
Losing The Desire For Truth...

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Hi Guys,

as you can read in the title, I am loosing the desire for Truth. Few months ago when I started my "journey to Truth" ( meditating, self-inquiry, questioning reality...), I had a fucking burning desire to know the Truth at all cost. But as my awareness rises, I get more and more concious of all the illusions the Ego creates ... of course I am like 100% happier than I was before doing conciousness work and "negative stuff" like anger, frustation, suffering are just melting away. But I also see more and more, that a big part of my motivation was created by the Ego, for example to get out of suffering or being "special".  Now I do meditation not because of truth, but because it feels good and I am lacking the motivation to do slef-inquiry.

Don't understand me wrong, my life goal is still to find the Truth, the desire for truth is still there. But at the moment I am lacking this really extreme burning drive in me, so I am doing the work only half-hearted and not as serious enough as I used to do it.

How can I get back this burning desire? Is this somekind of "phase"? Maybe some of you guys can relate to what I mean, I am gratefull for any advice.


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@Schuchti11 Yeah, there will be a lot of bumps on the road on this path. Sometimes you will lose flow in your practice and that is normal. Next week you may have the most profound week of your life. That's how it goes. Don't listen to your ego and keep up your practice is my advice. What I do when motivation drops is watch some videos of teachers I enjoy, take a walk in nature or do a psychedelic substance. Just keep in mind that some periods are going to be shittier than others. Hell, I've been having days where one meditation session is complete shit and agitation while the next session on that same day is very smooth and tranquil.

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It's a good thing, seeking the truth is not necesserarily a good idea, a lot of teachers tells that.

You can't conceptualize it, you can't think about it, so why seeking ?

How could you even seek something you already are ?


It will just come naturally if you continue to practice, and by deepening these practices,

Without seeking anything, just because it feels good and because you know it makes you more aware (= more grounded and happy in your life).


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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4 minutes ago, Shin said:

It's a good thing, seeking the truth is not necesserarily a good idea, a lot of teachers tells that.

You can't conceptualize it, you can't think about it, so why seeking ?

How could you even seek something you already are ?


It will just come naturally if you continue to practice, and by deepening these practices,

Without seeking anything, just because it feels good and because you know it makes you more aware (= more grounded and happy in your life).


Seeking is important to turn to the right direction. Once one understands what he is truly after, seeking will stop on it's own. I really like the representation with crossing over to the other shore - you use a boat. Don't discard the boat prematurely.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Nothing like a psychedelic trip to re-fill one's sails ;)

If you haven't ever tasted existential Truth, it's really hard to be motivated towards it.

Once you have tasted it, all your priorities become clear. Because nothing tastes as sweet.

I gave a former girlfriend 1g of mushrooms. Turned her whole understanding of reality around. Wouldn't have been even remotely possible otherwise for her.

And that was only like 1% of 1% of what consciousness is capable of.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura there's something funny going on here that I've been noticing. We call it Truth, when it tastes sweet. Truth is scientific. The reason the enlightenment doesn't "stick" is because it's not an endogenous catalyzed release. Endogenous is much more powerful.  How is it any more true than anything else? There is bias towards calling something true. I'm not really going at you, so its not that necessary for any attack, only discussion. Let's remember K and Bohm. My priorities ARE clear, and I will taste this sweetness. 

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54 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Nothing like a psychedelic trip to re-fill one's sails ;)

If you haven't ever tasted existential Truth, it's really hard to be motivated towards it.

Once you have tasted it, all your priorities become clear. Because nothing tastes as sweet.

I gave a former girlfriend 1g of mushrooms. Turned her whole understanding of reality around. Wouldn't have been even remotely possible otherwise for her.

And that was only like 1% of 1% of what consciousness is capable of.

If existential truth is not here and now Aren't we surrendering to becoming seekers after infinity, which is fool's gold because it can never be reached?

It's infinite for a reason, can never be attained,  there will always be more, infinitely more, so isn't the logical conclusion to simply abide and accept what is?

Why are we not satisfied with this magical ordinary existance? It's not like it is going to last forever... And since there is no you suffering, making progress or anything else, who is tasting that sweet sweet existential truth?  


Edited by Dodoster

-1/12 is Infinity 

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1 hour ago, Hunter Arrington said:

@Leo Gura there's something funny going on here that I've been noticing. We call it Truth, when it tastes sweet. Truth is scientific. The reason the enlightenment doesn't "stick" is because it's not an endogenous catalyzed release. Endogenous is much more powerful.  How is it any more true than anything else? There is bias towards calling something true. I'm not really going at you, so its not that necessary for any attack, only discussion. Let's remember K and Bohm. My priorities ARE clear, and I will taste this sweetness. 

