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How to deal with suffering at work, school?

22 posts in this topic

Develop a bigger vision if the current one isn't speaking to you, maybe you could see it as part of a larger vision that does make you appreciate the current moment and whatever you're partaking, the life you really want to build and this is possibly just a stepping stone to get there if you don't have the luxury of going directly there yet. 

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

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8 hours ago, Yarco said:


Imagine if somehow you lived in a town where everyone was plumbers. Your entire family is plumbers, your grandfather and great grandfather were plumbers.

The equivalent of your question in this example would be "what's the alternative to being a plumber? how do I get out of the plumber system?"

If all you've known for your entire life is plumbing, the idea of other jobs doesn't even occur to you. There are other towns out there where people have all the normal jobs though.

The majority of people in this town never even know that anything other than plumbing is a possibility. They are so closed-minded it's not even an option.

The few that are aware of other jobs still rationalize to themselves why plumbing is the only way to go. Plumbing is the only honest profession. It's the only safe and secure job. People will always need plumbers. I couldn't possibly trust myself to be a dentist. Being a dentist is a fad. I'd have to learn something new or move to be a dentist. My partner might not like me being a dentist. I should just be a plumber.

I could blow people's minds and tell them that there's an endless number of jobs besides plumbers. Many of them pay better than plumbing, they're less work, they're more fulfilling, you don't have to pay dues to the plumber's union. I could literally spend all day writing down a list of possible jobs and never exhaust all of them. Most people would still reject it and stick with plumbing rather than consider another option, because those alternatives are so weird and uncertain.

In the same way being a plumber is one of endless jobs, having a job at all is just one of endless ways to make money and live your life.

There are so many alternatives I can't possibly list them all for you.

I don't know if there's any point in me listing a bunch of them, because it'd be the equivalent of saying you could be a plumber or an astronaut without knowing anything about you.

Realize that the education system has put blinders on you and made you so tunnel-visioned that all you can see is wage-slave jobs as an option.

Thanks for the perspective ❣️

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