Leo's Video About Bias Makes No Sense To me

36 posts in this topic


Question that remains is 

Does universe care of flowers for example, because it gives water to them when it's raining ... ... ... I would say no, but that is just consequence that happened when it started raining. Same way I wouldn't call healing of body bias of body, because also that there is separate body is also just thought of ego and everything is interconnected and just flowing.

If "you" for example wanted to "die" then body's "bias" of wanting to stay alive wouldn't do anything when you aim gun to your head. (again that is not message to kill yourself, but just an analogy)

Good way to see what I mean is to see world as neverending domino effect that also never started and no "separate piece" is biased to do its job, but just to act according what happened before.

Also that whole question was sidetrack to the main topic we were discussing before.

Who told you that "others" are real?

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Just notice how good and bad things happen regardless of a limited things bias. All finite beings want to survive and have their biases appealed to. However, notice how many times the universe does not meet your bias and you suffer. Why? 

Because God does not have your biases. You do.

Because, though the universe includes your limited bias, its not solely biased towards it. God, includes and transcends your biases. 

For example, whatever happens its Gods Will. It's God's will when your biases are not appealed to as even when they are appealed to.

God loves whatever is the case. God loves and is biased towards the whole, which means not being biased towards just you.

Edited by Thought Art

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7 minutes ago, Kksd74628 said:

Does universe care of flowers for example, because it gives water to them when it's raining

If flowers had no preferance whether to live or die, those flowers wouldn't bother to absorb the water and nourish itself imo.

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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2 hours ago, Salvijus said:

I think if body didn't have any bias for survival then it wouldn't bother to heal and maintain itself 24/7.

Nicely said! 

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2 hours ago, Kksd74628 said:


Question that remains is 

Does universe care of flowers for example, because it gives water to them when it's raining ... ... ... I would say no, but that is just consequence that happened when it started raining. Same way I wouldn't call healing of body bias of body, because also that there is separate body is also just thought of ego and everything is interconnected and just flowing.

If "you" for example wanted to "die" then body's "bias" of wanting to stay alive wouldn't do anything when you aim gun to your head. (again that is not message to kill yourself, but just an analogy

Actually it's really hard to kill yourself. Your body won't let you easily do it. It's called self preservation instinct. 

Therefore our bodies are extremely biased towards Survival. You cannot deny the obvious. 

Even if you decide to see the body as one system or as a subset of the cosmos it does not matter. Do you think that its an accident that you sit on this planet, inhaling this air and digesting your food right now while surfing on the Internet ? 

If God had no bias towards that then none of that would occur. 

As I said before God is not stupid. Nothing is random in this Universe. It's not anything goes. If it was anything goes and the flowers somehow grow then we don't even need a God for that. We have materialism atheism for this. God cares enough for the flowers so that they exist otherwise they would not even exist. Of course that does not mean God cannot destroy them at any time also. Still though it's a Will. Not dumb luck that makes the flowers exist. 

God has no biases in the sense that he loves us all equally BUT clearly he has a bias towards the Best Dream Ever Possible. And that's why Everything works so perfectly with no glitches. 

Edited by SQAAD

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5 hours ago, SQAAD said:

@Leo Gura

 Could you elaborate some more please?

Isn't the point of all this work we are doing to live the best life possible(which is a bias)??

If you were not to prefer one thing over another then how would you even live? What would you even choose or desire?

How would you even make a Choice what to do in life?? This is why it makes no sense after a certain point.

If you were to love everything the same you would be paralyzed by indecisiveness. You would be a total madman.

I know you said that we cannot remove all biases. And thats because it would be pure insanity.

You are confusing matters of survival with truth.

My episode about bias was very advanced and existential. It's purpose was not to help you survive but to get you to understand truth.

Truth does not care about your survival, comfort, or convenience.

Whether you can or cannot remove all biases is irrelevant. The insistence on removing all biases is itself a bias. The seeking of "the best life possible" is a bias. The seeking of things practical is a bias. All these biases and more distort your perception and understanding of reality.

Consciousness at its highest level has no biases. This is true regardless of whether you do anything with it or not.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Killing yourself actually is really easy if you really wanted to do that and if not then it's hard. (also I need to include here that no one should kill oneself, because that's just analogy) That is not matter of what body wants or not. That is about what you want. Same way it is hard to eat spinach soup if you hate it, but when you love the taste of it eating it happens almost automatically with no effort.

Question that remains is that do you want to be happy or know the truth. In best case scenario is that truth makes you happy.


Edited by Kksd74628

Who told you that "others" are real?

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>It's just built into the biological system.

I don't even need to read further to know your point is invalid. You can explain the content of this illusion with biology but not the structure of the illusion. For example you can explain muscle growth genetical limit with biology because muscle growth itself is in the illusion. You can't explain with something inside the illusion the illusion.

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I'd go watch, 'Why rationality is wrong'.



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Do what works

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@Leo Gura

On 04/02/2022 at 11:44 PM, Leo Gura said:

You are confusing matters of survival with truth.

