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I don't think it's possible to be apart of the KKK & simultaneously envy black people.

How can you envy someone you don't even consider human?




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8 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

seems like a simplistic worldview, do you think the japanese also felt inferior towards the koreans, chinese and filipinos and that's why they were racist towards them? or the romans felt inferior to the celts and that's why they mistreated them? and so on

I bet that a lot of the Japanese felt insecure about what the Koreans, Chinese, and filipinos could do. The Chinese, Koreans, and Filipinos have had their own kinds of success that the Japanese weren't able to achieve.

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4 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

The Chinese, Koreans, and Filipinos have had their own kinds of success that the Japanese weren't able to achieve.

like what? i'm talking about the first half of the last century when japanese were suppressing these other nations

and the japanese empire was "colonising" other places

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21 minutes ago, Yali said:


I don't think it's possible to be apart of the KKK & simultaneously envy black people.

How can you envy someone you don't even consider human?

According to history, many white people have always been scared of what black people could do if they were given the same amount of rights and freedom as them. They say some of the things that black people could as being beyond human. That's why they would stuff like "that guy is really good at sports or at dancing, because he's black" or "I get scared or feel intimidated around black people because they are tough, strong, and shrewd."  That's one main reason why white racists tried as hard as they could to suppress black people at all costs.

Why do you think racism in has once again been on the rise in America over the past decade? It's not just because of Trump and the GOP. It also because there are millions of white christian people in the US who are getting very scared about the fact that one day they will no longer be dominant race/ethnicity in our society. By around 2045, whites will no longer be the majority of people throughout the whole country. There's pretty much nothing that the white christian Americans can do about, and I think that fundamentally they all know that.

Yet, in the grand scheme of things, there's no good reason for any white person anywhere in the world to be afraid of because every person of every race, every ethnicity, every gender, every religion, every kind of specific background is equally human in the absolute sense. I don't even think that any race, ethnicity, or gender is better than one or another in a relative sense. Also, Each race/ethnicity, each gender, each religion, and each individual has their own strength and weaknesses.

Edited by Hardkill

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10 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Why do you think racism in has once again been on the rise in America over the past decade? It's not just because of Trump and the GOP. It also because there are millions of white christian people in the US who are getting very scared about the fact that one day they will no longer be dominant race/ethnicity in our society. By around 2045, whites will no longer be the majority of people throughout the whole country. There's pretty much nothing that the white christian Americans can do about, and I think that fundamentally they all know that.

sure white people won't be the biggest ethnicity in the u.s. but what does that have to do with feeling inferior?

also do you really think white europeans installed the trans atlantic slave trade because they felt "inferior"? doesn't really make sense. that was mostly business.

recently black u.s. culture like hiphop has been powerful and "cool" and white kids imitated it and wanted to be part of it but that was mostly recently-ish.

Edited by PurpleTree

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7 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

sure white people won't be the biggest ethnicity in the u.s. but what does that have to do with feeling inferior?

also do you really think white europeans installed the trans atlantic slave trade because they felt "inferior"? doesn't really make sense. that was mostly business.

recently black u.s. culture like hiphop has been powerful and "cool" and white kids imitated it and wanted to be part of it but that was mostly recently-ish.

That's because most black and brown before contemporary times were never given as much of an opportunity as white people had because of the greater quality and the greater abundance of resources that Europeans always had compared to the rest of the world.

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5 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

 that was mostly business.

business fueled by racism

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I think it's silly to view racism as "envy hidden in disguise".

no, it's the opposite.


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Just now, Yali said:

business fueled by racism

yea or/and they used racism to make more business and justify the trade and plantations etc.

the less people cared about the rights of the workers/slaves the more business they could make, the more money they had

mostly greed


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such greed is only possible if one sees the "other" as inferior, aka racism @PurpleTree

slavery == greed + racism


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4 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

sure white people won't be the biggest ethnicity in the u.s. but what does that have to do with feeling inferior?

also do you really think white europeans installed the trans atlantic slave trade because they felt "inferior"? doesn't really make sense. that was mostly business.

Many white people in America are getting scared of losing their economic and political power because they are afraid of what black and brown people might end up being capable of in the future when they have equal if not possibly greater power than them.

4 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

also do you really think white europeans installed the trans atlantic slave trade because they felt "inferior"? doesn't really make sense. that was mostly business.

Well, of course they installed the trans Atlantic slave trade largely because they could easily exploit them however they want back then. However, they also did it because they have a general sense of fear of what black people might be able to do that white people may not have been able to do. They perceived black people as being potentially stronger and more clever than white people if they were treated equally.

4 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

recently black u.s. culture like hiphop has been powerful and "cool" and white kids imitated it and wanted to be part of it but that was mostly recently-ish.

That's because most black and brown before contemporary times were never given as much of an opportunity as white people were because of the greater quality and the greater abundance of resources that Europeans always had compared to the rest of the world.

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15 minutes ago, Yali said:

I think it's silly to view racism as "envy hidden in disguise".

no, it's the opposite.


I think that racism involves some just being simply extremely arrogant. Others who are racists have a superiority complex, whereby they may come off as thinking that they are superior to black and brown, but deep down feel that they themselves are inferior.


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1 minute ago, Hardkill said:

others having an inferiority complex

no, you can't be racist & have an inferiority complex.

that makes no sense imo

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3 minutes ago, Yali said:

no, you can't be racist & have an inferiority complex.

that makes no sense imo

Sorry, I meant only superior complex and not inferiority complex.

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but deep down feel inferior about themselves.

how can you have a superiority complex but deep down feel inferior about yourself?

that wouldn't be a superiority complex, but a inferiority complex disguised as a superiority complex.

Racism is a superiority complex with no disguise.

Edited by Yali

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17 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

That's because most black and brown before contemporary times were never given as much of an opportunity as white people were because of the greater quality and the greater abundance of resources that Europeans always had compared to the rest of the world.

yea but they just basically "took" those greater abundance of resources, it's not like they always had them, so i think if they were able to take those resources from others or with technology etc. and others weren't, that might have given them more a feeling of being superior to others than inferior.

12 minutes ago, Yali said:

no, you can't be racist & have an inferiority complex.

that makes no sense imo

i mean human beings are complex. i'm sure many racists could have an inferiority complex. but that also seems like more of a recent thing imo

i don't think the slave traders, colonisers, japan empire, british empire etc. had an inferiority complex

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10 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

i'm sure many racists could have an inferiority complex

these seem like opposites to me but okay @PurpleTree

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12 minutes ago, Yali said:

these seem like opposites to me but okay @PurpleTree

maybe more of a lack of self-love and not an inferiority complex although those things seem related.

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@PurpleTree Are you saying like.. if they didn't feel inferior they wouldn't need to try to make themselves seem superior? 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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4 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

@PurpleTree Are you saying like.. if they didn't feel inferior they wouldn't need to try to make themselves seem superior? 

don't know and i wouldn't know and i'm not a psychologist, also that's probably too simple  

and imo it's easy to say such things as "well they do such and such because they're envious" but that doesn't necessarily make them true


but i'm sure there are kids/people who grew up with an inferiority complex because of "life"

then they somehow became white supremacists or whatever and then they think stuff like, well maybe my life and my family is shit but at least i'm from the "good" race then that gives them some sort of a good/superior feeling in comparison to others and they're willing to fight for and defend their race against "others"



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