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Just Watched The Oa On Netflix. What An Amazing Mind Bending Series

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I really enjoy mind bending, psychological thriller movies or series, although I don't watch a lot of TV. A lot of my friends who share the same mentality kept mentioning the OA and after watching the fourth episode I thought I should share it on the forum. After some episodes I felt this rush and enthusiasm to keep learning and re engage as a life long student of the mind. It has a lot of subliminal messages and so subtle sometimes. Shows topics about existentialism, after life, reality, and experiences you learn through soul work. 


It is really hard for me to like a movie or series because nowadays 99% of the time its always these mainstream, pop culture shows or movies. But this series really gets you to think and it has profound insights. I really recommend it. The series black mirror is also very mind bending and interesting. This type of series are not for anyone though. You have to be really open minded and try to read between the lines. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did and share your thoughts ;)

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