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You're wasting your life on here imo

3 posts in this topic


If Wokebloke could… and did, right now… literally be a fridge… as a fridge… Wokebloke wouldn’t remember Wokebloke is actually, Wokebloke, because Wokebloke would be being, a fridge. So it is with you and the Wokebloke you appear to be. But but but… if as the fridge, the fridge started meditating & inspecting what it is, the fridge would inevitably discover, it is actually Wokebloke… which firmly believed it was, that there was - “a fridge”. "


Like does anyone have any clue what the hell this person is trying to say lmao.

This goes for me too lol. I recommend we drop this bullshit and do something useful with our lives.

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