi-irrelevant questions and giving lengthy answers to the Professor while playing with her hair. I have a feeling the bitch has a crush on him, I can just tell. 


My question is how can I ask her politely and without getting in trouble to shut the fuck up during lectures? Is it a legal/appropriate practice in the US colleges to ask another student to not ask questions during lectures? I don’t want her to complain on me, at the same time it really is affecting the quality of my studying - every time she engages with him I just want to throw her out of the window, so I’m losing focus and have to calm down and ending up missing following the lecture material that’s being presented.

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maybe theres a way you can anonymously send a complaint to the professor? as long as he keeps your complaint private

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Few questions:

  1. Do you also have a crush on the professor? (asking to check for any jealousy).
  2. Is this person truly effective your life in a negative way?
  3. How much of this is coming from a notion of what is appropriate for and your personal value system? (one has to understand that there is no absolute definition of the way humans should act / not act .. to think so is to be a moralist).
Edited by Terell Kirby

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How about telling her he's yours? ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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47 minutes ago, K Ghoul said:

I’m a female. It’s a new semester and there’s this other new female in my class who’s acting provocative - dressing up slutty/showing off her skin,legs, takes up class time by asking semi-irrelevant questions and giving lengthy answers to the Professor while playing with her hair. I have a feeling the bitch has a crush on him, I can just tell. 


My question is how can I ask her politely and without getting in trouble to shut the fuck up during lectures? Is it a legal/appropriate practice in the US colleges to ask another student to not ask questions during lectures? I don’t want her to complain on me, at the same time it really is affecting the quality of my studying - every time she engages with him I just want to throw her out of the window, so I’m losing focus and have to calm down and ending up missing following the lecture material that’s being presented.

If she is dressing inappropriately for class, then that's one thing, but otherwise it's not your business and you don't have a right to be slut shaming her.

Edited by Hardkill

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@K Ghoul The problem isn’t about her, it’s about you. You are being neurotic.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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it's a good exercise to observe your triggers and such

but before you explode or get a stomach ulcer maybe say something in a kind of rational way without blaming etc.

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If this is purely about other students asking annoying questions in lectures (and I'm not sure that it is... xD) then you just learn to deal with it

There are always annoying fuckheads in lectures and they come in so many different forms that you just end up having to laugh at them. Usually if they are actually consistently annoying, someone in the class will call them out or the lecturer will tell them to fuck off, politely of course

In my first ever maths lecture at uni a girl put her hand up and claimed that the lecturer was technically incorrect because he hadn't put arrows on the axis of his graph

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@AuroraDream  I was hoping to find a way to handle this without getting him involved but it’s an option! Thank you 

@Terell Kirby  @Thestarguitarist14 no crush 

@Hardkill There are certain standards for academic setting. 

@something_else I can definitely relate to that, in a way pandemic has been a blessing because when you’re on Zoom with them all you had to do was press a mute button;)


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57 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


How about telling her he's yours? ;)

“Great” advice! what are you trying to do - insinuate a catfight? Lol Technically, he is mine - my Professor, had him before in other classes

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Say to yourself - "it's okay." 

To every sentence you frame around her, just say "it's okay." 

"This other new female"... It's okay. 

"she is acting provocative".... It's okay 

"she is dressing up slutty"...its okay. 

"she is showing off her skin, legs"..its okay. 

"she takes up class time by asking semi-irrelevant questions and giving lengthy answers to the professor"... It's okay 

"while playing with her hair".. It's okay

"I have a feeling the bitch"...its okay

"she has a crush on him, I can just tell"..its okay. 

At the end of the day you can always tell yourself "no matter what, I'm prettier than her." Since you already know you're prettier of the two. 

Be happy knowing it's okay since she can never be a match to your supreme beauty. 

Try that exercise. Chin up. Kiss. 




Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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It's not about her or getting her to do something different, it's about how you feel. Your focus needs to be in a place that is so elsewhere, that this kind of thing barely crosses your mind, and when it does it doesn't stay there for long.


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@K Ghoul Your shadow is popping up to say hello.

What is this actually about?

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Theres gotta be more to this story that you arnt telling us your getting mad at her for asking questions?? :D:D:D If this is really about that talk to the professor after class and tell him sometimes answering certain questions take away from the lesson, he will be more aware of this during class.

Also you could have phrased this question much better. Shes an adult she can wear what she wants. Women slut shame other women way more often than men and then try to claim its men that are keeping women sexually oppressed lol

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@K Ghoul Maybe get to know this girl and ask her if she has any kind of dirty fantasies about her professor?

Edited by Hardkill

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1 hour ago, Bando said:

Theres gotta be more to this story that you arnt telling us your getting mad at her for asking questions?? :D:D:D If this is really about that talk to the professor after class and tell him sometimes answering certain questions take away from the lesson, he will be more aware of this during class.


@Bando  I don’t feel comfortable telling him what to do :) but I might do some eye-rolls to send him an indirect non-verbal cue that I’m not happy idk

1 hour ago, Bando said:

Also you could have phrased this question much better. Shes an adult she can wear what she wants. Women slut shame other women way more often than men and then try to claim its men that are keeping women sexually oppressed lol

I can rephrase I don’t mind - what do you want the title to be?



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"just want to throw her out the window" ?

Just finished listening to the 'gremlin' book from Leo's booklist, sounds very applicable 

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