
4 weeks since new video and no communication

29 posts in this topic

No new video again this week. It's been over 4 weeks since Leo's last video. Which is not what I have issue with. There are hundreds of videos in his catalog, most of which I'd guess most people have yet to watch and digest, so not a loss in the way of content. And of course Leo has the right to take off as much time as he wants, or to never make new content at all, if that's what he chooses. It's more the lack of communication I take issue with. In the past Leo would communicate to everyone when he would take time off from making new content. But to my knowledge, unless I missed some communication somewhere, there has not been one word about taking month(s) off from making new content. To me this shows a tad bit lack of respect for the community here. But that's my own created meaning and I take responsibility for that. 

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Are you honestly that addicted... Jesus christ, get a hobby or something

It's not disrespectful to anyone, you're not owned anything. It's free content

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Watch your projections there buddy. I never said anything of that nature, that's a story you're creating. This is a community that Leo started, and revolves around his content. Makes perfect sense to keep good communication up with your community. Communication is key to any relationship. That's all I was saying. 

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@Sempiternity You definitely said something of that nature.

Leo can do whatever he wants; within the bounds of the law, obviously. 

He doesn’t owe you videos; especially when he already has one of the largest libraries of content - that is also some of the most intelligent and loving!

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2 minutes ago, mw711 said:

@Sempiternity You definitely said something of that nature.

Leo can do whatever he wants; within the bounds of the law, obviously. 

He doesn’t owe you videos; especially when he already has one of the largest libraries of content - that is also some of the most intelligent and loving!

That is exactly what I said in different words. 

28 minutes ago, Sempiternity said:

There are hundreds of videos in his catalog, most of which I'd guess most people have yet to watch and digest, so not a loss in the way of content. And of course Leo has the right to take off as much time as he wants, or to never make new content at all, if that's what he chooses. 


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Good question, the man is active on here just as recently as 50 mins ago though so I'm sure he's addressed it or will if you ask him. His blog is also regularly updated.

A few months ago he shared a video on his health issues that cause energy problems so with the high standards he puts on himself for his officially released content he's probably struggling to keep up. 

Give him time and the content will come. Interact with him on here and send him words of encouragements, he is but a man after all :) 

Take your time @Leo Gura my guy and that Hakkasan video looked bomb. I gotta check it out when I come to the US, you guys have way cooler venues than we have in Canada :o 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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You said it, but you don’t see it. Hence your problem with the lack of communication.

Or maybe you didn’t really have the problem. In which case, especially, why pressure him with a post?

Like @LordFall said, he’s been active, he’s just a regular guy on top of all the Actualized stuff, he might have something going on.

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@Fearless_Bum It is sort of weird. I wonder why I chose to respond to the things I do.

In this case, it seems weird, also, to me, the neediness for Leo’s content.

I am defending him, but not begging for him.

For the record, I’ve been checking for his videos the past couple of weeks too.

Thats the crux for me here. I want it too, but I suppose for me it’d be too much to come here and ask for it.

Seems pointless, and I portray that in a, yes, weird sort of defensive way.

Moral of the story I have my implicit begging and a ego drawing a line between it being public and private. That’s way I came here.

Death be to that. Amen. Thanks.

sO uH lEo, cOntEnt?

jk. Love you guys

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Id be pissed if I had a paid subscription and I’m not getting any content. But Leos content is 100 percent free on YouTube, how can you feel entitlement in that case? 

Plus; I’d rather Leo take his time to create something with quality in stead of just churning out content for the sake of it, like a lot of content creators do. They  just create filler content to please the YouTube algorithm. To me; that is way more disrespectful to the time of the viewer. 

Edited by vizual

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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8 hours ago, Sempiternity said:

No new video again this week. It's been over 4 weeks since Leo's last video.

Dude... He published the most advanced video ever. Check out the Party in Vegas series... 

Try to contemplate what those videos mean.. it is too advanced. :) 

@Sempiternity Don't expect gifts from others. The greatest gift is the One you can give to yourself. 

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We are now living in the 20s!!! Why are there still people who doesn't know what's YouTube channel

You can go to the channel page and view back all the old videos!

Edited by hyruga

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12 hours ago, Sempiternity said:

Watch your projections there buddy. I never said anything of that nature, that's a story you're creating

You certainly implied it. If you had framed the question as 'hey, no new video for a while, is everything alright?' then fair dos. But it was this part:

13 hours ago, Sempiternity said:

It's more the lack of communication I take issue with. But to my knowledge, unless I missed some communication somewhere, there has not been one word about taking month(s) off from making new content. To me this shows a tad bit lack of respect for the community here.

You sound like someone's boss telling them to get back to work and that you expect better from them lol

My point was quite aggressively framed, so sorry. But was just trying to say that you aren't owed anything as it's totally free content

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18 hours ago, Sempiternity said:

It's more the lack of communication I take issue with

18 hours ago, Sempiternity said:

To me this shows a tad bit lack of respect for the community

This is a tad bit silly my friend

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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I wouldnt consider it disrespectful tho, hes probs just a little bit tired or something.

my personal website-actualized since 2015-just waiting for the day-we have the first guys on the forum

born on 2015 :P

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18 hours ago, Sempiternity said:

To me this shows a tad bit lack of respect for the community here. 

Not sure how you came up with that conclusion. You are making giant assumptions as to why Leo hasn't dropped a vid recently.

Post like these shows me that there are followers of who really just enjoy the mental masturbation aspect .. using the videos as entertainment and a distraction from going out and applying the insights in day-to-day life.

This separates the real from the fake self actualizers..

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Wow, it's not like ppl here are paying a membership fee and being promised weekly/monthly videos. 

No one here has the right to say Leo should be doing anything...even communicating with you about if there will or won't be a video. You have a forum to post on and tons if videos to watch at your leisure.

Enjoy it and stop complaining!

Edited by Ananta

“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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Do you like your life to follow strict routines? :)

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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