Juan Cruz Giusto

How To Control Anger Part 2 Summary

1 post in this topic

“Anger is a wind which blows out the lamp of the mind.”

There are great degrees of anger, from rage to mild annoyance (the latter one is the most practical for you because you feel it almost every day). There is also hardwired anger, that comes from childhood traumas.

This is one way to deal with and understand anger: Anger comes from lack of holistic understanding. If you understand a situation holistically and existentially, you cannot get angry at it. HOLISM IS KEY HERE! TO BE AT PEACE IN THE WORLD YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND HOW IT REALLY WORKS. This holistic understanding will not come with enlightenment alone. You need to go and study this stuff!

You create a virtual/illusory partition in reality called “you” and you start defending it and become attached to it. Thus, when you are in the real world, this partition collision with other partitions or reality at large. Therefore, you start feeling a sense of injustice and sense of violation. And from this comes the sense of anger that you have. If you take a look at reality holistically, there is something bigger than your private world going on and failure to understand that you function is larger mechanisms and systems, creates anger. Think about the different systems in which you feel angry at (relationships, marriage, economics, humanity, politics, terrorism, races, gender, war, etc.).

You get angry because you try to view situations from your limited point of view instead of seeing the situation holistically. TO BE EFFECTIVE, YOU NEED HOLISTIC THINKING.

When you really understand a situation and reality existentially at very deep levels, you stop shooting upon reality and yourself, you stop moralizing. When you see why reality functions as it does, it creates acceptance in you.

Anger comes from a lack of understanding. When you understand the why of the situation, you anger cannot appear. UNDERSTANDING BRINGS ACCEPTANCE AND COMPASSION! EVIL ACTIONS COME FROM IGNORANCE (AND IGNORANCE IS REALLY DIFFICULT TO CORRECT BECAUSE YOU STRUGGLE TOO!).

You can apply this principle with big stuff like rape or minor things like an annoying sound.

If you erase the distinction between you and other, many of the things that disturbed you will not annoy you anymore, because they are literally you. When you realize this, love and acceptance will follow.

If you take you rage away, you will become more effective. Anger is a poor quality motivation.

They way to stop evil is acceptance!

Technique: Every time you are angry, understand the other perspective and try to see the big picture. Ask yourself: What am I failing to understand? Dig until you hit acceptance.

My YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/2PSLrNb


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