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What does this quote mean?

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"I thought I'm sad but now I'm glad a thought I thought I had.

A thought I had I thought I'm glad and never was I sad."



I have been trying to figure out what this means but as I am not a native English speaker I'm struggling to understand.. Does it have to do with enlightenment? Law of attraction?  

Feels a bit loopy/mindfucky.

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The thought ‘I’m sad’ is just a thought. There isn’t the implied self the thought is about. The thought was attached to, it was believed there was a self which ‘has’ a thought(s) and is / was sad. But there isn’t a past either, that is also a thought. ‘I’m glad’ I was never sad, is just another thought. 



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21 hours ago, Nahm said:

The thought ‘I’m sad’ is just a thought. There isn’t the implied self the thought is about. The thought was attached to, it was believed there was a self which ‘has’ a thought(s) and is / was sad. But there isn’t a past either, that is also a thought. ‘I’m glad’ I was never sad, is just another thought. 

Aaah,,, so it's like.. if I think I got it, I didn't necessarily really get it because that's only the thought that 'I got it', not me actually getting it? And if I think I haven't got it just yet, the 'just yet' implies a future where I will get it which is also actually just a thought so if I haven't got it yet I never will and If I have got it I always will? And actually the 'I' that thinks the thought is also just a thought so that means there is no self having the thought but actually that self is just a part of thought as an object? What about being glad, is that possible because it's just being with a feeling labeled as glad? So it's not the thought of being glad but there's a difference?  I think I almost got it...

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