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Identification awakening

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So I've been going through what I would call a radical identification awakening.  As a result of intense meditation sessions and self-inquiry.  The seperate sense of self and doership is completely collapsing.. The veil has completely broken and I'm aware that I'm not the ego.. Who thinks it's doing stuff. I'm not the body or mind. Or the world.   The body is seen as the world.. Not me.  A complete understanding has occurred that I'm pure present.  At the center. What's surrounding the center is none of my business. The body mind and the world. It will unfold naturally as it's always done.  But I as pure present nothingness is just a vessel for it. None of it is in my control.   

This point about control is very important.. Because it leads to the discovery that you are not who you think you are. You think you are separate entity. You are a specific thing. You think you are the doer.  You're not. When thoughts arise.. You are not thinking them. When the body moves internally or externally.. You are not moving it.   You have as much control over your body as you have over my body.. Zero.  If you raise your hand.. You are not doing It.      This is important because that means you are not the body.. And you are not the seperate self who is in control.   

So what are you? 

Edited by Someone here

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

The veil has completely broken and I'm aware that I'm not the ego..

You are the ego. But the mistake you made was believing that you were just the ego and not everything else.

You are the Universe, the ego being just one aspect of it.

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@Judy2 There is a huge peace that comes with discovering that you are not in control. These days I'm walking around with a constant mild smile in my face.. Observing the show and completely seeing it for what it is. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Who is observing? Who is not in control? Who is walking with a smile?

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2 hours ago, Batman said:

Who is observing? Who is not in control? Who is walking with a smile?

Uh-oh, the Neo Advaita police has arrived. Hide the booze!

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My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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13 hours ago, Someone here said:

I'm not the body or mind. Or the world.   The body is seen as the world.. Not me. 

You are the body, mind, and world.

There is nothing which isn't you.


What's surrounding the center is none of my business.

EVERYTHING is your business. You're creating it.


When thoughts arise.. You are not thinking them. When the body moves internally or externally.. You are not moving it.   You have as much control over your body as you have over my body.. Zero.  If you raise your hand.. You are not doing It.

This is silly. Reality is your will made manifest. You are doing all of it.

- - - - -

Be ware this no-self Neo-Advaita/Buddhist stuff. It is not God-realization. You are not actually Awake yet. You do not understand what you are yet.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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7 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

@Leo Gura Once the perceiver and the perceived are fully collapsed, it is realisaed that no one is (or ever was) there. No self.

Yes, you are talking about the no-self realization.

But that's not God-realization.


And i am sure you will agree that believing in thought "I am God" doesn't make you God-realised, does it?

Of course that's not God-realization either.

With God-realization you will realize that you are all form and all form is your will made manifest. Nor is there any difference between form and non-form. It's all just YOU.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

@Leo Gura No offense, but sometimes the way you talk about God realisation sounds really mind-based. So I'm curious how you would describe it:)

No offense taken, since God is Mind.

The only way to describe it is that you are fully conscious that you are alone and that your will creates everything you see.

When you wave your hand in front of your face and you realize that this is your Absolute Creation, and there's nothing you can do to change yourself because you are already and always Perfection.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

@Leo Gura okay. Last question: God realisation vs. Enlightenment? Wouldn't you say that Enlightenment is a more inclusive realisation, as it basically sees the "groundless ground" or "stateless state" that is fundamental to everything, whereas God realisation seems to depend on a particular state of consciousness appearing in this ?

At this point, God-realization is the only thing I recognize as worth pursuing or talking about. Everything else is inferior.

Yes, it's a particular state. But what a state! ;)

I will take 5 minutes of God-realization vs 100 years of no-self.

P.S. No-self is also a state. Everything is a state. There is no escaping states.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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36 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

"Wisdom is knowing I am Nothing, Love is knowing I am Everything, between the two my life moves."


You cannot love what you need.

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26 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I will take 5 minutes of God-realization vs 100 years of no-self.

I would take 1inch growth in spirit and consciouness, over 1000x god realization experiences and no embodyment.

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need.

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52 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

With God-realization you will realize that you are all form and all form is your will made manifest. Nor is there any difference between form and non-form. It's all just YOU.

