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Dream Journal

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Night AM 1/2/2021

Dream/Nightmare? My self-created title, name for the dream/nightmare based on the content:

The shadow witch of the bog and the spin top red string wrapped around the cylinder shaped orange cat

The shadow witch of the bog, swamp section and the orange cat in a shape of a spinning top in a shape of a roller cylinder with a red string wrapped around it that can be like a yo-yo cast away at an location to extend until the end of the string and pulled back and is rolling high speed vertically paced onto a narrow grey road, pavement strip with closed sections, rooms, cells placed at some distance between each other at the right side of that pavement with each having a number side at the top - my job supposedly to investigate each and solve it's denizens problem in a limited day span time frame ("you have 7 days") or suffer the consequences from the denizen upon whom I have taken a task, mission, quest from - I've only gotten to and taken up the task of the shadow witch (I call her shadow witch because I can only see through the thickness of the air and algae, weed flora in the bog the shadow of her elongated talon shaped  fingers that were extended as if to pull in or grab an unsuspecting visitor, passer by in her swampy bog room, cell, section ("and, supposedly devour him along with her?") casting a long, wide shadow in contrast to the body size and length of her shadow and approximate body contours shape with barely visible and slightly red, orange glowing eyes through the murkiness of the swamp air, depth of the flora she hid herself in and the vastness and thickness of the murky dark shadow contours that she appeared to me as) of the bog, as I call her, that I needed to clear up , I wagered and interpreted as based on the loose conversation and dialogue with her, her abandonment ("abandoned and left behind people whom she loved and trusted and was a role model too, I at least interpreted as based on my vague remberence of the content of our dialogue, conversation" ) problems, isolation problems and subsequently the bog, and sea weed like flora formed around here in seven days - the awareness of that time limit and the consequences of not completing that task she gave me within that time spin scared the shit out of me in the first place and prompted me to wake up in dread looking around for shadowy figures in my room - weird haluciongenic, and almost game like elements in the dream no doubt. 

Will write out more if I can remember more content from it this time onwards and point. 


Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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