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Dear Leo and community,

What is your opinion about this nootropic supplement

I wonder how come they jumped so quick after trial in mice to human, although there is only one clinical trial in Japan in 2019?

Thank you

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It's basically an altered variation of vitamin B3 (niacin). Humans can convert it to nicotinamide dinucleotide NAD, a hydrogen carrier that can potentially recharge glutathione and other antioxidants or donate that H+ to energy metabolism pathway. On a paper it is kinda useful but generally body is pretty efficient at making its own NAD unless person suffers from some sort of highly inflammatory disease and all antioxidants are being used up or high stage of diabetes shunning all NAD carriers down the polyol pathway (emergency route)

Might have potential for therapeutic use in diabetes maybe even cancer but i wouldn't waste my money on day to day use.

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3 hours ago, Farkhod said:

Dear Leo and community,

What is your opinion about this nootropic supplement

I wonder how come they jumped so quick after trial in mice to human, although there is only one clinical trial in Japan in 2019?

Thank you

Research on NMN is highly inconclusive in a human model, thats everything you need to know at the moment.
There was a huge hype about this some time ago because Dr. David Sinclair promoted it on JRE among other podacsts. I personally dont have too many positive things to say about this guy, since he obviously cant even interpret data very well (some of his tweets just make me cringe). There is some preliminary data from animal studies that are high quality and reproducible - some of which show decent effects on aging and metabolism. I personally dont recommend it to my patients at the moment - just wait 2-3 more years for more human data! 

Edited by undeather

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

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