
Playing with Perspectives

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Generating ideas and authentically expressing them is such a source of joy for me. 

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Being committed and disciplined to your vision frees you from day to day cravings, distractions, pleasures, etc.

Momentary circumstances and moods stop deciding your actions.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Just had a sudden surge of energy that scared me a bit. It was a powerful state.

Grounding exercises: cycling, playing video games, playing soccer, reading, writing, journaling, lifting weights, cleaning up the house, washing the dishes, cooking, doing yoga or stretching, driving, taking a walk, having sex, talking to others, dancing, singing, playing with the dog, playing any kind of game.

Edited by UnbornTao

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There seems to be a tendency to reduce complex topics into simple sound bites. Many entries here attend to that tendency.

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What obstacles are you superimposing on your inherent happiness?

If you want to create them, great. If not, don't bitch and moan, stop doing them.

Start by noticing how your unhappiness is in fact an activity you're doing.

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Signal vs noise, a distinction I got from Leo.

Telling the truth is pure signal. The more honest, the less likely to become widely-known. Noise attracts attention, the signal appears much simpler, so people readily ignore it.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Fundamentally, horizontal development is doing the same things but better -- making more money, making friends, traveling more, improving a skill. Your self and motivations remain the same.

On the other hand, vertical development is substantially changing what you do in a way that is considered more powerful -- making breakthroughs, changing a core self-aspect like preferences and motivations, mastering a new skill, changing how you relate on a fundamental level, etc.

Edited by UnbornTao

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The domains of effectiveness and consciousness aren't mutually inclusive. They are different domains.

Edited by UnbornTao

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First, when hearing an assertion, intellectual validation is necessary. You've got to understand it. Does it make sense? Is it rational, factual? 

In your experience, a belief seems to be true.

But then you gotta experience whether it is really true or not, beyond intellect and sometimes even beyond mind.

Edited by UnbornTao

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What do the distinctions between subjective and objective refer to? What are those, really? In your experience, what is subjective, and what objective?

Edited by UnbornTao

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What is distinction?

Is it invented?

Edited by UnbornTao

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A real teacher isn't afraid of competition. Otherwise he would be showing some form of incompetence there. If you doubt your skill, improve it until it is grounded.

Real teachers are ruthlessly honest. When it comes to spirituality, they don't play to people's spiritual fantasies.

When listening to a potential guru, ask where he is coming from: What is he trying to come across? Is he conscious of what he talks about?

That will eliminate most candidates, whose contributions are largely faith-based fantastical thinking and entertainment. They're good marketers though.

So, real teachers vs charlatans.

Edited by UnbornTao

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What is another?

Where do you start, and where do you end? Where does another start, and end?

Edited by UnbornTao

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Direct consciousness can't be wrong.

Your mind might be, but don't confuse what your mind does with the insight with the consciousness itself.

Edited by UnbornTao

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We take space as a reality.

In our experience, however, what we've got is the sensation of distance.

Where implies space, so not an adequate question to begin with. What is space? is an appropriate formulation.

Is space an absolute? Holy fuck. What if it is?

Stay with it.

Edited by UnbornTao

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To learn from the samurai: Relating to commitment as something you would be willing to die for

How far is that from your current experience of commitment?

Imagine knowing that being committed means you'll get it done no matter what. Your word would be much more powerful than it likely is now. You would also be cautious and deliberate before giving your word, since you know that that would mean you'll have to keep it.

"I'm gonna write this book, lose this weight, finish this course, master this skill." And, eventually, it's done.

Wouldn't that be empowering as opposed to breaking your word? Your current relationship towards life may be like that.  You don't have to give your word, but when you do, keep it, no matter how casually it was given.

Edited by UnbornTao

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How you experience yourself determines your experience of everything else!

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Do you hold a nihilistic or negative worldview?

Fantasy can also be negative!

You're being miserable by choice by inflicting that suffering upon you.

So drop the fantasy, it isn't needed.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Happiness is your nature. Bliss is inherent in being.

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That a discovery is made implies action on the part of the discoverer.

Without the action of discovery, it can't arise. Discovery is an activity that needs another in order to arise. Without another to make the discovery, it can't take place.


Clarity and elaboration needed.

Edited by UnbornTao

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