
Leo saying the N word in a video

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So, I am listening to one of Leo’s old videos called how to stop judging yourself.  As a black man I was definitely surprised to hear him say the N word.  You can watch the video here and he says it at 27:27.

I don’t know what made him believe that it was okay to say this.

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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7 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

I don’t know what made him believe that it was okay to say this.

He has the n-word pass. 


It's ok. 

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10 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

So, I am listening to one of Leo’s old videos called how to stop judging yourself.  As a black man I was definitely surprised to hear him say the N word.  You can watch the video here and he says it at 27:27.

I don’t know what made him believe that it was okay to say this.

In your view are there any contexts at all where it's okay for a white person to say the n-word? By that I mean are the any scenarios where it would be non-offensive in your view?

(I'm genuinely asking by the way, not trying to lead towards an answer one way or the other).

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6 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

As a black guy I say no.

Well you're not a representative for black people and Twomad is. 


Edited by Opo

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You have to see the context here. If he had used the word against someone, then it would have been offensive. 

However @Leo Gura wasn't using the  word in an offensive context.

He was talking about the list of words that offend people and that people use to judge others. The N word was a part of this list of words. 

You mean to say that a person cannot even use the N word to describe a list of generally used offensive words? 

So to say the N word to mention that it is a racist word is racist now? 

I think it's time to investigate your victimhood. 

Leo wasn't hurting anyone's sentiments there. 

Quit being such a victim. 

You mean to say his only fault is that he is a white man who happened to use the N word without wanting to be offensive? 

Go cry a river somewhere else 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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Skipping to 27:27 and hearing him say it completely out of context is hilarious ngl

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@Thestarguitarist14  I'm black also, but don't live in America. I like Leo's stuff, I've been watching for years. That incident bothered me too. However, I wondered why such a thing would piss me off that much. I was irritated for half a week. Feel free to do a psychological analysis. 

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49 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

You have to see the context here. If he had used the word against someone, then it would have been offensive. 

However @Leo Gura wasn't using the  word in an offensive context.

He was talking about the list of words that offend people and that people use to judge others. The N word was a part of this list of words. 

You mean to say that a person cannot even use the N word to describe a list of generally used offensive words? 

So to say the N word to mention that it is a racist word is racist now? 

I think it's time to investigate your victimhood. 

Leo wasn't hurting anyone's sentiments there. 

Quit being such a victim. 

You mean to say his only fault is that he is a white man who happened to use the N word without wanting to be offensive? 

Go cry a river somewhere else 

You’re not black. You don’t get to make claims like this. Your tone is also very disrespectful. 

If a black person tells me it was disrespectful and not ok for me to use the N word in any context then I would put my pride away and listen. 

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Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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10 minutes ago, Dryas said:

Skipping to 27:27 and hearing him say it completely out of context is hilarious ngl

I kinda cringe laughed myself ?

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Just now, Flowerfaeiry said:

You’re not black. You don’t get to make claims like this. Your tone is also very disrespectful. 

If a black person tells me it was disrespectful and not ok for me to use the N word in any context then I would put my pride away and listen. 

Just because I'm not black doesn't mean that a black person should say whatever they want. Claims of offense need to be reasonable otherwise it's called demonization. 

How is me being black or not black got anything to do with this? 

So a black person can call anyone racist even when they weren't being racist just because they are black? 

Please explain to me how it is offensive when it wasn't meant to be.

Can you give me an explanation of why and how Leo is being offensive here? 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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OP is allowed to feel angry about it. The video was made 6 years ago though so times have even changed a bit since then. Things are super PC now. Even using it in a classroom setting is too touchy and inappropriate these days. Maybe when race stuff calms down and is resolved things won’t be as touchy as it is now but who knows?

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Apologies if it offended you. I was doing a very honest stream of consciousness in that video.

I might take that video down to avoid further offense.

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5 minutes ago, BenG said:

It's kinda just one of those words you never say. Context doesn't matter. There's no scenario where it sounds good.


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6 minutes ago, BenG said:

It's kinda just one of those words you never say. Context doesn't matter. There's no scenario where it sounds good.

What about in a historical context? Do you think historical facts should be erased from the public awareness because it may be offensive to contemporary culture?

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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I understand that the OP is feeling angry about it. Yet please investigate the situation where someone said it innocently. 

Give leeway to others as well especially when they didn't wish to offend. 

PC is fine and everyone should be polite, agreed, but don't take it so far where you don't want to consider that the other person might have said something accidentally or innocently without bad intent. 

You feel offended yet also understand that the other person didn't mean to offend. 

Lets keep it reasonable and tone down PC culture when it needs to be toned down. 

I apologize for the harsher tone I used earlier but my opinion stands and I hope we are allowed to criticize. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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@Leo Gura You could go into the youtube editor and it lets you add sound to an old video. You could just add a small sound effect there if you wanted to remove that piece.

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Just now, Average Investor said:

@Leo Gura You could go into the youtube editor and it lets you add sound to an old video. You could just add a small sound effect there if you wanted to remove that piece.

This is a good idea. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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