
Playing with Perspectives

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How you start your day influences and sometimes even sets its entire trajectory.

Start your day deliberately, in a positive mood. Choose a few of the following activities, make them a habit:

  • Wake up early and on time (don't snooze)
  • Meditate, have a nutritious breakfast, exercise: yoga, run, swim, take a walk alone or with the dog
  • Take a cold shower
  • Drink lots of water + coffee or tea
  • Journal about your goals, experiences, focus for the day
  • Have sex
  • Listen to relaxing music
  • Read
  • Practice visualizing and affirmations

Above all, focus on what you want to accomplish for the day. 

Edited by UnbornTao

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Whatever you do, get into it, master it.

Sounds too popular to have an effect, but regardless: throw yourself into your experience, don't resist it.

What's the point of resisting your current experience?

Edited by UnbornTao

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Being so blind that one is unable to recognize his own blindness.

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Putting fantasy side, let's consider the "law of attraction":

  • You become what you meditate (put your energy, time, focus) on. 

Your body-mind accommodates and gets conditioned (conforms) according to your habits, because that is where you continually put your focus and energy on.

Edited by UnbornTao

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You mistake the limits of your world for the limits of the world, as Schopenhauer said.

You can only "perceive" as far as your level of consciousness goes.

You can only see the world as far as your own understanding of it goes.


Edited by UnbornTao

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Communication is honestly and accurately representing your experience as it is so that another is facilitated in grasping it.

What's the use of making others agree with you if they don't grasp your experience?

There's a whole domain conventionally considered communication that is just plain manipulation. 


Communication is therefore handing out what you're experiencing to another.

Contrasted with this definition, we can see how much of what passes as communication is actually plain manipulation.

Edited by UnbornTao

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What is relationship? What does it mean to relate? Which parameters or principles determine effective relating?

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What is:

  • Insight
  • Breakthrough
  • Direct experience
  • Direct consciousness
  • Understanding
  • Intellect
  • Becoming aware
  • Becoming conscious

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Where are they coming from? What set of assumptions are they holding and operating from?

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Tips for increasing creativity:

  • Meditate
  • Reinvent something from scratch
  • Do nothing, especially for long periods of time; free your awareness
  • Be mundane and boring
  • Pursue mastery
  • Get introduced to a wide range of subjects
  • Pursue new experiences continuously
  • Investigate the overlooked obvious
Edited by UnbornTao

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To make a better impression on others and not sound like a jerk, it's best to be open in your expression and not too grounded.

Edited by UnbornTao

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I've been starting to feel contented for no reason.

My presence has intensified. It has made me more effective but fear creeps in on the background of my experience. 

Dropping self-aspects can hurt sometimes. When something I've come to identify as "me" (a preference, like, perspective, worldview, habit, trait) is seen as adopted, it's freeing and self-expanding.

Edited by UnbornTao

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With spiritual practice, sensitivity towards the present moment increases. You become more present, real and effective.

This may result in a few temporary drawbacks.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Do you justify what you do on the basis of habit, no matter how unnecessary, ineffective and disempowering?

... But I've always been X (shy, extroverted, funny, etc, etc).

Realize that what you've come to identify with is not you. Then, freedom from it is possible.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Your mood can influence how you listen to a communication.

Check it out.

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What are some mood stabilization principles?

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Contemplation can happen regardless of state. However, there are states more conducive to insight than others. Practice contemplating regardless of state.

Edited by UnbornTao

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Being grounded in the present gives you sustenance, so to speak. What more can you wish for?

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The way you speak reflects how you think.

How you act reflects your motivations. When something is done repeatedly, it becomes a self-characteristic.

Changing how you think will in turn change your actions.

Edited by UnbornTao

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