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Whoopi Goldberg cancelled for remarks on the Holocaust

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4 minutes ago, Yali said:

yea, but why? 


Not sure, but my guess is that when the Jews arrived 1000+ years ago, the native Medieval European kingdoms saw them as outsiders, and hence a threat. Many Jews even died during the Crusades for this reason.

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1 minute ago, kray said:

 when the Jews arrived 1000+ years ago

when did jews start migrating to Europe? @kray

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8 minutes ago, Yali said:

yea, but why? 


i guess in the middle ages many peoples were feared and hated because of various reasons

women, witches, protestants and catholics fought, christians didn't trust jews and muslims etc.

then Jewish people were often the ones doing trade and financial business, which also was viewed with great suspicion

then people were extremely superstitious and blamed things on jews and witches etc. like the death of children, diseases, poisoning etc.

they were blamed for doing rituals etc.



they were "different" had different customs, religion etc. so people mistrusted them

Edited by PurpleTree

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20 minutes ago, Yali said:


Jewish problem == Jesus killers + Stealing jobs

well in the middle ages they were not allowed to do jobs christians were doing and so they did „dirty“ jobs no one wanted to do - which made some of them rich. they found a niche, it was not that they were stealing jobs it was really that they weren’t doing so bad. jellousy probably. why does a „second class“ human do better than a „first class human“? but there were enough poor and middle class jews, it’s biased. its a projection, the same as the stealing jobs myth.

Edited by mememe

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I have been studying  the history  of race for quite a time now and it was much more complex, normal and scientific than pepole today understand. United states and Europe were extemeley racist, and race was as true as gender is today ( not that gender was not true back then, lol)  most people were racist because the societies were deeply racist.  Eugenics was the norm! for expamel jews in U.S and Germany viewed themselves as a race and so did others. What is almost funny reading about race, is that it is so clearly a social construct, throughout time alot of white dudes have tried to define who is white, and who is not, and they all have diffent opinions. Same with black people!  Their were no clear distinction between german nazism and american, european racism, Hitler was a stark admirer and reader of  english and american racists especially Madison Grant so you could say nazism is racism on steroids. Recommend everyone to read: The history of white people by Nell Irvin Painter.   

Edited by JTL

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

She didn't mispeak. She clearly said what she said. She's just ignorant about Nazi Germany and the racism that existed there. Or she doesn't understand that Jews were not considered "white".

After listening to the whole segment, it appears I was missing some context. And yeah, what you're saying is correct.

I should try to be more mindful that the majority of people have a very poor understanding of even recent history, as the idea of someone not comprehending that the basics of Nazi ideology baffles me sometimes, before reminding myself that basic historical literacy is a type of privledge....

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Whoopi should know better than to do on the view.  The white liberal media may let it slide as they only cafe about themselves, but Hollywood is run by the Jews.  Hell, Steven Spielberg is the one who gave her that very first role in the color purple.

Hopefully she comes back.

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Jews are a scapegoat for globalism even today.

Which is ironic as Israelis are an incredibly Nationalistic people.

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"Love is the realization that there no difference between anything. Love is a complete absence of all bias". -- Leo Gura

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People get canceled on principle not on political leaning… 

It’s only 2 weeks. 

seems like she thought they were a group of people or a religious group and not ‘race’ as in skin colour. But, Jews are a race of people. 

she said it was a problem of ‘mans inhumanity to man’ which was true. But it was still about race.

People also make mistakes with this sort of Language all the time. Even our man here.

Edited by Thought Art

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1 hour ago, PurpleTree said:

At that time in Germany Jews did have many well paying jobs such as banker, doctor, lawyer, etc.

Many Jewish people were part of the well paid "elite" compared to their small % in the total German population

And because Germany wasn't doing well after WW1, most Germans were poor and didn't like that and turned them into scapegoats for their problems

I also think Germans looked at Jews as non loyal to their nation

at least that's what i've heard

   Apparently, jobs that involved necessary commodities they tended to raise prices of back then. So if you wanted to buy some bread, it was much higher in a store run by a jewish person than in another store.

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8 hours ago, mememe said:

its sad because what she meant was that race is just a second order phenomenon, the same that slavery has not been or is not about race. before hitler addressed it as a racial discrimination jews have been discriminated for religious reasons since centuries throughout europe. then they were hated for what they were allowed to do for a living, for being smarter and politically more sharp, hitler wanted to get them racially, that’s true, he also got other political opponents though, seldomly talked about in that context. if she gets canceled upon this, that’s the same. its not really racist but it also is. whoopi goldberg has a different stance on it, like some progressive jewish speakers from the past in europe might have had as well. 

would have been better if she would have said: not only racism.

she did not say it was no genocide, though, it clearly was, she didn’t want to claim that. its a/the soft spot probably.

who canceled her? 

She was definitely coming from love with what she was saying. 

She’s not canceled just taking a little time out it seems. 

