
Leo wrote this about solipsism 2 years ago. Does it still hold?

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On 11.10.2019 at 0:17 AM, Leo Gura said:

First of all, solipsism is a conceptual scheme, a philosophical system. This is very different from actuality. In this sense solipsism is a fantasy whereas nonduality is actuality. Map vs territory. This is a HUGE difference. Don't underestimate this.

Secondly, solipsism is not even a good map. It does not recognize the truth of no-self and the truth that you are God. Solipsism is still dualistic in that it denies the reality of others by upholding the reality of the ego-self. Nonduality makes a more radical move. It denies the reality of all individual selves, especially oneself. If other people are unreal, you as a person must also be unreal.

If you are unreal, then what are you? Solipsism doesn't answer this ultimate question.

The part that solipsism gets right is that ultimately you are all alone. But what are you? You are not a finite being, as solipsism assumes. But when you finally realize that you are an infinite being, you will also realize that you are both alone and together, because infinity includes all dualities. You are so ONE that you cannot even distinguish oneness from twoness! Unless you do

@leo gura does your view still hold? He wrote it 2 years ago, and it's crystal clear here. But now he's statements in countless topics are just confusing and unclear... I wonder why. Many people ask the same question about solipsism, and it's all getting very confusing and fogy. What do you think?

Edited by Forza21

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Still holds.. 

Solipsism is a bad map because it's easy to confuse "I am alone as everything" (yes!) with "I am separate from that which I imagine" (nope). 

It's not a bad map if you know how to read it.. if you look at a map that says 'you are here--->★', and you think you are located on the map.. you are reading the map wrong. 


Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@Forza21 I think LEO should clear this . If You are GOD and others are imagination of your mind that includes your ego self too. Then why other people have experiences . 

How does God imagines himself as Me having my own individual experiences and other having their own. This is duality.

When We say I am GOD then it automatically implies other people are fictional imagined by GOD . But how will LEO explain other people experiences?

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2 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

Still holds.. 

Solipsism is a bad map because it's easy to confuse "I am alone as everything" (yes!) with "I am separate from that which I imagine" (nope). 

@Mason Riggle When you say I am everything it implies other people you see are figment of your imagination. Therefore , fictional.

I am imagining my body and other people too.


but how do you explain other people independent experience?

How can they have their independent experience ? Isnt it duality?

When I say other people are dreamed up by me that means their experiences are dreampt up by me too. 

But why it appears they are having their independent experience ?

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@machiavelli when I say 'you are everything' I mean absolutely everything that there is.. there are no 'others'..  there is no 'my imagination'.. there is just 'imagination' which is what you are. 


"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@machiavelli 'others' are not 'dreamt up by you'.. the dream that there are 'others' and 'you' is the ONE thing there is.. and that's the REAL you. 



"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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@machiavelli for example.. you may not consider 'your hand' to be you.. it 'belongs to you'.. it's your hand.  

In this same way, we often consider 'others' not to be you.. they are something that 'belongs to you'.. it's your friend, your mother, etc. 

But it's all you. 

Edited by Mason Riggle

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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15 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

I am imagining my body and other people too.


but how do you explain other people independent experience?

How can they have their independent experience ? Isnt it duality?

When I say other people are dreamed up by me that means their experiences are dreampt up by me too. 

But why it appears they are having their independent experience ?

It might help to understand that 'imaginary' and 'real' are the same thing.   Consider why you think this comment is 'real'.. it's only because it 'seems real'.   Seeming real and being real are not different things. 

Notice that it 'appears (seems) that they are having their independent experience'.. that's good enough whether they are or aren't!  

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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31 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

@machiavelli 'others' are not 'dreamt up by you'.. the dream that there are 'others' and 'you' is the ONE thing there is.. and that's the REAL you. 



@Mason Riggle Why are you confusing me?

when I say others are imaginery I mean they are imagination of GOD i.e Me . Who is imagining my body and all other people simultaneously.

can you clarify this?

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@machiavelli yes, but as God, you are them..

If everything is God, and you are that, what 'else' is there? 

