
Leo saying the N word in a video

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3 minutes ago, Koeke said:

Yes, I know. I want @Thestarguitarist14  to realize racism is unconscious and you can't just wish it away by demonizing it.

Good luck. 

Hope he's open minded enough. 

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30 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

Why don’t you stop being racist?

I am not a racist, i have friends from all races and personally i have been discriminated myself based on my nationality. You eat it up and grow some tough skin, especially when the other person actually apologies over it.

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2 hours ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

The world is 1000% intolerant just go to the southern part of the U.S and the southern part of any part of the country, the world for that matter.

Racial equality is still a huge issue.  This is why we have to hold others accountable.  Perhaps Leo has a shadow in race?  People have lost their livelihoods for saying this word, last year’s NASCAR champion lost his job, sponsors, and was banned for one year for saying this and lost his homes.  

It’s a word that shouldn’t be in your vocabulary.  Sure, it’s one thing if you are in the middle of a story and you say it in context, but to put it in a video, especially in the context as he was judging others suggests racism on his part.

Oh yeah, of course. I live in Toronto, which I believe is the most multicultural city in the world and probably one of the least racists and racism is still alive and well here. I just don't know what the solution is man, I just know we have to keep talking about the issue.

The people attacking you in this post are wrong, this is your perspective that you're sharing with them and you have 600+ comments so clearly you're a worthwhile and invested member of this community so this whole division and attack is sad for me to see. 

Racism is just a forced division. I don't consider myself different from my white, brown, or Asian friends but it doesn't take away from the unique and different situations we have to deal with. It is an issue we have to stand united to fix and the people saying you're a triggered snowflake have this point going way over their head.

Are you satisfied with Leo's response on this?  

@Preety_India Thank you for the compliment, much obliged (; 

Edited by LordFall


Owner of creatives community all around Canada

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These situations happen to bring awareness and to shine light on what is still unconscious and still laying dormant.  
To give us perspective. 
To bring us closer to each other.   
If these situations wouldn’t happen: We wouldn’t be given a chance to work on ourselves.   

@Leo Gura No need to bring it down. Just bleep it?

“Life is just a break from an Infinite Orgasm. Prolong your break for as long as you want. Ride that wave. But don’t forget where you're headed.”

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2 hours ago, Karmadhi said:

Stop being such a triggered snowflake ffs.

Everyone has had racist thoughts during his life at some point, Leo is not a saint above us. Keep in mind it was a judgement made during his lifetime when maybe he was still immature. The video itself is over 7 years old. Plus it was a totally honest assesment about judgements he made during his life. Judegements are not supposed to be pretty nor "high consciouss" stuff.


"triggered snowflake" is a far-right racist trope and you know it.

This forum is an online global forum where very personal issues but also big picture society things are discussed, so it's a sensitive topic when the n-word comes up. When we talk about these heavy cultural issues we should take on a larger identity than our regular individualist egos. Consider all your ancestors since the beginning of mankind and consider the ancestors of white and black people since the invention of the current race hierarchy system in the world which was around 1500/1600BC. 

I as a white man think it would be a shame to my ancestors if I didn't take responsibility for what they stood for and did. There is no shame in it because shame only exists on the individual level. Once you take on not only your ego but the egos of your ancestors there is no shame anymore. We as white people have to admit that we are still tied to our ancestors just like every other people.

When talking about these issues we should take this higher perspective and thus be sensitive about all the hurt in the world that is for example tied to the n-word. 

There is a conscious narrow path between SJWism, Liberalism and conservatism.


FYI I am not in favour of globalism and liberalism in this societal stage to the extent that many liberals want to have it. It would benefit all ethnic groups of society to favour creating strong families within their own communities. I'm not in favour of how the EU is going now. so I'm not as left as you would think by my post above. But white people should just realize the big picture societal crime we have committed and face the reality of it. Right now white people are in denial of it and that denial is called neoliberalism ideology. But you with your far right bs are just literally a retarded child if you are still talking about "triggered snowflakes". of course I also dislike radicalSJW self hating white guilt bullshit. It's all a distraction to realising and fixing the real issues in society, and giving a wrong view of the real standings of the world.

