
A curious habit

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Every now and then I experience streams of associations at 2/5 items a second, they follow no premeditated logic or algorithm of any kind yet appear non-random linearly trough time.

The items can either be concepts AS written words, concepts as spoken words, names, concepts without expressive form, 2 dimensional images, 3 dimensional objects or moving objects, they obviously appear from memory alone for never do I create them from scratch.

They follow the logic of all logics, that of associations, every item has in SOME sense a resemblance to the former except (presumably) the 'first'. It happens a few times a month without me trying to do it, I can do it at will as well.

An example would be "fish, dish, food, blood, cat, hat, black, void, negation, correct" it can continue for a few minutes, there are recurrent themes within it obviously and I have never experienced not being able to shut it down.

Is it weird? Maybe, anyone who can relate or have experienced something similar? I guess we can all do it but to me it occurs spontaneously and rather vividly. I would even call it entertaining.

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Look up ‘Vision Logic’

Leo talked about it somewhere, but it is also a concept separate from him.

As you become a stronger thinker your brain gets better at integrating emotions and abstractions in the form of ‘vision logic’ or what I think of as a sort of screenplay movie of thought.

Started to turn into controlled day dreaming almost.

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Yes, well thank you. I were aware of this idea of Wilber and never seemed off, but funny enough i did not draw the connection between it and this habit of mine, though i saw the convergence now!


You experience something similar? In the wider context vision logic of course makes you incapable of continue believing that any one formulation of anything can be 'one'  true representation of that thing, as the very faculty for representations are based on indiscernible or overlapping associations. 

In better terms, that minds are of the proclivity to put labels on their experiences trough what we postulate as categories but which seems never to be comprehensive as a study on its own.

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I have experienced something similar. It usually happens when I am in deep thought and feeling especially open and emotional.


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@mw711 Aha, makes sense. It happens to me at such times when the ego is at rest, and as the ego identity is generally inversely proportional to the amount of people around me it only happens when alone.

It does not happen as emotions for me though, as in going from calm-alarmed-anxious-sporadic-disturbed-happy at fast pace anyway. Is that how you would describe your version of it? Or do you picture similar items as mine but as representations of emotions instead?

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I had this happen only once when I was sick in bed with the flu a year or two ago.

For me it wasn't just a few minutes though, it was like a solid half an hour in that state.

It felt like my brain had engaged turbo mode. It was overwhelming, it felt like what insanity must feel like. Thoughts flowing at lightspeed, sometimes multiple thoughts at once but still being able to comprehend them all.

If you're just sitting there it's not a big deal. But if it happened to me when I was driving or something, I feel like it'd overwhelm my brain and I'd probably not be able to focus and end up crashing lol.

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I had similar thought patterns emerge when I am contemplating on some issues or usually sometimes as an unintended byproduct when engaging in an imaginary, mental debate with someone I disagree with in real life to trying randomly to quickly deconstruct the composed meaning or assume etymology behind certain words I hear being used, usually in English, or sometimes in the past I tried this with my first language on which I have a less solid grasp and knowledge of etymological roots behind words and more of my contemplative assumptions based on some stuff I learned from Leo's video as to how might they have originated from their original to current meaning and popular impoverished, reduced (mis)usage in limited contexts, for example, the latest - the English verb to declare, declaring - de - Latin origin prefix meaning to reduce, lessen - and - the shortened, transformed Germanic origin noun root in the verb clar, or imperfect claring from the noun clarity - meaning to see something clearly. Therefore one can speculate upon inferring that additional, ''hidden'' meaning [let's say coil spring reactive pulling down traction effect upon force upward exertion] behind the verb to declare [object - something] can also have the meaning of ''reduction or lessening the clarity of [for example; seeing something properly as the way it is]'' (so in sum to declare something can be a double edge sword in terms of lessening your clarity of actually seeing it and understanding more as it actually is when seen with clarity, or more clearly - so one can then forward a proposition that it sometimes better to stay silent in order have a better of seeing or understanding something more clearly as it is ^_^), this is my assumption though that can come straight from my head like a sudden bolt of insightful thought that I think I have about something without checking out or doing any prior online research or reading in to confirm that my assumptions are correct about my speculative etymological root and meaning behind a word and the etymological origin and orginal meaning of the words that compose it that maybe different from the meaning of the word as whole as its accepted, normativized meaning. I get these sudden bolts about trying to speculatively on my own consider a deeper, or with more depth meaning to something than it is usually used in it's context's in society and interaction between people or taken for granted as being used like that when I am often pacing when having some streams of thought when I get sometimes perhaps emotionally triggered by something I see people try to argue, or say or I see and then have these sudden streams of thoughts when I have some insight and have an urge to breifly pace around the apartment that I am in, usually to the kitchen to grab something to snack on or drink and back :P, and to contemplate on quick streams of thoughts that I have about it when having an imaginary debate in my mind with them with how I imagine I would appraoch an argument or debate with them about some issue or topic either external or about the way they think and reason themselves :D

Thanks for bring these streams of association that people may have when they are sometimes suddenly struck by bolt of energy of rushing streams of thoughts in their reaction to or insight into the perception of seeing something more in depth and nuance into attention with this post. I hope I didn't write out what I thought my similiar example of this might be too confusingly or ''unclearly'' :D or if I misunderstood of what you were describing of sometimes experiencing in the post and described myself something that it is off the mark and has not a lot to do with what you were getting at.

Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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13 hours ago, Reciprocality said:.

It does not happen as emotions for me though, as in going from calm-alarmed-anxious-sporadic-disturbed-happy at fast pace anyway. Is that how you would describe your version of it? Or do you picture similar items as mine but as representations of emotions instead?

More similar to your ‘stream of associations’ description. Emotions are more so how I describe the intuitive feeling that goes with vision logic. The fluidity and guidance that appears to let you dance quickly between thoughts and/or compare/hold thoughts.

It is not like I am jumping from happy-to-sad-to-euphoric.

Also, do not really have a deep understanding of vision logic.

Heard Leo mention it in the SD Stage Yellow video, I think, awhile ago, and thought it novel; since started to notice it more and more. 

By no means an expert.

I will say though, as I have been eating better, feeling better and thinking better - there does seem to be a sort of magical, lovely, quality to using the brain now.


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In psychology and psychiatry, clanging refers to a mode of speech characterized by association of words based upon sound rather than concepts. For example, this may include compulsive rhyming or alliteration without apparent logical connection between words. This is associated with the irregular thinking apparent in psychotic mental illnesses (e.g. mania and schizophrenia). Gustav Aschaffenburg found that manic individuals generated these "clang-associations" roughly 10–50 times more than non-manic individuals. Aschaffenburg also found that the frequency of these associations increased for all individuals as they became more fatigued.

Clanging refers specifically to behavior that is situationally inappropriate. While a poet rhyming is not evidence of mental illness, disorganized speech that impedes the patient's ability to communicate is a disorder in itself, often seen in schizophrenia.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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