
Playing with Perspectives

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A fact often overlooked is that taking a decision is a creative act. You make a decision. You don't somehow stumble upon it -- "here, I found a decision on the road" or some such. Besides, the process of making a choice isn't what we hold it to be, which is picking or choosing between a set of predetermined options. This way of thinking leaves the creative component out of the question.

When taking action, making decisions is essential. You have no choice in the matter. Choosing not to decide is something you can do. Look at ways in which you've unconsciously made a decision in your life. Now, notice you can change it according to what you want. Make the process explicit, clear, conscious, especially when it comes to important decisions.

Edited by UnbornTao

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An invention doesn't have to be true for it to work.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Get into the state or ground where purpose can be created in your experience. Work on creating purpose, not superficially or intellectually but actually, experientially. Notice that purpose is created; notice that you make it up!

Now, create an empowering purpose for yourself that is worthwhile to you. This will encompass your life activities and give you a sense of direction and achievement, will increase your self-confidence, etc.

After having gotten in touch with that "place" where genuine creation can occur, various questions can be asked in regards to any activity and undertaking:

  • What do I want to commit myself to?
  • What is the purpose for this activity?
  • Why am I doing it? Why am I engaging in it in the first place?

That helps you realize which assumptions are taken for granted relative to what you're doing. From that, clarity increases.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Creating the possibility and vision of a hopeful future, and holding the future that way, eliminates the root of depression.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Good news, everyone! There's no reason to be happy!

Happiness isn't found in any condition. It is simply the state of being that you are. The only requirement for happiness is this: be happy.

This will take some contemplation as we usually conflate self-survival with happiness. What we mean by "happiness" is relief, a distraction from pain that is accompanied by an underlying sense of fear or anxiety, since that is a temporary condition. Happiness doesn't depend on circumstances but on you.

Edited by UnbornTao

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This journal of mine is sometimes based on intellect; it is a byproduct of intellectualizing. There's no problem with that per se and provides several benefits for life but isn't powerful in a context of authentic experience. Socially speaking, pretending to know is beneficial for one's self-survival and can be fun at times as well. In any case, my intention is having genuine insight, a "real" personal and direct experience of the nature and workings of something, not in playing that social game. Intellectually, we live as if we understand much more things than we actually do. Experientially, we fundamentally don't know -- are not directly and deeply conscious of -- what anything for itself is. This is the point I'm alluding to that is not only culturally overlooked but ignored and commonly repressed, too.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Everything you have about enlightenment is seriously pure bullshit!

You now might be tempted to hear that and start parroting it. That would be falling into the same trap. Rather, use the consideration above as an invitation, as an opening for contemplation. Use it to obliterate every belief you have about the matter.

Dwell on your nature: "What am I, for real?"

Edited by UnbornTao

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Pay attention to the following fact: everything occurs as a process.

People's attention tends to go to the immediate circumstance and desired result. This is ineffective. Rather, focus on the whole event. What is the whole process about? What are the preceding steps that lead to a particular result?

Holding "result" as another component of process is better than thinking of it as the isolated outcome of the process that's being engaged.

We think of things as fixed. A punch, a pass, a fight. These are not objectively "real" by themselves. A "punch" doesn't exist except as a concept. What's called a "punch" is an arm, moving a certain way and then hitting an object, but in your experience there's no punch to be found anywhere. Noticing this subtle point clarifies what the whole process and its stages are, increasing effectiveness.

Edited by UnbornTao

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“The language of a grown man, to the cosmic powers, sounds like babytalk to men.”

Enjoyed reading Fragments by Heraclitus. Recommended.

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Listening doesn't come naturally nor easily. It's a skill that can be developed. Don't assume that you already do it naturally just by hearing to another.

A huge impediment to learning is filtering what comes to you through your respective cosmology -- the way in which you hold the universe to be --, whether it be psychic phenomena, philosophy, science, religion, martial arts, chi, etc.

Listening as a principle is incredibly powerful and profound. It demands knowing what's there. In a communication, it demands knowing another's experience as it is for itself and not as it relates to us, which is the most common scenario.

Edited by UnbornTao

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From Instagram:



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I've been noticing the self-contracting nature of pain, tension, trauma and the like, and how they affect how open you're willing to be afterwards.

Some serious courage is required in order to transcend this limitation.

Personally, this turmoil has made it harder for me to open up. It has made me rigid and less tolerant, and frankly a bit bitter. I'm interested in studying how stress affects the body.

With no attachment to self-identity and life story, conflict and drama are more easily seen as conceptual fabrications, and as ultimately unneeded. Of course, hearing this and understanding it rationally is the easy part. Grounding the investigation on your experience isn't necessarily easy but doing so allows for freedom from it.

Also, personal reminder to start practicing integral communication. Might write about that at some point.

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Creating purpose seems to be a necessary aspect of being happy in life.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Too much theory, intellect and jerking off. I've been too comfortable by going down this route. Time to get down to work and do some serious contemplation, and exposing myself to experience.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Being honest isn't necessarily antithetical to dealing with others in a sensible, gentle manner.

Edited by UnbornTao

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