The Pre-mortem Technique Summary

Juan Cruz Giusto
By Juan Cruz Giusto in Personal Development -- [Main],
“The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining.” The pre-mortem technique is a process in which you analyze and study the different things that can go wrong when you start a project (personal stuff too!). How does it work? You select a specific project. Now, before you start the project, you imagine to yourself that your project has failed spectacularly. After visualizing that, you list every cause of failure that you can foresee (you have to be realistic). Include psychological and external causes of failure. After having the list, organize them by the level of risk. What you do now is to brainstorm specific solution for all the causes. YOU DO ALL OF THIS BEFORE YOU GET STARTED. Do it with all your goals! Most of your obstacles will be related to your psychology! Areas of Application -          Business -          Quitting your job -          Your entire career -          Your Life Purpose -          Your next year -          Losing weight -          Your entire life -          Enlightenment -          Learn a new hobby -          Relationships and Pick Up -          Travelling abroad Spend 1 hour per project using the worksheet.
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