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Being More Receptive For Consciousness

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In order to be receptive,

to get more consciousness, then you need to start taking a deliberate effort to be aware of thoughts & what they are designed to do. 

That takes attention at first, but the mind becomes sharp after a while and then its effortless. Its your new way of being.

This needs to be your new way of living really, if you want a lot of progress.

What do you have to do?

Nothing, you don't need to do anything really. Watch the thoughts and really see how they relate to the past a lot. What they really are? To not be sucked into the content of the thought, see the thought for what it is.

Thoughts are very related to time.

This is the conditioning/programming of the mind.

One can't realise that ones in a dream intill he/she's not. And basically everyone is. 

everyone is sucked into the stuff that perpetuates the dream. 

All of the conditioning of the past/time accumulated over generations.

So basically you need to wake up to being a human. All of the human conditioning, That has came about, but not many want to get rid of themself.

This means every thought is watched. And not identified with it. 

That means all your opinions, all your thoughts about others, anything basically. You need to give it all up.

You do this by seeing the thought arises by its self. They don't feel like it at first, but the more you look the more you will see. That they all do.

They all arise by themselves, it don't fell like it at first though. 

Your entire mind is a box of time.

You are not time, its always now for you. You can't be free of this if you are not aware of it first.

A thought may be a voice, a form of self communication.

Or a image of you.

You are what sees image of you. And you see it all the time. 

Its a case of deconstructing your entire mind with awareness 

It takes no effort to see colour or here sound does it? Its about being more sensitive and alert. This has to be your new life. And you will have clarity, peace and love, Intelligence and wisdom. And a Alert mind, sharp! Knows all the tricks and trades of the mind. Without effort.

constanly aware of oneself. 

the mind keeps ones attention self centred,  And all that glory of life is not noticed.


Find the silents.



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