
Is cannabis good for anything?

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Is cannabis good for anything? If it is, why does everyone not smoke it?

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I have a friend that went a bit into Green from very very hard Orange by smoking weed around once a week for couple years. He did not do it as personal development project nor does he even know what Spiral  Dynamics are, but when he explained to me how weed affected him both when he was high and sober, i could clearly tell that is made him more Green.

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Good for getting turnt 

Can be good when used sparingly for insights, fun, love, creativity and relaxation.

I personally find it addictive, and so far it seems I am doing a great job FINALLY quitting.

Edited by Thought Art

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It has been far more beneficial for me overall than classical psychedelics although it only became truly beneficial after a number of high dose trips on psychedelics. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Great for writing and serious inquiry into the self, sativa is best.  Can be addictive.  Can offer awakening experiences.

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For me it's really good for connecting with my body, letting go, surrendering, etc. But yeah, as @Thought Art said, it can be addictive and I would add that it's hard to not get dependent on this tool. Congrats @Thought Art for doing a great job quitting! 

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2 hours ago, rnd said:

Is cannabis good for anything? If it is, why does everyone not smoke it?

   Canabis, in liquid form, has a lot of medicinal effects, and can help a person deeply relax.

   It's illegal in most places, except for a few places, because of human misuse. 

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It helped me with developing implicit thinking & intuition. 

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i used to smoke a lot, but now i see it kinda slows me down. If you develop your "presence" skill on some drugs, you still gonna be at the same place with your sober state. So i think sober meditation and awareness is much more important, and to much weed may hindrance it.

Edited by Forza21

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It's good for a lot of things .. but doesn't necessarily mean it's good for everybody.

What is your relationship with the drug? That is the key question.

Most addicts deny that they use substances as a crutch.

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I can imagine the only sensible reason to use it would be for medical and recreational purposes. 

Actually you can use it to relax your body, which is great for w wide variety of purposes.

Edited by Husseinisdoingfine

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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It could be good as a shamanic tool once in a blue moon. Just don't do it regularly.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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35 minutes ago, Terell Kirby said:

What is your relationship with the drug? That is the key question.

None, and I don't smoke. But if cannabis turns out to be beneficial in any way, I might begin to use it. It's appeared, so far, that it isn't.

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The only good it did me was to give me the experience of overcoming addiction to it which is a broader lesson I can apply to other things.

It is mind expending and can give insight into personal stuff but it's so murky that I would forget everything by the time I woke up next morning.

Not worth it imo.

Also smoking it destroys the lungs. If you are to use it, use oil.

Definitely not a proper psychedelic.


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16 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

I have a friend that went a bit into Green from very very hard Orange by smoking weed around once a week for couple years. He did not do it as personal development project nor does he even know what Spiral  Dynamics are, but when he explained to me how weed affected him both when he was high and sober, i could clearly tell that is made him more Green.

This is almost exactly my experience.

It took me from a very stubborn and radical right wing mentality to an open and free hippie who loves bob Marley.

But other than that, it didn't facilitate any real growth like psychedelics, meditation, and simple self inquiry and contemplation.

My advice is that its good up to a point, and then you have to let it go.

I'm 21 days free from it and haven't felt better in a long time.

“The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me; my eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love.”  ~ Meister Eckhart



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I actually do have two weed pipes on my book shelf as decoration, as well as a tobacco pipe and cigar cutter (I personally much prefer tobaccos products to marijuana, cigars and cigarettes alike). Any pipe is good and more preferable as you can reuse it. But you can also get marijuana paper off of amazon, and in any marijuana store. 

Happy huntin'.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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I have only smoked it 3 times. It helped me kill the biggest layer of the ego. I would say that its a beautiful experience. It has a mother-earth love to it.
Its a really good tool for deep-meditation (cessation)
But I see people are just too addicted to it. Also smoking is not that great for your lungs. For me there are better alternatives for the work im doing.

Edited by Vincent S

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