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Homeostasis Example

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So here's just and example of a homeostasis pullback.

Last week, I was advancing on all fronts.  Daily meditation, doubled my income, life purpose progress, enjoying my "money" job, attracting much higher quality women more regularly, physique looking and feeling really nice, and BAAAAMMMM..... Homeostasis kicks in.

Bruised toe in Yoga, sprained my wrist, my vehicle was stolen, and I've caught a cold.  

That's okay, this gives me space to relax and calm down for a bit.  Advancing so quickly like that can be psychologically straining. Just thought I'd share an example of homeostasis.  

Edited by StarfoxEpiphany

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@StarfoxEpiphany That's not necessarily homeostasis. That's more like shit hitting the fan.

Homeostasis would be like: "I was advancing on all fronts but then all of the sudden I got depressed and watched 8 hours of TV while eating 2 gallons of ice cream."

Shit does just happen sometimes and it's not always your psyche's fault.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura

Well, in this case, It was recklessness as opposed to depression.  Just like you say you used to love ice cream and TV, I still love being reckless.  That's my flavor

Not warming up wrists, consistently drinking out of glasses that other people used, not locking my vehicle in a shady place.

hmm... perhaps I should do a 'dive' visualization into my childhood about easy precautions...

Edited by StarfoxEpiphany

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@StarfoxEpiphany Could be. Just ask yourself with self-honesty what the deal was. Your psyche knows.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Wormon Blatburm It may be, or it may not.

Life is full of randomness too.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Perhaps those falls serve the purpose to restrain a man from pride or punish him for it, could be one or the other, after all constant progress and advancements on all fronts and you'd be invincible technically. just another perspective. There was a point in my life where my pride reached its peak, I actually believed I was God, in one day i fell the hardest and lowest that i had ever fallen. I remember having to convince myself that I wasn't God. Too much success without the appropriate wisdom causes a man to forget his place and will hurt a man.

Edited by Nazar

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Hello there,

the problem of homeostasis has recently been a huge issue for me as well but I have somehow discovered what actually lies behind it (at least for myself but it may be helpful for you, too ...maybe :-)). For the last few weeks, I have been doing pretty well in my way towards personal responsibility in general and started doing things very differently, like for example:

  • dressing more feminine to be seen a woman instead of still being perceived as a girl.
  • not thinking that much but acting instead.
  • putting a lot of discipline in my schedule and really following it.
  • being ok with making my own life choices and not being 'normal' and not being understood -- basically gravitating towards more of the sage life that Leo has recently talked about in his video.

But then...a few days ago, I started having some doubts again. I would think about what bad would happen as sort of abcost for my feeling so well. Pretty much a neurotic tendency of mine. This caused me to reconsider my high set intentions and old self-image fragments would reestablish in my mind.

But some part of me clearly discovered that this was just my Ego wanting to survive by drawing me back to the familiar and 'secure'. It was as if it would lure me back into imprisonment and stagnation.  What helped me most here was calm contemplation in combination with some inner images representing both the old homeostasis (as a small and pitiful  arrangement of potential actions; like some old, non-electric machine from the 1800s or so) and my new set of homeostasis that I want to achieve (as some futuristic high-tech quantum computer device.) And my true Self would feed the evolution in between, like some  decisive law of nature. That was the sort of power that helped my overcome my fears.  Comparing the old vs the new and making clear that there is no way back.

I hope that's not too abstact and metaphoric but it really helped me ; though you might definitely find your own images :-D  I think, this tendency for wanting the familiar is even mor influential than we might grasp yet. Super wothwhile, though.


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Well, those glasses we're in a very public place, multiple times a day for a few weeks, so getting sick was inevitable.


Considering le 'double edged sword' (mostly everything in life is a double edged sword) The sickness is strengthening my immune system and I'm less likely to get sick during my training which will last the majority of 2017)

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