Truth does not care about your survival, comfort, or convenience.


I am not sure i am interpreting what you said here correctly.

Doesn't it care at all???? Then why am i at ease most of the time. Generally you feel good (at least physically) inside your body. And when you don't you usually die quickly.

If thats the case then we are all screwed and should not be able to sleep again because of existential terror.

What about Goodness and Infinite Intelligence and Design? You said reality is Good and Paradise. And what you are describing here is Hell. Worse than Hell actually.

Is God a Psychopath who does not give a damn about his Creation? Then thats worse than nihilism.

At least with the Christian God  you can sleep well at night.

If God designed this reality then he cares on some level for his creation to be as Good as possible.

If I was to design a car I would be biased towards creating an excellent car. This analogy is similar to the creation of the entire Universe. So how can God have no biases and not care? 

I don't think I understand what you mean when you say that God has no biases. I understand why God would not prefer one part of Reality over another part. But still it's not anything goes. God has a preference in how he wants the Universe to unfold. 

This video of yours talks about a Biased design of the entire Universe. Is it still true? 


Edited by SQAAD

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 Xinxin poem (year 600)

The Way of the supreme is not difficult,
If only people will give up preferences.
Like not, dislike not.
Be illuminated.
If you are off by a millimeter,
You will be off by as much as earth is separate from heaven.
If you want to see Truth,
Call no life experience favorable or unfavorable.
To be caught between favorable and unfavorable
Is the sickness of the mind.

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@SQAAD That's survival. Mainly your "thinking your way" to survival. This is also a conflation between relative and absolute truth


Don't think too hard on this, this is all pretty understandable if you've been carefully watching Leo's videos. Leo's being really charitable for you here, but he also did warn about banning people for mentally masturbating around here ?


My posts are not representive of the person profiled. I'm just an Ennel-Andy

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52 minutes ago, lostingenosmaze said:

@SQAADbut he also did warn about banning people for mentally masturbating around here ?

Yeah that's why you should be careful man. 

If it's so understandable for you then give me an answer on the question i just asked Leo. I bet you have not understood my point yet. 


Edited by SQAAD

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7 hours ago, SQAAD said:

God has a preference in how he wants the Universe to unfold

yes, exactly as it is unfolding. The point is that you, as an ego, if you superimpose on what he should be characteristic of the ego, you create suffering. what is is perfection manifested, and what should be is an idea of the ego mind. cling to what is, accept it fully, forget the imaginary should be, and you will be centered, you will flow. superimpose on all the should be, and you will be dissonant, anxious, suffering

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14 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

yes, exactly as it is unfolding. 

Finally someone giving me an answer. I find it absurd when i read comments from some other users of this forum that the flowers are not intentionally watered by God and stuff like that. 

It is like saying that the Sun was created unintentionally and by luck it provides life to billions of creatures. This is nihilism. Not God.

God has no preferences over parts of Reality but he CLEARLY has a preference on how he wants the Universe to unfold.

If God was not biased nothing could exist. If i was to design something i would be very biased and intelligent about how i go about it.

Edited by SQAAD

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You have been given many answers here and even Leo bothered to explain it to you, but you simply choosed not to understand what was told. Of course ego wants to take answers from someone who thinks like him/her, because that's the easiest way to stay inside own secure bubble.

Reason you are here on the forum is, because you like actualized.org content and Leo is one of the so called teachers you follow. Leo tries to present you map that you could use to get somewhere and you purposely argue against that map.

1 hour ago, SQAAD said:

God has no preferences over parts of Reality but he CLEARLY has a preference on how he wants the Universe to unfold.

That would make God manipulative and selfish, but understand that god is selfless and that's the exact why it lets anything to happen and that is definition of love <3

Of course from your egos point of view world without "purpose" other than maximium love would be worse that hell, nihilism and horror, but that does not look same from the "Gods perspective". As you said God does not care about individual you and that is the only reason that this does not make sense to you.

This forum is not place for argumenting and that is said in the very guidelines. No "debunking" and debating. I am not purposely trying to be annoying, but if your only reason you are here talking is to strengthen your own already living points and arguing against others who try to help you to see things clearly then I guess this is not the right place for you.

What is the point to go to restaurant and argue against the cheff about how food should be made. Hidden assumption behind going to high tier restaurant is that cheff is better at preparing food than you. Also hidden assumption when following someones work should be to assume that he knows even something about what he talks about. If that wouldn't be in the case why would you follow him/her to begin with.

1 hour ago, SQAAD said:

This is nihilism.

Of course it is and that's the beauty of life. The very definition of nihilism is meaninglessness and that is great news, because now you can make any meaning to this life as you like and you are completely free just to play and have fun : ) If there would be some meaning in life it wouldn't be so free to you and therefore god wouldn't be infinitely loving, because real love is let go and not control and love everything as it is.

There is still chance that you want to argue against me or someone else, but now just BREATHE IN and BREATHE OUT and just don't be so agressive and just even try to grasp what was told here NOW.



Edited by Kksd74628

Who told you that "others" are real?

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