
To all entrepreneurs in this forum

6 posts in this topic

Have you achieved your position of work by just following your passion? Or have you, similar to most successful entrepreneurs, got to this position through many twists and turns? In how many jobs have you worked before? How often have you reconsidered your decision of wanting to become an entrepreneur? How much fulfillment does your self-employment bring to you? 

This are the main questions, which seem to come up, when deeply contemplating about life purpose. Maybe my ultimate calling finds itself in a rather ordinary bureau job. Or not. Who knows. 

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Might just wing it rn and go for an average at best business idea I have. 

probably the answer is diff 4 evEry1. Leo succeeded first biz after leaving video game industry. 
many people try many times.

many people’s career just evolved into a biz opportunity.

Doesn’t  really matter that much how it happened for others, everything happened to someone.

Edited by Bob Seeker

A Call to Live Differently: https://angeloderosa.com

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I achieved my position of work through following my passion, but it looked in many different ways as it took different turns, different forms. I had worked 2 jobs before that had nothing to do with what I work with now. These were jobs I did not really like and just had to work as since I didn't really try to make money with my passion before. One new years eve when I was working at my 2nd job which was killing me I had an emotional breakdown at a friends new years eve party. After that I knew I had to get myself out of the position I was in and pursue something worthwhile. Even though I am working with my passion now it's still hard work and I am forced to work a lot which takes a lot of energy and well.. time, And it's pretty lonely at times, which in the beginning made me question my path a lot. Watching my friends go to student parties etc while I'm grinding away and losing fitness. Losing touch with some of my old social circles etc. I even quit my path once for 6 months because I had enough but then I came back and kept on going. I finally learned to cope with the loneliness and stress so now I very rarely find myself questioning my path anymore. Increasingly I am enjoying the journey. And as far as the enjoyment of being self-employed, it really is great for me as I really enjoy alone time and I get a lot of it now with my job. I also get to pursue further mastery of my craft, which has been of great service for me in many ways and freed me from working with a mind-numbing job. 

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@Asayake Wow, thanks for sharing your POV. Would you mind telling me what you do specifically?

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I have had quite a few failed businesses. Usually, the issue was chasing money and not passion. I haven't hit any massive success, but I am quite happy with what I do right now. I am working on building work and skills that I am really passionate about. 

Money wise, I would be quite ahead of where I am right now if I had just taken a job. However, my flexible schedule has allowed me to massively improve my health and other areas of my life. That and just my overall experience I have gained has been tremendous with doing a lot of businesses. 

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10 hours ago, Vynce said:

@Asayake Wow, thanks for sharing your POV. Would you mind telling me what you do specifically?

I have my own company where I design sound effects & produce music for video games. Hopefully for film as well at some point!

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