
Is it possible to become conscious of the moment you fall asleep?

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Has it been done? 

The exact moment where you can put your awareness on the exact moment your body switches to sleeping. Where you can put your awareness on the transition.

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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I had an experience recently that was rather similar to what you are asking.. I was drifting off as my wife was talking (not to me), and began dreaming, and was momentarily aware of both, the dream and her talking.. the experience woke me up and the dream ended. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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I had a friend who said she was able to know that she's sleeping while she's sleeping. Sort of asleep but somehow still aware of it. They even studied her brain at the university clinic. But there cannot be an experience of "un-awareness".

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2 minutes ago, Tim R said:

I had a friend who said she was able to know that she's sleeping while she's sleeping. Sort of asleep but somehow still aware of it. They even studied her brain at the university clinic. But there cannot be an experience of "un-awareness".

Yeah this has happened to me too. 

@ZenSwift There really is no transition moment because the moment you are asleep you are asleep and the moment right before you are awake. Sure there are transition phases (phases of sleep) but each phase is itself and each next phase is itself so you can’t really catch/find a transition moment exactly, if that makes sense. But you can use your awareness to watch the whole thing by just staying as awareness during the process. I personally think it’s easier to do the moment you’re waking up instead of the moment you’re falling asleep, but either is possible. It basically feels like lucid dreaming but take away the dreaming aspect and replace it with wherever your body is. Idk it’s hard to explain and I’m not even sure if my experience is exactly what you’re asking for anyway. :) 

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Here's something for you to chew on: try to find the difference between the waking state and the sleeping state. What is there?

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It's possible to become conscious that you are dreaming up sleeping.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@ZenSwift yes, total normal to me


Look for sleep paralysis


I experienced everything full consciously at the exact transition falling asleep. Heard me deeply breathing, no control of any body Part. But wait... Your astral body slowly can move

This is the door to enter the astral realm


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If I lay on my back, I will never fall asleep but instead enter a dreamless void state which freaks me out.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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No, but you can be conscious of the moment you wake up. 

Truth you don't find. Truth finds you. Sooner or later. What you then do, no one knows. If you knew, it would already have found you."


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Well consciouness never sleeps. It's not like conciousness dissapears from existence when we fall asleep. So it should be possible imo. I think it's called Turiya state.

19 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

If I lay on my back, I will never fall asleep but instead enter a dreamless void state which freaks me out.


Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@Leo Gura psshhh yeah right Leo. 

Next thing you're going to tell me is that I'm imagining myself as stupid right now. That I'm imagining myself NOT infinitely intelligent, NOT infinitely awake, NOT infinitely aware. That I'm imagining myself as being exactly this ignorant as I currently manifest because I wanted to experience the process of discovering truth. 

Next thing that you're going to tell me that the solidity of the wall that I can't walk through in my dreams is the exact same substance that is preventing me from walking through the physical wall right now as I'm awake. 

Next thing you're going to tell me that reality is nothing but a hallucination with infinite explaination and coherence as to why it isn't a hallucination. With the illusion being all encompassing, all explaining, only noticable if you go meta and go for serious curiosity and investigation. An infinite fractal that keeps generating new sides, even if you slice it in half an infinite amount. Where cause and effect don't even exist and that effect = effect. Where apearence IS reality, nothing behind it, A=A. Where I'm even imagining a POV because I wanted to experience an "other" to "look at" while at the same time believing it was not my imagination doing it the whole time. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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@OBEler now this sounds interesting

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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@ZenSwift Yea this is part of the technique to astral project. Remaining conscious of the moment of unconsciousness. Never done it myself.

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@ZenSwift  Yeah, it happened to me once. I was so conscious that I was conscious even during sleep.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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Something crazy was happening to me today, I was really tired sitting in a car (not driving), with my eyes closed, I was hallucinating my knee (with the clothes I had on) very vividly. I open my eyes and my knees were in different places than from the closed eye Visuals. 

I was on half a tab of armodafinil aswell with the sleep deprivation in case that's important to note. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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I asked myself this question too, so I started to closely watch myself as I was falling asleep. My findings:

There is a transition phase in which you can easily stay aware - which starts with closing your eyes. I always watch how my thoughts become increasingly irrational, weird and dream-like. At some point, it's some form "pre-dreaming". The thoughts are exactly as twisted as dreams, just without the mental image. The more I fall into dream consciousness, the more I slip out of waking consciousness. The costume changes, so to speak.

And then, at some point, it seems as if the lights are going out and I'm gone.

This dream consciousness and waking consciousness is only a facade and a form. There is 'something' prior to that - nothing! Formlessness. But I don't know about that one. Seems to me like knowing about formlessness, in the sense of being a knower, is secondary. Being seems primary and ineffable.

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Yes. But you have to be extremely tired to the point where you can almost control yourself drifting in and out of consciousness

- Enter your fear and you are free -

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I've had several experiences of maintaining consciousness through sleep. I've even levitated over my body while sleeping (at the tail end of an lsd trip). It's very eery being conscious of the exact moment your consciousness "passes under" to sleep. If anything, I become hyper-conscious while sleeping... my analytical mind is basically shut off, but I'm more aware of Being. It's experientially like gently slipping into a warm, calm ocean. 

"The greatest illusion of all is the illusion of separation." - Guru Pathik

Sent from my iEgo

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Another thing is that you see total blackness in Front of your inner eyes. So black you never saw it in your life. Maybe because your visuals Brain function is shut off then already

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@TheAvatarState that's CRAZY! That's super interesting. 


@OBEler very interesting! 


I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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