How people define ‘race’ or use the word ‘race’ can be a bit subjective and we should as a society be patient with people in these circumstances. Maybe she meant skin colour.

The Jewish People are a race of people. The Holocaust happened. It’s very Important. 

what’s sad is a lot of people don’t even know about it…


Edited by Thought Art

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34 minutes ago, Thought Art said:

People get canceled on principle not on political leaning… 

mhhh - the topic of the show at that moment was on childrens books and how political correctness now goes as far as hiding historical truths because of sensitivities. its kind of a weird principle. i‘m pro political correctness but if it leads to the point of almost codependent silencing of the past, taking out books from school programs so children don’t have to deal with harsh history, it seems to me counterproductive, too. the phenomenon will not go away because no one talks about it, it might be much more happening in silence. political correctness should not stand against a healthy political discourse, in which a well meant comment gets interpreted as  problematic. 

there is also the truth to it that what happened in europe happened in europe, what happened in the usa happened in the usa. for a lot of afro american descendants racial discrimination in reality is very much tied to skin colour and this until the 50ies, 60ies segregationaly, while jewish people were accepted as whites. so the comment about whites among whites might be a bias because european racism is not directly us-american history. i also don’t think she overemphasized on this.

Edited by mememe

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9 hours ago, vizual said:

It's pretty amusing that the left is now getting cancelled by the left. They are digging a hole they themselves are falling into.

It's been a problem since a very long time. You must have been living under a rock not to notice it. xD The left is hyper fragmented.

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@mememe Yeah, It's complicated

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Jews have a long history of being treated as subhuman.

That's also a part of why sociologists treat the universal condemnation (in Western countries) of Nazi Germany as something not so obvious. It's kind of unusual that it has become mainstream in so many countries to make the equation Nazi ideology = pure evil. People who dislike Jews also have to dislike the Nazis, whose one of the main points is hating Jews. Quite a paradox.

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Jews having always been considered "outsiders" or "strange people" is not the only reason as to why Jews have always faced much hatred from others. One of the other main reasons Jews have always had deal with so animosity from so many other people for over 2,000 years is because the people who have always had ill will towards them have always been so envious of their success and intellect. Every anti-semite throughout all of history deep down has always known that the Jews are many times better than they are, which is why anti-semites feel so incredibly insecure about themselves and scared of what Jews have always been capable of. This is why Jews in general take pride in being elite in many respects.

This is not to say that Jews in an absolute sense are superior to those who are not Jewish or don't have jewish blood in them. There of course have always been a number of people out there who are not Jewish but who have certainly been smarter and more successful than most Jews have been. However, I believe that jewish people have had the greatest amount of high conscious people per capita in the world.

It's actually similar to idea of how white people who have been racist towards black and brown people, are that way not just because they always viewed black and brown people as "alien" or "outsiders," but also because they realize how inferior they are in a lot of ways to black and brown people. 

Same thing as to why women have always had history of being oppressed by men. It's not just because men generally have always had greater physical strength and power than women. It also because countless men throughout history have always been insecure about what women are capable of if they were given equal rights and equal freedom. In some ways women are better than men and most male chauvinists have always known that. These days, women, especially those in 1st first world countries now definitely have some things that easier for them to get than it is for men such as sex, dating, larger social networks, collaboration, favors, and some other things.

Edited by Hardkill

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9 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

One of the main reasons Jews have gotten a lot of hate from so many other people is the because the people who hate them have always been so envious of their success and intellect. Every anti-semite throughout all of history deep down has always known that the Jews are many times better than they are, which is why anti-semites feel so incredibly insecure about themselves and scared of what Jews have always been capable of. This is why Jews in general take pride in being elite in many respects.

This is not to say that Jews in an absolute sense are superior to those who are not Jewish or don't have jewish blood in them. There of course have always been a number of people out there who are not Jewish but who have certainly been smarter and more successful than most Jews have been. However, I believe that jewish people have had the greatest amount of high conscious people per capita in the world.

It's actually similar to idea of how white people who have been racist towards black and brown people, are that way not just because they always viewed black and brown people as alien "outsiders," but also because they realize how inferior they are in a lot of ways to black and brown people. 

seems like a simplistic worldview, do you think the japanese also felt inferior towards the koreans, chinese and filipinos and that's why they were racist towards them? or the romans felt inferior to the celts and that's why they mistreated them? and so on

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17 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

they realize how inferior they are in a lot of ways to black and brown people. 

in what way does a KKK member envy a black person? @Hardkill


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4 minutes ago, Yali said:

in what ways does a KKK member envy a black person?


The KKKs know that they have never had the mental fortitude, inner strength, stamina, and athleticism of black people. I think a lot of them also realize deep down that black men in general know how to behave and talk in a more masculine way. They also probably feel insecure about how creative black people can be. African American tend to come up with ingenious things that have helped them deal with the adversities they have had to endure. They also invented Jazz which happens to be some of the best music ever created and rap which of course has been for decades one of most popular kinds of music in the world. 

Edited by Hardkill

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