We are supposed to be Avatars of God, that is the teaching on this forum. And you can't even connect to your ancestors (assuming you are white because of the bs), good or bad things we have done we should just face it, that is the conscious way. Honestly we shouldn't have your individualist bullshit on this forum. 

Edited by Intense

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That's really fucking funny, what's funnier is how sensitive stage green is to words just because some ******* decided it was offensive to their race.

Edited by Leo Gura
Removed slur

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1 hour ago, Vincent S said:

These situations happen to bring awareness and to shine light on what is still unconscious and still laying dormant.  
To give us perspective. 
To bring us closer to each other.   
If these situations wouldn’t happen: We wouldn’t be given a chance to work on ourselves.   


1 hour ago, Vincent S said:

@Leo Gura No need to bring it down. Just bleep it?

Could you please attempt to synthesize these seemingly valid but also contradicting intuitions?

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15 hours ago, LordFall said:

Oh yeah, of course. I live in Toronto, which I believe is the most multicultural city in the world and probably one of the least racists and racism is still alive and well here. I just don't know what the solution is man, I just know we have to keep talking about the issue.

The people attacking you in this post are wrong, this is your perspective that you're sharing with them and you have 600+ comments so clearly you're a worthwhile and invested member of this community so this whole division and attack is sad for me to see. 

Racism is just a forced division. I don't consider myself different from my white, brown, or Asian friends but it doesn't take away from the unique and different situations we have to deal with. It is an issue we have to stand united to fix and the people saying you're a triggered snowflake have this point going way over their head.

Are you satisfied with Leo's response on this?  

@Preety_India Thank you for the compliment, much obliged (; 

See, there is the issue.  I live in L.A, a very liberal city like Toronto.  When you live in ultra liberal cities it’s easy to forget that a lot of the world, especially North America, is not like that.  Canada in particular is very progressive while the alt right, hard right wingers, and old school Bible Belt southern conservatives are holding American society back.

Systemic racism is the biggest issue and then social racism right behind it.  The best way for us to get past this is to not tolerate whatsoever.  I don’t care who you are, if you say something racist you deserve the scrutiny, especially people in the public eye like Leo.

And I don’t think Leo is some hateful racist sp it isn’t a matter of me being satisfied by his response.  It’s more about him holding himself accountable for who he is.

Edited by Thestarguitarist14

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8 minutes ago, Arcangelo said:


Silly thread.

The context was racist as it was a judgement towards other people.  

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14 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

The context was racist as it was a judgement towards other people.  

Did you ever have a racist thought? 

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1 minute ago, Opo said:

Did you ever have a racist thought? 

I’m black, I can’t be racist because I have no power over anyone, especially white guys like Leo.

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5 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

I’m black, I can’t be racist because I have no power over anyone, especially white guys like Leo.

Lmao pls tell me your trolling. 

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17 minutes ago, Opo said:

Lmao pls tell me your trolling. 

Was about to say the same to you.

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30 minutes ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

Was about to say the same to you.


One part of racism is having prejudices about someone on the basis of their skin. 

Everyone has those unconscious prejudices and if only white people work on them the least rasist system that could produce is the one where the whites are in power. Because then if other races don't work on it and they get in power they will abuse it. 

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Seems fine to me in the context he is using it...

Also, words are just words, they don't mean anything, get over it.

Edited by Loba

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1 hour ago, Thestarguitarist14 said:

I’m black, I can’t be racist because I have no power over anyone, especially white guys like Leo.

Have you seen Leo's reply to you saying apologies and asking whether to take video down? Y are you not replying to that. He has given power to you. 

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interesting discussion imo

but i don't know what gives the word more power, to bleep and never use it or to use it in the "right" context

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