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Whoopi Goldberg cancelled for remarks on the Holocaust

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its sad because what she meant was that race is just a second order phenomenon, the same that slavery has not been or is not about race. before hitler addressed it as a racial discrimination jews have been discriminated for religious reasons since centuries throughout europe. then they were hated for what they were allowed to do for a living, for being smarter and politically more sharp, hitler wanted to get them racially, that’s true, he also got other political opponents though, seldomly talked about in that context. if she gets canceled upon this, that’s the same. its not really racist but it also is. whoopi goldberg has a different stance on it, like some progressive jewish speakers from the past in europe might have had as well. 

would have been better if she would have said: not only racism.

she did not say it was no genocide, though, it clearly was, she didn’t want to claim that. its a/the soft spot probably.

who canceled her? 

Edited by mememe

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1 hour ago, vizual said:

It's pretty amusing that the left is now getting cancelled by the left.

Otherwise known as consistency.

If she didn't get canceled you would be here whining about the liberal hypocrisy.

It's only a 2 week suspension.

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Yeah it seems pretty clear to me that she misspoke by wording the point she was trying to get at somewhat poorly, rather than trying to convey anything malicious (quite the opposite in fact).

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The lack of sensitivity people display towards the Holocaust is atrocious, sometimes going as far too holocaust denialism or revisionism. Generation Z's on TikTok actually made a ''Holocaust challenge''.

Fun fact: The former Prime Minister of Israel is a Holocaust revisionist, who claims that the Palestinians were behind the Holocaust by plating the seeds in Hitler's head.


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only for two weeks apparently, which is nothing anyway, just a vacay

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it would be probably a really good opportunity to watch the movie „the colour purple“, i love whoopi as a comedian but i also love her in this drama/tragedy. all these discriminatory fights - we don’t only bring these upon others, but also upon ourselfs - what is the difference between religious discrimination and race discrimination and political didcrimination and domestic discrimination? for the victim, what’s the difference? is one victim more entitled to justice than another one? or maybe it’s the only setting where it’s possible to talk about it openly if we are entitled? by what? genetics? and what does that make us?

don‘t get me wrong there is still a choice.

Edited by mememe

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4 hours ago, DocWatts said:

she misspoke

She didn't mispeak. She clearly said what she said. She's just ignorant about Nazi Germany and the racism that existed there. Or she doesn't understand that Jews were not considered "white".

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4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Or she doesn't understand that Jews were not considered "white".

Yeah... Nazis had their own race ideas going on. It's quite interesting really. They had a whole theory for it. They really thought it was the peak of science and understanding of people and humanity.

You're from Russia right? You would have been considered a Slav. Subhuman, just like Jews.

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Jews have a long history of being treated as subhuman.

Growing up in Russia, calling someone a Jew automatically implied that they were inferior and "not pure like us". That was just baked into the word Jew.

Hitler did not invent hating Jews. He merely stole and perfected it. He hated Jews because in his mind they were linked to the spread of communism, which was a kind of globalism which undermined his German nationalism. Jews are a scapegoat for globalism even today.

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@Leo Gura

why do people hate jews? many jews look European.

I understand why white people hate blacks, since blacks do look very different than white people.

Edited by Yali

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10 minutes ago, Yali said:

Why did Nazis consider Jews to be subhuman?

@Leo Gura

At that time in Germany Jews did have many well paying jobs such as banker, doctor, lawyer, etc.

Many Jewish people were part of the well paid "elite" compared to their small % in the total German population

And because Germany wasn't doing well after WW1, most Germans were poor and didn't like that and turned them into scapegoats for their problems

I also think Germans looked at Jews as non loyal to their nation

at least that's what i've heard

Edited by PurpleTree

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1 minute ago, PurpleTree said:

And because Germany wasn't doing well after WW1, most Germans were poor and didn't like that and turned them into scapegoats for their problems

at least that's what i've heard

that's my understanding of the problem as well. @PurpleTree

@Leo Gura associates the Jewish problem with communism. I don't even know what communism is.

Edited by Yali

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10 minutes ago, Yali said:

many jews look European.

its because many jews are european, or at least, too. its difficult because it’s not only about genetic material but also about religion sometimes historically. when i was on bienale some years ago the israeli pavilion had a theme of injustice in israel, one of the topics were discrimination between european jews and african jews for example. people in europe at that time were preoccupied with a phenotype. as if all germans were blond - but nazis still claimed on that.

Edited by mememe

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Antisemitism has been in Europe for centuries, I'm sure when Hitler came out against Jews in his speeches, your average European wasn't in shock, but either was nonchalant or even agreed to his points. The same goes for his racialist views. These things were not "fringe" back in early 20th century Europe, in a way they were a part of the mainstream. 

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1 minute ago, kray said:

Antisemitism has been in Europe for centuries

yea, but why? 


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@Yali because of jesus you know. don’t ask why people need a reason to hate each other.

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Just now, mememe said:

@Yali because of jesus you know. 


Jewish problem == Jesus killers + Stealing jobs

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