Jacob Morres

Balancing being good enough and being different to attract people?

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no not at all socionics intertype is stupid, not true, inaccurate and flawed. But I don't want to discuss it. I outlined the theory above of romantic compatibility, this is how you chose your 'other half' because literally they embody the positive of the negative half of yourself!  

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@Yali i don't want to converse with you on this topic, you're an imbecile when it comes to Jung and his work (no offence), and you are just polluting the discourse

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@wildflower I don't think you have a clue what you're talking about. 

Compatibility is based off the cognitive functions. Shared cognitive functions == more compatible. 

1 minute ago, wildflower said:


no not at all socionics intertype is stupid, not true, inaccurate and flawed.


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@wildflower So as an INTJ who would I be most compatible with (in your view)?

2 minutes ago, wildflower said:

@Yaliyou're an imbecile when it comes to Jung and his work 


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16 minutes ago, wildflower said:


But I don't want to discuss it. 

why don't you want to discuss it? you sound confident in your ideas. @wildflower

Edited by Yali

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4 hours ago, mememe said:

thread is hijacked.

@Jacob Morres forget the career. or using a future relationship as a motivator - become a pua like everyone else, you can even do while living in a van.

this is the gaming section not the relationship and career section.

@Jacob Morres's post is very much dating related.

If you wanna sort out your inner game properly, then go and do IFS. Loving-Kindness meditation is also sick.


There is no failure, only feedback

Do what works

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  • @Pavement Your best match would be an ESTJ. 

This gal knows what she's talking about:


Edited by Yali

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I don't even know if I would call myself intermediate.

Bro you probably have better game than like 95 percent of guys out there. Keep in mind most guys have little game, "normie" game. Maybe you are beginner/intermediate when compared with other PUAs but compared to the overall adult male population i would say you are far above average. I do not know how good you are but i know how bad most guys are and i think you should be better than that :P 

6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

You should be happy to pull twice a month when you first start learning game.

Do you ever try to set up dates if pulling is not possible due to logistic reasons? I know some PUAs that try that method and it works well for them. Is this a Vegas a thing, to focus only on pulling due to the nature of the city or is it a universal principle?

I mean if a girl lives there i see no reason why she would not want to go out with you if you left her a good first impression

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5 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

Bro you probably have better game than like 95 percent of guys out there.

Why would you think this? He's not a naturally social guy. He said himself that socialization is his greatest weakness. @Karmadhi


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3 minutes ago, Yali said:

Why would you think this? He's not a naturally social guy. He said himself that socialization is his greatest weakness

Because he self-admitted has done like 3000 approaches. Most guys do 50 in their entire lifetimes.

Social skills and game are independent variables, you can be very social and still suck with girls.

When it comes to game he has more time devoted on improving on it then most guys.

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@Karmadhi A lot of guys have natural game due to high interpersonal intelligence.

This is Leo's greatest weakness, hence why he's had to work so hard.

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3 minutes ago, Yali said:

A lot of guys have natural game due to high interpersonal intelligence.

This is his greatest weakness, hence why he's had to work so hard.

Bro those guys are not many. Keep in account you will not get better with girls unless you talk with a lot of them regardless of your personality type. Yes, some people are very extroverted and social and shit but that will not automatically teach you how to flirt, how to lead, how to close, how to handle logistics etc. These are very specific skills which are independent of everyday life including "social stuff".

Yes for some people they might need 100 for some 10.000 given their personality type to get good at this shit i wrote above  but all need to talk to girls. And considering how little most guys talk to girls i doubt most have much game.

Edited by Karmadhi

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how to flirt, how to lead, how to close, how to handle logistics etc

This will be easier to learn for a guy who is naturally social.

Most guys never make the effort though.

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2 minutes ago, Karmadhi said:

Yes for some people they might need 100 for some 10.000 given their personality type to get good at this shit i wrote above  but all need to talk to girls. And considering how little most guys talk to girls i doubt most have much game.

@Yali Exactly what i wrote above :) 

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Leo is better than your average guy who just doesn't give a shit. But does that say much?

It doesn't make him good, it just makes him better than average. 


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@Yali Well to me being better than average can mean good, depends how you look at it i guess.

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@Karmadhi If most guys have shit game, then better than average doesn't mean good ... it just means not shit.


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nobody knows for real how good or not good Leo’s game is, we only know what he tells us lol.  Just all speculation depending on how you imagine him. 

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