
Most Anticipated Actualized.org Episodes of 2022

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I would like to watch a Leo's video about post-modernism,  both its strengths and its weaknesses...

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On 1/28/2022 at 7:00 PM, Hello from Russia said:

Peter Ralston,

? What material of Peter Ralston is about shadow work?

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@The Lucid Dreamer Gotcha, yeah that's a much better way of putting it.

@Koeke Ralston is actually a dark dude at times, i did a 2 week retreat with him and the whole thing was basically shadow work. In his books, especially the book of not knowing, he goes into the core beliefs of the ego that create the shadow. It's all based on consciousness expansion but that requires deep digging

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On 2022-01-28 at 5:46 PM, blessedlion1993 said:

my problem with Leos teaching is he doesn't stress the importance of other people and community enough. As cool as it can feel to be this lone wolf conscious mofo, we are deeply social and even if you attain the highest enlightenment, being alone and not relating to others will make you sick.


people can also be like the strongest medicine and consciousness raising tools out there, you just have to know how to do it.

aubrey marcus for example, holds many of the same ideas and philosophies of Leo but very much promotes community, which i don't see much from Leo, if anything, it's like "better to be alone and people are a distraction, they're all unconscious chimps"

I used to have this mindset and it made me isolate, think i was superior, and depressed. we need each other, no matter how conscious we become. 


Actually, i like this the most with Leos work. Because spiritual groups have the potential to become cult-like and history has proven this again and again. 

Besides that, there already exist tons of spiritual communities and some people benefit more from the lone Wolf approach. 

You still have the possibilty to go out and socialise when you have done your practices, like Leo does in his recent Vegas videos.

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On 2/1/2022 at 0:33 PM, The Lucid Dreamer said:

All experience is happening within infinite consciousness/the eternal Now. That includes the experiences of all the people you know.  The thing that needs to be grasped is that their consciousness is still YOUR consciousness.  You are looking out from behind their eyes right now.  Because consciousness does not belong to any individual. But I mean you probably already know this shit.  

To be honest, I’m not exactly sure why Leo puts it the way he does.  It’s almost like he wants people to misunderstand.

I feel like there's a possibility that other people's consciousness doesn't exist as I'm imagining that to explain appearances. 

I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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1 hour ago, ZenSwift said:

I feel like there's a possibility that other people's consciousness doesn't exist as I'm imagining that to explain appearances. 

That’s only because in the absolute sense, there is no such thing as a person to begin with. There is only what is appearing NOW.  But literally EVERYTHING has/will/is appearing NOW.  Including the experience of being Hitler taking over Germany.  Including the experience of being one of those aliens or whatever the fuck they are flying around in those flying saucers.  Including the experience of being your mother in agony giving birth to you.  You are the Now and the Now is INFINITE.

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Definitely a video about Creativity, and his new course

Edited by Waves

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Really wish he goes deep into lucid dreaming at some point.

But for the less-distant topics, definitely Shadow Work or Parts Work. I think Teal Swan really excels at teaching it from her prespective and I'm curious as to how Leo would go about it.

Edited by MrFundamental

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I would be very interested in an episode on states of consciousness. I'm not sure how much Leo has explored and experimented with deliberately adopting new states, but I am fascinated by this. We are always embodying a state. It's not a static thing and every state we embody has built in beliefs and corresponding experiences. One method to change your experience of reality is simply to adopt or embody a new state. 

Edited by Matthew85

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Teal Swan and Leo have an incredible amount of similar videos and almost the same amount of subscribers and started around the same time....i smell a conspiracy!

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On 1/28/2022 at 7:48 AM, The Lucid Dreamer said:

I’m awaiting the one about solipsism. :P 

Why don't you just make it? It's all you anyways hehe.


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Please raw videos of awakening again (maybe for payment). Like siddhis captured live on camera or my 5 meo malt awakening to ultimate enlightenment

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On 2/2/2022 at 7:33 AM, The Lucid Dreamer said:

To be honest, I’m not exactly sure why Leo puts it the way he does.  It’s almost like he wants people to misunderstand.

On 2/1/2022 at 1:31 PM, blessedlion1993 said:

But i still don't see how that explains that people aren't having an experience? If your consciousness living through multiple lives then the people youre interacting with, while yes they are still you, are still having an experience and their own consciousness?

I don't see how any of this justifies solopsism.

This has been my thoughts exactly, it's like an inability to connect the absolute to the relative.

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Kurt and Leo part 3 and 4

Frank Yang and Leo part 1

Rebel Wisdom interview with Leo

What you say it ain't ever happening?? A guy can dream! ???

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4 minutes ago, DManKee said:

What you say it ain't ever happening?? A guy can dream!

In general interviews of any kind. In his videos Leo argues with imaginary others, who's arguments are sometimes so dumb and linear. It's really worth the effort to put a real human being in front of him. Although I can see that content suffers in an interview format. 

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