
Playing with Perspectives

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A form of seemingly inherent joy naturally comes to the fore of one's experience whenever you (yourself) get out of your way. Increasing awareness tends to open the door for bliss to be more readily available as an experience. In these moments, rather than struggling, you are freed to be.

Work on increasing your presence – many benefits will come out of this practice.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Problem-solving and creating are completely different approaches.

What happens when all your problems are solved?

Your situation is the same as before since you didn't get to create what you wanted.

Shift your focus and attention to creating the results that you want:

What do you want to create? How can you start moving towards this direction right now? What action can you take that moves you forward?

Edited by UnbornTao

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It doesn't have to be true nor make sense for it to work.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Deep down, you're afraid of everyone. "Other" scares you. Others are dangerous to your self-survival. Since you assume to be an object living in an internal world, hence limited, anything outside of it has the potential to be threatening to that "inner one".

The author of this quote had a point:


"Whenever there's another, fear arises." - The Upanishads.

In addition to that, buried down all this baggage, you also feel love for everyone, since others are recognized as not-separate from you!

Edited by UnbornTao

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I keep moving towards the direction of more honesty. But some of my recent communications have been dismissive and cynical on occasion. My expression wasn't entirely honest.

Remember not to undermine the work due to personal challenges.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Notice, are you looking for which beliefs to adopt?

That's what countless people are up to, especially in spiritual circles.

Whatever validates their worldview and theories and sounds good, they are all ears for. When presented with profound truths, however, they get bored and look somewhere else for entertainment.

Let's just move towards what's real rather than towards what's believed, wanted, preferred or valued. These two are not the same approach.

Edited by UnbornTao

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You use excuses as a way to justify your behavior and make yourself "good" and right so that you can keep doing what you want.

They're a way to offload your own responsibility as they get you off the hook. Excuses are bullshit. 

Stop excusing yourself. Acknowledge what you do and what you don't do. This isn't to say that in a social context you should avoid apologizing, but acknowledge your flaws.

Edited by UnbornTao

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What's your approach to life?

Notice whether you play the game of life either in order to create what you want or in order to avoid loss. The latter is common. Avoiding loss is done in various ways:

  1. Don't play any game; don't take anything up. Be complacent. The reasoning here is that, since I don't play, I can't lose.
  2. Avoid completing anything. You can't lose if it is left unfinished.
  3. Do it half-heartedly. "But I didn't really try" is another disposition to avoid loss.
  4. Keep others from winning; you look like you've lost when others win. So you set out to sabotage their efforts so that you get to keep your position of relative safety -- since no one wins, you haven't lost, or so you think.
  5. Play the nice guy/girl role; pretend to like everyone and be nice to everyone so that we can all reach an agreement that you haven't lost; it'd be rude for them to tell you that you've lost. 
  6. Turn yourself into a game: become a problem so you become the game. Become sick, throw tantrums, destroy the game so that players have to stop playing in order to take care of you.
  7. Adopt the judge's role: Play "the righteous judge." Since you aren't actively participating in life, producing the results that you want, you set out to destroy others' vitality and enthusiasm. Criticize, denigrate, disparage, blame, undermine, troll, judge, sabotage, act righteous, "debunk" so that your relative position is that of being good and "right" without having actively produced any result for yourself in your own life.

Does any of that sound familiar to you?

Reflect on these points as they're profound and likely applicable to your own life. 

Edited by UnbornTao

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Allow yourself to be the authority of your experience. You already are. 

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A sense that comes about as a result of our deep-seated self-doubt is that of trusting the veracity of other's communications, as opposed to ours which seem to have a hollow ring to it.

Edited by UnbornTao

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When a situation interpreted as a problem is turned into, allowed, felt completely, your relationship towards it is changed such that now it can be reframed as an opportunity to look into.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Investigate the relationship between your unwillingness to being present with the experience of anxiety.

Edited by UnbornTao

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It's Ralph all the way down.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Watching The Simpsons.

Screenshot 2023-12-02 at 00.46.53.png


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Edited by UnbornTao

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Anger is generated by you in order to protect the hurt and vulnerable person that is behind the anger.

Being honest in this case would require letting yourself be the hurt and vulnerable person that you use the anger to protect.

Edited by UnbornTao

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As a week-long exercise, stop judging altogether. Catch yourself whenever you do.

Edited by UnbornTao

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What roles do you take on in relation to others? What do you assume about yourself, and about the ways in which others should perceive you? "I have to be, play or show up as...

  • feared, intimidating
  • knowledgeable
  • intelligent
  • a problem
  • stupid, dumb
  • ignorant
  • funny, comical, sarcastic
  • loved
  • liked
  • admired
  • cool
  • macho
  • righteous
  • masculine
  • feminine
  • the princess
  • innocent
  • doormat 
  • entertaining
  • agreeable, approved of
  • disagreeable
  • ashamed
  • doubtful, hesitant, reluctant
  • charismatic
  • vague, abstract
  • mysterious, mystical
  • spiritual, hippie, "enlightened", liberal 
  • religious
  • conservative
  • withdrawn, aloof, uninterested, detached
  • inquiring, skeptical
  • apathetic
  • overbearing, controlling, dominant
  • disillusioned
  • the rebel, "bad" 
  • nice, good boy or girl
  • the lone wolf
  • seen, center of attention
  • endearing
  • vulnerable
  • distant
  • unexpected
  • the victim
  • cynical 
  • crazy, "on edge", disconcerting
  • timid"
  • etc.

What you assume about yourself determines core aspects of your character and behavior. It founds your relationships.

Edited by UnbornTao

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