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Solipsism, Plant Consciousness, & The Problem of Mind

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3 hours ago, LastThursday said:

It would seem like you would have to directly experience two direct experiences simultaneously to know the truth. Until that happens it is just a concept.

In any case, if you were to experience someone else's direct experience, whose direct experience would it become? Yours or theirs or both?

I know. That is the mind screwer for me. Reality would be so limited if the perceptions of my room right now were all that existed and everything else being my imagination. In my experience, this is true. I am imagining other direct experiences within my direct experience while I’m looking at my hands and phone and typing. I also think it’s foolish to think that other life forms are lifeless inside or have no internal world and their own direct experiences. Even if I can never experience racism or someone’s own direct experience seems to me like it does not mean that there is nothing happening beyond my limited direct experience even if I am imagining it. 

I don’t think I can ever experience (as r0ckyreed) the perceptual bubble or direct experience of Donald Trump. But I (as God) is living through both of them and experiencing them both. If I was fully aware and could experience all perceptual bubbles, the whole notion of a perceptual bubble would seem to collapse into an infinite singularity. But it seems like to have any subjective experience, reality would have to limit itself and split itself apart from itself to play the game through many different ways for all eternity.

3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

There are levels of imagination. The ego's imagination is limited. But there is a deeper of level of imagination which creates the physical world.

Reality is imagination at all times. There are just various levels of depth to this imagination.

Notice that in your dreams the physical stuff in your dreams -- like people, houses, cars, dogs, etc -- is also imaginary.

Okay. I have been thinking of imagination as I am thinking of a purple elephant in a Las Vegas Club. But I get how in a dream, I am also imagining the whole reality I am in.

In this reality, I am open to that being the case that God is imagining a reality that cannot be unimagined by the ego. The issue I have with comparing life to a dream is that in a dream, I am the only perceptual bubble or direct experience and all other characters or people hinge upon my imagination, as it seems.

All I have of reality is my perceptions and thoughts. Unlike a dream, I still think that the other characters I see are different individuations of myself that is experiencing each life form and character right now even if the ego of r0ckyreed’s direct experience cannot experience their direct experience. If the ego of r0ckyreed could experience the ego or perceptual bubble of Leo Gura then it would become a new ego? It seems like there are many perceptual experiences and egos that God is imagining at a deeper level that appear real and unimaginable to the ego. It’s just that to be an ego seems to mean to be locked in their own bubble and not being able to experience other bubbles of God. I think the ego is vital for this game that is being played by the Universe.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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20 hours ago, r0ckyreed said:

If I was fully aware and could experience all perceptual bubbles, the whole notion of a perceptual bubble would seem to collapse into an infinite singularity.

I have no answers. But I do have three interlocking observations:

  • There's the whole idea of "perceptual bubble" and that there may be other perceptual bubbles out there, but this is pure inference.
  • You could have ended up in a different reality where you are omniscient and experience everything at once, equally every time at once. But this is extrapolation from you current perspective. When you dig down deep, time and space are constructions anyway, so they're not inherent to reality. If neither are true, then what you are experiencing is already everywhere and everywhen: just a very particular form of it.
  • In order to be in a perceptual bubble, someone has to be in it. There is a strong assumption of ownership here. Somehow there is this notion of a kernel that is separate from the perceptual bubble that is able to say "this bubble belongs to me". But that kernel is a construction too so it is not inherent to reality; and the idea of a perceptual bubble can't be sustained because there is no-one home to experience it.

57% paranoid

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On 1/25/2022 at 0:51 AM, Leo Gura said:

There are levels of imagination. The ego's imagination is limited. But there is a deeper of level of imagination which creates the physical world.

Reality is imagination at all times. There are just various levels of depth to this imagination.

Notice that in your dreams the physical stuff in your dreams -- like people, houses, cars, dogs, etc -- is also imaginary.

So would visuals on psychedelic trips fall into the category of ego imagination? I would assume they do since they don't change physical reality. 

I am fascinated by these different levels of imagination. Does anyone have any good resources that go into more depth on this subject? 

Edited by Matthew85

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