What about the argument that if my hand dissapear I'm still here, witnessing my hand dissapearing? Wouldn't that prove that I'm much more then just the hand? Yes hand is a manifestation of consciouness but it's perhaps not the essence of what I am. All things that can perish are not essential to my being. So yes, everything is one, but not everything is eternal. Only nothingness is eternal and absolute and never changes and has no states or levels. And I am that. Other things are temporary, transient, has levels and what not and are still me, but not essentially. That's how I would frame it at least.

Edit. Manifest and unmanifest. One is eternal another is temporary. Both are me. Yet one is essential another is not so. Thus, saying I'm nothing that is bound by time is quite appropriate imo.

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need.

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43 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

I will take 5 minutes of God-realization vs 100 years of no-self.

Do you have a practice you use to embody this state in between using psychedelics? 

Edited by Matthew85

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1 hour ago, Judy2 said:

@Leo Gura Is god realisation compatible with the illusion of the self still being intact??

Depends on how you mean that.

There certainly isn't a human ego self in the midst of a God-realization state.

But the structures of the human ego self are pretty sticky, so they tend to return and persists.

57 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

I would take 1inch growth in spirit and consciouness, over 1000x god realization experiences and no embodyment.

You can't have a bunch of God-realizations without it transforming you.

47 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

What about the argument that if my hand dissapear I'm still here, witnessing my hand dissapearing? Wouldn't that prove that I'm much more then just the hand? Yes hand is a manifestation of consciouness but it's perhaps not the essence of what I am. All things that can perish are not essential to my being. So yes, everything is one, but not everything is eternal. Only nothingness is eternal and absolute and never changes and has no states or levels. And I am that. Other things are temporary, transient, has levels and what not and are still me, but not essentially. That's how I would frame it at least.

Edit. Manifest and unmanifest. One is eternal another is temporary. Both are me. Yet one is essential another is not so. Thus, saying I'm nothing that is bound by time is quite appropriate imo.

As you become more conscious you will realize that everything is essential, absolute, and eternal. Your hand is absolute and eternal. Whether it disappears or not has no bearing on it's absoluteness, eternity, or truthfulness.

When you say that some things are essential and others aren't, you're creating a duality within Oneness. Form is as absolute as formlessness. You are here creating a bias towards formlessness.

37 minutes ago, Matthew85 said:

Do you have a practice you use to embody this state in between using psychedelics? 

Just sitting and being conscious.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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19 hours ago, Someone here said:

So I've been going through what I would call a radical identification awakening.  As a result of intense meditation sessions and self-inquiry.  The seperate sense of self and doership is completely collapsing.. The veil has completely broken and I'm aware that I'm not the ego.. Who thinks it's doing stuff. I'm not the body or mind. Or the world.   The body is seen as the world.. Not me.  A complete understanding has occurred that I'm pure present.  At the center. What's surrounding the center is none of my business. The body mind and the world. It will unfold naturally as it's always done.  But I as pure present nothingness is just a vessel for it. None of it is in my control.   

This point about control is very important.. Because it leads to the discovery that you are not who you think you are. You think you are separate entity. You are a specific thing. You think you are the doer.  You're not. When thoughts arise.. You are not thinking them. When the body moves internally or externally.. You are not moving it.   You have as much control over your body as you have over my body.. Zero.  If you raise your hand.. You are not doing It.      This is important because that means you are not the body.. And you are not the seperate self who is in control.   

So what are you? 

I suggest you email Shinzen Young for advice on the next move regarding this awakening. I believe he said he knows what to do to deepen it and maintain it.

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@Leo Gura

Are you saying that there is no such thing as impermenant? That everything lasts forever? That there is no such thing as change? 

Edited by Salvijus

You cannot love what you need.

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7 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

@Leo Gura

Are you saying that there is no such thing as impermenant? Thst everything lasts forever?

You have to distinguish between two things: whether a thing is unchanging vs eternal. These are independent variables.

All forms are fluid and ever-changing. But they are still eternal even if they only last for a few seconds in human time.

You could say that formlessness is static and unchanging. But a thing does not have to be static and unchanging in order to be eternal.

In God-Consciousness there is no difference between a static thing and a changing thing. They are both equally absolute and eternal. The changing thing is no less important than the static background of consciousness. Because foreground and background are One.

If you're stuck identifying only as the background, you're missing half of yourself.

Every moment is eternal, but also fluid.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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