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Do We Have To Escape From Society To Get The Real Self Development And Find The Best Potential Of Our Identity ?

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Sorry for my english, I'm italian...

In this society is really difficult to not fall into all the the "self power", "sex", "money", "fame", "entertainment",  I mean we work 8 hours a day, this is 1/3 of our day,... even if we love the work we do, our free time is dedicated to something, we sleep 8 hours, so we have just 8 hours of free time.... a lot of people dedicate this 8 hours to just be a follower of all the masses and all the superficial things. 


If we escape from society and create little communities, based on significative FREE TIME, mutualism and freedom.... what you think on this do we have to escape to find the real best potential.. ?

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On 2/11/2016 at 8:10 AM, luigi1994 said:

Sorry for my english, I'm italian...

In this society is really difficult to not fall into all the the "self power", "sex", "money", "fame", "entertainment",  I mean we work 8 hours a day, this is 1/3 of our day,... even if we love the work we do, our free time is dedicated to something, we sleep 8 hours, so we have just 8 hours of free time.... a lot of people dedicate this 8 hours to just be a follower of all the masses and all the superficial things. 


If we escape from society and create little communities, based on significative FREE TIME, mutualism and freedom.... what you think on this do we have to escape to find the real best potential.. ?

@luigi1994 Nice to meet you.  I really like your question.  Thank you.

Just my own observations for what they may or may not be worth:

I find the more I see these things, like  power money, fame, entertainment?  The more I view them as vehicles to be used to create stories which might provoke thought or change in a more positive way.  Platforms, ideally platforms which balance quality with quantity which offer intrinsic value to be inclusive versus exclusive.

So "power" is only a positive commodity if I give it way, use it to benefit others without the focus being. "Oh look at me, aren't I so charitable?" 

Money in my perception ideally would be a conduit principle.  Its a tool.  I am entrusted with it so I am responsible for wise stewardship and management of it, and if I exceed what I need than I feel a moral obligation to be the conduit and a source of flow so the money may be gifted in endeavors which better others and the planet.  (investment in future generations.)

Fame?  Its an illusion.  When you begin to get even a small amount of it, you realize your problems go from apples to oranges.   You have to doubt people's sincerity, deal with stalkers, odd balls, people who create all sorts of realities about you that have nothing to do with you.   People are fickle, its fleeting. Its the most painful illusion to awaken from of all by my small direct experience observation.

Entertainment, to amuse the masses.  Entertainment is a money equation.  Cheaper to produce reality content for consumerism;s sake than it is to pay writers to write authentic content which in turn costs more budget to create.  Instead they assure you its what you want to watch. ;) 

I find your last statement true thus far.  I can venture out there, but I like coming home.


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It can be very helpful to dive, say two weeks a year, in a course or teaching you`re really interested in.

These two weeks will give you enough energy for the rest of the year and will be a real start for your personal development.

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On 2/13/2016 at 2:15 AM, Henri said:

It can be very helpful to dive, say two weeks a year, in a course or teaching you`re really interested in.

These two weeks will give you enough energy for the rest of the year and will be a real start for your personal development.

@Henri, thank you.  I wholly agree with you.  Great suggestion and observation.  Thank you so much.

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@luigi1994 and others interested; I like this question too! For me, yes and no. I find the parts of mainstream society that are not congruent with self-actualization, can still be learning experiences. That said, I can only take so much of it....that's why I live in the forest, lol. I think you might like "Sea-Steading" (see The Seasteading Institute). It is based on the principal that every time an island breaks off (like Hong Kong, Singapore, etc), they become amazingly productive creators and develop a unique prosperous, abundant community with revolutionary ideas. Their plan is to create communities at sea beyond the boundaries of any countries regulations, where people are free to explore new ideas, new gov't, new technology, etc with no boundaries. The concept art for these micro cities is beautiful, so is the sustainable living from algae production etc, but they don't have the money yet. It's a cool idea regardless, maybe check it out.

Edited by Epiphany_Inspired

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