There really isn't 'Gods Imagination'.. That's duality.. God/what God imagines

There is just 'God pretending not to be'. 

"I could be the walrus. I'd still have to bum rides off people."

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10 minutes ago, Mason Riggle said:

@machiavelli yes, but as God, you are them..

If everything is God, and you are that, what 'else' is there? 

There really isn't 'Gods Imagination'.. That's duality.. God/what God imagines

There is just 'God pretending not to be'. 

@Mason Riggle Yes ofcourse I know I am others. But I was asking how I am dreaming up other people?


And you said "GOD is not imagining". If God is not imagining my body and other people and this world then how come everything is being existed?

You mean this world is physical ? Made up of atoms? Or imaginery? 

You are confusing me with word game here.

Why dont you simply say I am GOD not human , who is all alone as he is dreaming every one including my human body.

Your words sounds like you are trying to say GOD is something other from me .


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8 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

Your words sounds like you are trying to say GOD is something other from me .

It is like that for you. Because you dont realise that you are asking yourself, when you speak to " @Mason Riggle".
You dreamed yourself in to "existence" and you dreamed up a @Mason Riggle that you are speaking to. And asking him if you are God or not.
If all dualities collapse. Who are you talking to?
And you realise: You are talking to yourself. And now you ask:  "@Vincent S, Who are you talking to?" I am talking to myself (you).
But myself (you) isnt realising that, yet <3

Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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22 minutes ago, machiavelli said:

Yes ofcourse I know I am others. But I was asking how I am dreaming up other people?

With your own Infinite manifesting power. Consciousness. You use all your power, on yourself, to put yourself to sleep (finite self)  to be able to talk to yourself in duality. To know yourself, to experience yourself, to express yourself.

And when there is duality: That means that if you are going to exist, "others" will come with that package as well.
But its still you. You just split in 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 512, 1024... Infinity.

Edited by Vincent S

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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Clarity in this regard has been available for decades. Centuries even. Truly, eternity, as like all ism’s, the truth is veiled only by the addition of belief. And of course, not even. For ‘those with two good ears’. 



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ALL philosophies are false. Drop your philosophies and experience the enlightenment directly, and all of your philosophising and questioning will cease.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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That’s a good way of explaining it for a short writing at least. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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2 hours ago, Mason Riggle said:

@machiavelli when I say 'you are everything' I mean absolutely everything that there is.. there are no 'others'..  there is no 'my imagination'.. there is just 'imagination' which is what you are. 




Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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@Forza21 Leo explained it perfectly, nothing needs to be explained further

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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2 hours ago, Mason Riggle said:

others' are not 'dreamt up by you'.. the dream that there are 'others' and 'you' is the ONE thing there is.. and that's the REAL you

This is a decent short answer. You arnt a person dreaming. You are the dream, the whole dream. The person that you think you are is a reference point you’ve given yourself to give the impression and illusion of being within the dream looking out at something else, ‘other’. The great trick is that you then believe full on 100% that is what you are, and only what you are. The whole point is for you to discover that your the whole dream, just empty infinite imagination. And that just so happens to be love. Infinite love. God loves to rediscover itself for the infinite beauty that it is. It does this by becoming the reference point that is you, limiting itself to what seems a finite being, and revealing itself to itself

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8 minutes ago, Dazgwny said:

This is a decent short answer. You arnt a person dreaming. You are the dream, the whole dream. The person that you think you are is a reference point you’ve given yourself to give the impression and illusion of being within the dream looking out at something else, ‘other’. The great trick is that you then believe full on 100% that is what you are, and only what you are. The whole point is for you to discover that your the whole dream, just empty infinite imagination. And that just so happens to be love. Infinite love. God loves to rediscover itself for the infinite beauty that it is. It does this by becoming the reference point that is you, limiting itself to what seems a finite being, and revealing itself to itself

Yes. And when this happens you realize you are God dreaming it was a human being.  It is only when you awaken from the dream thus stepping outside of it that you realize what it is.  While immersed in the dream you cannot tell the difference between dreams and reality because there is none.  It's Total.


Wisdom.  Truth.  Love.

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