
I cant laugh, cry or show emotions

26 posts in this topic

 @Superfluo@Nahm first 2 yes but idk if i feel jealous i dont think so. 

@Superfluo thanks i ll check it

@Ulax but i dont know my trauma, i dont think i have one

Talking about alexithymia. I dont have much emotions there isnt enough idk


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I was asking in a slightly different context. I’m not asking if you feel it, I am asking if you understand what you’re experiencing is jealousy. Essentially that other people are happy and you desire happiness.



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10 minutes ago, ShardMare said:

@Nahm yea but why i dont feel it then? And in my body also? 

You are. You’re believing you’re not. Understanding what you are already feeling (emotions) is the key. Trying to ‘start feeling’ is not possible, because you have always been feeling. Letting go of the repetition of the belief is possible.

There isn’t something you have to do to feel better. 

What you’ll find in acknowledging and expressing, is that you are feeling the discord of perspectives, interpretations and beliefs. In letting them go, you naturally feel pretty amazing. 

One of the life changing recognitions from using the emotional scale, is that ‘getting to’ contentment is not a doing, but a letting go of what doesn’t resonate / feel good, to you. It is perfectly natural and effortless to feel happiness. Beliefs are very tricky, because one is believing them, believing it’s true. Like ‘numb’, ‘not feeling’, etc. 

I presume you are talking about things like feeling and emotions much more than you previously have, and just want to suggest you give yourself some credit in that regard. You deserve to feel good about it! ‘Doing the work’ as they say. Much love sir ?? 



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14 minutes ago, ShardMare said:

yea but why i dont feel it then? And in my body also? 

38 minutes ago, ShardMare said:

I dont have much emotions there isnt enough idk

You cannot not have emotions (except for extreme cases of neurological disorders), but you can be so disconnected from them that you don't feel them at all. You may have suppressed, denied, rejected, disowned your emotions so much that you feel you don't have them. But you have them. And you can reconnect with them.

In this case one of the best exercises to do is Emotional Vipassana, also known as Body Scan. It makes you more aware of emotions by making you more aware of your bodily sensation. Emotions btw are sensations in the body that have a charged meaning (a message) and that have a label (the name of the emotion).

So, in order to heal the first step is to become aware: how can you deal with something you don't see/feel?

Been on the healing journey for 5 committed years: traumas, deep wounds, negative beliefs, emotional blockages, internal fragmentation, blocked chakras, tight muscles, deep tensions, dysfunctional relationship dynamics. --> Check out my posts for info on how to heal:


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@ShardMare Trauma Release Exercises. The ones by David Berceli.

Also, I don't think Elliot Hulse is a very healthy mentor to use


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