You will not know until you experience it for yourself.


1 hour ago, Dodoster said:

If existential truth is not here and now Aren't we surrendering to becoming seekers after infinity, which is fool's gold because it can never be reached?

It's infinite for a reason, can never be attained,  there will always be more, infinitely more, so isn't the logical conclusion to simply abide and accept what is?

Why are we not satisfied with this magical ordinary existance? It's not like it is going to last forever... And since there is no you suffering, making progress or anything else, who is tasting that sweet sweet existential truth? 

You cannot even begin to imagine what reality actually is at the deepest level.

Nothing I say can even give you a faint idea of it. It's utterly unspeakable.

Infinity can certainly be attained. Many people have glimpsed it, including my humble self.

It is possible to awaken from life. You cannot understand what this means yet because you've never truly awoken.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You will not know until you experience it for yourself.


You cannot even begin to imagine what reality actually is at the deepest level.

Nothing I say can even give you a faint idea of it. It's utterly unspeakable.

Infinity can certainly be attained. Many people have glimpsed it, including my humble self.

It is possible to awaken from life. You cannot understand what this means yet because you've never truly awoken.

Well ok, but I've aknowledged that it is not up to me to awaken. All is according to God's will or in other words genes, cause and effect and this gives peace of mind now. 

Buddha's definition of enlightenment was simple and did not necessarily include reaching infinity. End off suffering (effect) caused by transcending the desire for outcomes and life to be a certain way(cause).

I've become aware that this type of desire stems from the belief that there are doers. So we tackle that by cutting at the root the false belief that we are the doer and not the Universe aka God aka however you want to call the force.

So journey to truth is a lot simpler for most people, because what does everyone want? End of suffering for this human being in this life. Not having a deep  and transient experience necessarily, although ofcourse nothing against it.

But this view of truth will bring many suffering due to desiring the situation to be different than what it is, which is impossible - even the most ignorant can't help it and is just as vital part of this dream as the most "enlightened", because no-one could have been any other way.

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodoster I really wonder where that puppet must be then.

All inside phenomenon such as the impressions of the senses, feelings, mental shapes, mental formations, intellect perception and sensitivity over things, just fails to hold.

Yet all outer phenomenon, also just come and go.

Both inner and outer are empty in nature.

Where is the puppet that I call me or you? Ahayah Ashar Ahayah, chant and be free!


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6 minutes ago, Aware said:

@Dodoster I really wonder where that puppet must be then.

All inside phenomenon such as the impressions of the senses, feelings, mental shapes, mental formations, intellect perception and sensitivity over things, just fails to hold.

Yet all outer phenomenon, also just come and go.

Both inner and outer are empty in nature.

Where is the puppet that I call me or you?


Within the void? ??

-1/12 is Infinity 

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Words like this, is like a kick in the ass for me to do the work:

15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You cannot even begin to imagine what reality actually is at the deepest level.

Nothing I say can even give you a faint idea of it. It's utterly unspeakable.

Infinity can certainly be attained. Many people have glimpsed it, including my humble self.

It is possible to awaken from life. You cannot understand what this means yet because you've never truly awoken.

I think it's time for some psychedelics. Just to see what you are speaking about there, Leo ;)

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You cannot even begin to imagine what reality actually is at the deepest level.

@Leo Gura Science explains it as the multiverse. Infinite parallel universes. The reality we know being just one copy of an infinite number of identical realities, similar realities and any variation you can and can't imagine repeating into infinity.

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@Schuchti11 If you want to find the truth you need to accept that your ego will never find it. 
You must also except your ego for what it is and what it wants and not try to hide it in the closet. You must shine the light of your awareness on it.
My advice to you would be to be brutally honest your yourself, so much it hurts.

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On 12/01/2017 at 3:34 AM, Schuchti11 said:

Losing The Desire For Truth...

How about the desire for untruth or illusion, is that still going strong?  ;)

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2 hours ago, jse said:

How about the desire for untruth or illusion, is that still going strong?  ;)

Of course, would be too easy otherwise, wouldn't it? :P

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I wonder if looking for truth really hard may hinder the methodical peeling away of fantasy and fiction (untruth?), which may allow Truth to just fill the space. Or start to shine through on it's own.

I wonder if Truth is a thing onto itself, an intrinsic quality that naturally and inevitably fills the vacuum when untruths dissolve?

...& it might follow that the Truth IS the vacuum. So.. no vacuum exists, it's just more untruth to think any true vacuum is maintainable or stable, considering the massive quantity of energy required?

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