
Share which teachers you would recommend

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I have been listening to a bunch of Leo's material, a lot more than that of other spiritual teachers. I am familiar with Rupert Spira and Peter Ralston, but would like to discover more teachers in order to get more perspectives. Therefore I would like you to point some of them out for me. 

Especially teachers that have material available in audio format, but books are also fine. Just listing some is OK for me, but if you don't mind, please tell me why you pointed them out. 

To return the favor: you might be interested to listen to this conversation, which is also available in podcast form: 

Thanks in advance!

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I'd recommend Richard Schwartz

There is no failure, only feedback

One small step at a time. No one climbs a mountain in one go.

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Žarko Karišik Durmitara. He was amazing spiritual teacher from Serbia. His spiritual path was a combination of hatha yoga + Jung's active imagination. His approach was healing and reintegration of the psyche first and after that enlightenment happend to him (the lowest type of enlightenment, as he said to me). He wrote several books, the main book is "Naša joga i prosvetljenje". In english it means "Our yoga and enlightenment". However his books are writen only in serbian/croatian language so probably you won't have any use of them. Also he passed away and i don't know who is selling his books now.

But you can check his blog and read some of his writings with the help of Google translate.

Probably this will be more helpfull to people from the Balkan area and to those who understand serbian/croatian language...

The other spiritual teacher (or should i say writer because of his blog and book) is David Davidya Buckland from Canada. You can check his blog too:

He is writing about different stages of enlightenment, about healing, reincarnation etc.

I hope that is helpfull to you in some small way...

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8 hours ago, Consilience said:

“Samaneri Jayasara - Wisdom of the Masters”on YouTube

If you like her you'd perhaps like Lomakayu -- Medicine of One.

I did especially love listening to Samaneri Jayasara's readings of Meister Eckhart.

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Artem Boytsov, he's a relatively unknown teacher, but his stuff is great, especially because he kind of "normalizes" how intense, dark and difficult the unfolding can be.

Adyashanti is also great, his style is both really straightforward, but has a certain pleasant warmth about it at the same time.

Tich Nhat Hanh, I just love the vibe his voice brings acorss.

Samaneri Jayasara is also great, I've enjoyed her recordings.

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21 hours ago, Andromeda said:

I have been listening to a bunch of Leo's material, a lot more than that of other spiritual teachers. I am familiar with Rupert Spira and Peter Ralston, but would like to discover more teachers in order to get more perspectives. Therefore I would like you to point some of them out for me. 

Especially teachers that have material available in audio format, but books are also fine. Just listing some is OK for me, but if you don't mind, please tell me why you pointed them out. 

To return the favor: you might be interested to listen to this conversation, which is also available in podcast form: 

Thanks in advance!

Krishanamurti, Peter Raltson, Papaji, Ramana Maharshi, Rumi, Echartolle, Buddha. 

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Mooji if you want to wake up he has the most exhaustible supply of content and it's always direct.  

Edited by ChrisZoZo

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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@Andromeda Btw looking from path to path can be a distraction from the path. Find one teaching that you particularly resonate with follow that to enlightenment. Probably the quickest way. 

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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@Andromeda Different teachers will resonate with you depending on where you at in your development. A couple of my favorites who I feel have a high level of integrity are David R Hawkins and Michael Beckwith. 

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Tony Parsons 

Richard Sylvester 

Andreas Mueller 

Tim Cliss

Jim Newman 

Kenneth Madden

Because it's been recognized there that the individual which attempts to reach enlightenment isn't real.


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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It is interesting that all the teachers mentioned by people here are only either from the West (Usa, Canada) or from the East ( India,Tibet). There are other countries and places on this planet as well. I mentioned one spiritual teacher from Serbia. Where are spiritual teachers from Chile, Mozambique, Kyrghistan, Sudan etc.? Why are people so limited to only a few countries considering teachers and also other issues? Is it because they only speak and read english language? Why don't they learn other languages?

This is such a limitation! Spiritual riches are all around this planet!

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Since this is a dream, make a dreamboard and let the guidance of emotion teach the allowing & receiving of what’s on the board. 

Simple & intrinsic, prior to man’s incessantly manipulative capture my audience meddling (apparently). 

No thought, meaning, point, value, or purpose required. ?? 

Fun. Enjoyment. Peace. 

Crazy, I know. 



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Jan Esmann. Crazy shakti.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Mary Mueller Shutan and her books.  Look at the eyes, a big key.


Edited by Loba

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5 hours ago, Nahm said:

Since this is a dream, make a dreamboard and let the guidance of emotion teach the allowing & receiving of what’s on the board. 

Simple & intrinsic, prior to man’s incessantly manipulative capture my audience meddling (apparently). 

No thought, meaning, point, value, or purpose required. ?? 

Fun. Enjoyment. Peace. 

Crazy, I know. 

thank you for sharing this again.


I'm going to watch the videos this weekend!

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