
Playing With Perspectives

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Edited by UnbornTao

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Edited by UnbornTao

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Distinguish between intention, which co-arises with action and contains an element of want, and desire, which is a complementary conceptual activity of wishing for an imagined experience to occur in the future. The latter does not imply nor require action, while the former arises with it.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Made Flan!


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Made this today. The sweetness of the onion was fantastic. Not the best look (understatement) for my first Spanish omelette, but it was quite tasty.

Edited by UnbornTao

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What is prior to interpretation?

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Notice your state when listening to the video below. 

I'd like you to contemplate that it might be manipulation, and why that is. Also, don't think of manipulation as a negative thing, or confuse it with the conventional social form of covert, deceptive manipulation; the word itself means managing or handling something skilfully.


For example, the calming effect it may produce on you, which might be its purpose; the video affects your current internal feeling-state.

Now contrast that with what plain communication really is and contemplate the difference between them.

Edited by UnbornTao

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What do you assume about the world?

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Limitation makes possibility real.

Limitation actualizes possibility.

Limitation allows for the realization of possibility.

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"Nothing can be gained by extensive study and wide reading. Give them up immediately."

– Dōgen.

Why would he say that?

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Denigrating "enlightenment" into an experience, state, or perception, however new, healing, or dramatic, is a trap.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Your approach to happiness is backwards; that is to say, you actually hold happiness to be a product of externalities, of producing desired outcomes, and of being at the effect of such results. In this model, happiness is derived from circumstances.


  1. Whenever you've been happy, where did that happiness originate? What makes you happy in your experience? 

You can tackle this contemplation from two suggested angles: a pragmatic one, dealing with conventional happiness, and an "existential" one, seeking to uncover what is at the source of happiness/bliss.

Edited by UnbornTao

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If a communication sounds familiar to you in the context of consciousness work, watch out! Consider that there might be something deeper to understand about the experience and consciousness than what your intellect makes of it, especially if it comes from an authentic source.

Edited by UnbornTao

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"Nowadays, people are shallow and their resolution is not in earnest. They dislike the strenuous and love the easy from the time they are young. When they see something vaguely clever, they want to learn it right away; but if taught in the manner of the old ways, they think it not worth learning"


"The demon said, 'The Way cannot be seen or heard. What can be seen or heard are just the traces of the Way. But you will be enlightened about what has no traces by the traces themselves'"

––Issai Chozanshi

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"The ultimate reality is not an object of perception but the very consciousness that perceives."


"True freedom is the liberation from the bondage of thought and the realization of the infinite nature of consciousness."

––Franklin Merrell-Wolff

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