
Most Anticipated Actualized.org Episodes of 2022

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Little bit of a distraction post...

What topics do you anticipate Leo to speak on in 2022?

Here's all the ones that I can think of that I look forward to:

  • Evolution
  • Shadow Work
  • Integrity part 2
  • Relativism part 2
  • Understanding Emotions part 2
  • Holons Part 2
  • Absolute total Awakening in real time.. LIVE (yes again) 
  • Some idea I have have never heard about
  • Some crazy practical shit I didn't know I needed. 


I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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I hope he talks more about his DMT experiences, aliens, entities, archetypes, and shamanism as well.  I want to hear more about how spirituality got started in our species.

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How to think properly

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I’m awaiting the one about solipsism. :P 

Not because I have an issue with the whole solipsism thing - quite the contrary. I’m just curious as to how he will address it, as he’s seemed quite reluctant to really delve into the issue.  

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you tell people to take a bunch of the strongest psychedelics in the world and that they are imagining everyone in their life...some are bound to go off the rails. even if it is true, it's dangerous and needs to be eased into, not saying it's true. i personally believe others definitely have their own consciousness and experience. 

my problem with Leos teaching is he doesn't stress the importance of other people and community enough. As cool as it can feel to be this lone wolf conscious mofo, we are deeply social and even if you attain the highest enlightenment, being alone and not relating to others will make you sick.


people can also be like the strongest medicine and consciousness raising tools out there, you just have to know how to do it.

aubrey marcus for example, holds many of the same ideas and philosophies of Leo but very much promotes community, which i don't see much from Leo, if anything, it's like "better to be alone and people are a distraction, they're all unconscious chimps"

I used to have this mindset and it made me isolate, think i was superior, and depressed. we need each other, no matter how conscious we become. 


p.s. -not a criticism to Leo and his introverted way of life, i just think for most people, that style is not going to work. I love Leos' work and will continue to be a loyal fanboi, ive done the LP course, have the book list, listened to every episode, etc but i had to come to my own conclusion on many things and taking everything he says on blind faith is stoopid

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Lol guys, you're still waiting for shadow work episode. There are a ton of teachers that specialize on exactly that that have amazing systems/theories about it. Even if Leo will do the video on this, it will still probably somewhat introductory and he'd send you to some other sources to learn this stuff

Edited by Hello from Russia

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@Leo Gura When is your Capitalism v. Socialism video coming out? 

Tell me when so I can link you books.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.

"Love is the realization that there no difference between anything. Love is a complete absence of all bias". -- Leo Gura

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18 minutes ago, blessedlion1993 said:

bc it has the potential to drive people nuts, solopsism is considered a form of madness

I agree.  Leo says over and over that his material is mainly for serious practitioners, but perhaps he should put an official disclaimer at the beginning of each video that delves into those deep metaphysical topics.  Or even a suggestion that before they watch the particular episode, they should go watch certain foundational episodes that will lead up to that topic.  I know he does that sometimes, but I do feel like he should take a little more care in making sure people understand what they’re getting into.  At the very least just to cover his ass, haha.

Cause this shit really can have a negative effect on the minds of people who have not taken the time to build the proper philosophical foundation.  Before I ever listened to Leo I had already gone through 3-4 years of my own self-inquiry and deep philosophical contemplation.  I had already found out on my own that there was no self, that I was the universe experiencing itself(I didn’t like the term “God” back then), and that I, as consciousness itself, was going to live through every lifetime.  I realized that reality must necessarily be absolutely infinite and that everything manifesting within consciousness must therefore be relative, purely conceptual, and unknowable.  So by the time I got to Leo’s teachings, these concepts of being the only one in existence didn’t really phase me.  I was 27 years old at that time.

But there are kids who are like 16-18 years old who come into these teachings who have probably only took one philosophy class in their life, if that, and there’s this talking head on YouTube telling them that their entire life is a dream and no one in their life is real.  I can totally imagine the emotional turmoil I might have felt having heard that when I was that age.  That definitely could have fucked me up.



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1 hour ago, blessedlion1993 said:

@Hello from Russiawhats the best shadow work teacher you've seen?

Baron Katie, Teal Swan, Holistic Psychologist, Peter Ralston, Ken Wilbers take on it is pretty cute too

Just to name a few, there are many others, just start searching for it and you'll find decent techniques on no time

Edited by Hello from Russia

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I think he also mentioned that he is working of a course that might come out this year.

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On 1/28/2022 at 11:22 AM, The Lucid Dreamer said:

I, as consciousness itself, was going to live through every lifetime.  I realized that reality must necessarily be absolutely infinite and that everything manifesting within consciousness must therefore be relative, purely conceptual, and unknowable.  So by the time I got to Leo’s teachings, these concepts of being the only one in existence didn’t really phase me.  I was 27 years old at that time.

But there are kids who are like 16-18 years old who

Interesting @The Lucid Dreamer you explain this very well.

I would say i'm pretty similar. I'm 28 now but been diving into this for over 5 years, 2-3 years of meditation before Leos work, however, Leo took it to the next level, by far.

All the other people i followed, John kabat, eckhart toole, etc didn't even go close to "there" I love how Leo just puts it the fuck out there, because people need to know

But i still don't see how that explains that people aren't having an experience? If your consciousness living through multiple lives then the people youre interacting with, while yes they are still you, are still having an experience and their own consciousness?

I don't see how any of this justifies solopsism.

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On 1/28/2022 at 0:00 PM, Hello from Russia said:

Baron Katie, Teal Swan, Holistic Psychologist, Peter Ralston, Ken Wilbers take on it is pretty cute too

Just to name a few, there are many others, just start searching for it and you'll find decent techniques on no time

cool, thanks!

I've done a Ralston retreat and just started getting into Teal Swan...she's kinda like Leo but female, they'd be a cute couple

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On 1/27/2022 at 4:25 PM, ZenSwift said:

Some crazy practical shit I didn't know I needed


"Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"   --   Marry Poppins

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17 hours ago, blessedlion1993 said:

But i still don't see how that explains that people aren't having an experience? If your consciousness living through multiple lives then the people youre interacting with, while yes they are still you, are still having an experience and their own consciousness?

I don't see how any of this justifies solopsism.

All experience is happening within infinite consciousness/the eternal Now. That includes the experiences of all the people you know.  The thing that needs to be grasped is that their consciousness is still YOUR consciousness.  You are looking out from behind their eyes right now.  Because consciousness does not belong to any individual. But I mean you probably already know this shit.  

To be honest, I’m not exactly sure why Leo puts it the way he does.  It’s almost like he wants people to misunderstand.

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Understanding fractals. How everything in the universe is a fractal of unity and infinite love. 

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