
Should I join the forces?

38 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Vivaldo said:

But don't u get that feeling that when you really wanna whop someone's ass. What do you do in those times?

Channel it into something more constructive. You can take that "I'll show them" feeling of hatred and resentment and turn it into something with positive value to society. If someone pisses you off, tells you that you can't do something, or insults you... prove them wrong and that you're better than them, instead of just beating them.

Play a first-person shooter and kill people in video games. Go punch a punching bag until your knuckles are raw. Inflict pain on yourself with a cold shower, do 200 pushups, make yourself run until your legs are aching (or something else non-destructive, not cutting etc.) Basically anything besides having to actually hurt another person. Make yourself so tired you can't feel aggression any more.

If you can't find some other way to channel that aggression, control it, and let it out in measured amounts... then at some point you're probably going to fly off the handle and assault someone and end up in a bad situation.

If you think the military is going to be 100% ass-whooping you're in for disappointment. It's 98% sitting and doing nothing, 2% intense life-threatening action. You'll spend most of your time doing things like painting a tank. Then when you're done and you have nothing else to do, your sergeant will tell you to paint it again. If you're really aggressive and antisocial you'll probably end up getting so bored that you end up fighting people on your own side and get court marshalled.

Even if you end up in max-security prison you can't just go around fighting and shanking people to relieve those feelings. Eventually you'll end up in solitary confinement with nobody to fight but yourself. 

Edited by Yarco

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2 hours ago, Vivaldo said:

Yeah I might join some martial arts classes...

I'd recommend jiu-jitsu. It's all grappling, no striking

What that means is you can actually go almost full out against an opponent frequently and not permanently injure them. With a striking martial art like boxing if you go full out all of the time you're going to seriously injure someone or get seriously injured

This fact makes it great for letting loose

It's also quite intellectual. It's kinda like a game of chess with you and your opponents body, except checkmate is squeezing their neck til they see stars or threatening to break their arm til they tap

Winning is immensely satisfying and would satisfy your urge for domination/power without becoming a human meat shield

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I was going to say no, but according to your profile, you live in India. If you were living in America, then definitely no, due to aggressive American foreign policy which serves to destabilize other regions of the world, something which India for what I am aware of is not engaged in.

Joining the Indian armed forces would actually be beneficial to you. You would learn discipline, honor, duty, and service to your community. You would know what it means to sacrifice for a greater cause. You would also learn survival skills, and marksmanship. 

It would make you mentally and physically tougher to do such a thing, so go for it. But don't feel obligated and make sure it doesn't interfere with your life purpose.

Just while you're doing your service, do make time to meditate. I don't know how that will work for you, but according to the American soldiers I know, Soldiers do get a lot of ''down time'' (resting hours) while on training and on duty. So utilize it for meditation. Maybe ask your superior officer if you can bring a meditation cushion with you on base, and tell them it's for religious reasons. 

Edited by Husseinisdoingfine

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.

"Love is the realization that there no difference between anything. Love is a complete absence of all bias". -- Leo Gura

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Speaking from personal experience, I served in the United States Marine Corps, and let me tell you the idea you have about the military is completely different from what it really is like, your right its a different world. Its kind of like before ever taking a psychedelic you have an idea about it but then you take it and BAM its completely different than what you expected. The social image that it portrays is not the experience you will have. This is a designed portrayal in order to recruit people. Bravery and Valor come from you, under military like circumstances does the need for these attributes arise, but its not taught and cannot be given out. The military will restructure your paradigm by means that are less than comfortable. Primarily fear based and culture shocked yet effective in conditioning into you a specific perspective that allows you to fit into the structure of military life. They will break you down psychologically and then build you back up, However they do instill you with higher conscious values and build personal discipline and respect for self and others, as well as teach you certain skill sets that prove useful under a wide range of different circumstances. The reason I joined was to obtain the skillsets and traits because I intuited having that background would be useful as a survival function to me and has proven to be useful to my life. So you do want to have an intention to why your going to spend at least 4 years of your life doing this. Survival becomes very easy in the military. You do not have any bills to pay besides your own cellphone-vehicle-or internet bills. All your food is had at the chow hall, 3 meals a day, and you can still purchase your own at a discounted price from the commissary. Shelter is taken care of if you live in the barracks, so no rent payments. If your married, you can apply to live at on base housing. Income is rank based and promotion is time and effort based, based on a point system. You reach the cutting score, you rank up. You get paid more but you now have more responsibility that is to include managing and protecting the lives of the troops below you. This builds lasting friendships and trust as you work with your comrades. Your set at a higher standard.  Depending on your personal job or (MOS) you may never see combat or go overseas or you may go a few times, it depends. Its 4 years at least for active duty and most deployments are only 6-12 months out of 4 years, so you will if you deploy, experience places and things that you never have and probably never will again and the rest of the 3 years is you training, taking classes, doing courses, preparing for deployment, learning skills and studying information related to your job and the military as well as meeting requirements like uniform inspections, physical fitness, gear inventory, cleaning weapons and building connections with your fellow troops. So its not like your in combat for the whole time like people imagine it to be, and even then your spending most of your time on post or doing patrols and still can never see any combat. The psychological toll it takes on some people who do experience combat who fail to integrate in a healthy way can inhibit the quality of their life for the rest of their life, such as those with PTSD, if they do not properly learn how to psychologically ground their selves and do shadow work on their experiences. The impact it can have on leaving the military can be troublesome to adapt back into normal society, which can bring its own set of challenges. But with the work teaches you can recontexualize your experience and adjust into a new perspective that transcends and includes the military one, making you more diverse in the way you can think and interpret experience. As a side note; generally when you meet another military member outside there is an instant connection and trust that you don't experience with many other people. That can be valuable when you need someone to talk to who can understand your experience. Also, it is useful when working in groups, as people will relate to you differently when they learn your a veteran. This can helpful when applying for jobs, as your skillset and attributes are ideal in the workforce. The general experiential format here is based on my own experience so it varies depending on what job you have in the military. My MOS was Field Artillery and we deployed as a Provisional Infantry Unit to Afghanistan. It sounds like you prefer to join as an infantry member based on your expectations so my experience is relevant to that idea. I feel i covered the majority of whats to be expected as well as potential concerns. If you have any other questions feel free to ask.  

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No-one can answer that question but you.  So you need to do some self-reflection.  It's right for some people and wrong for others.  Depends on where your personal growth and fulfillment lies.  

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@Vivaldo they will make you a psychological mess.

Don't join. Play guitar, find a nice girl for yourself and get a normal job. It will make you much happier.


Please do not take anything I say as an insult. I have 17 warning points and I'd like to stay on this forum.

You are Love.

1 year meditation, 1 hour daily

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On 24/01/2022 at 11:40 AM, Vivaldo said:

@Etherial Cat I agree. I might be an A-Z robot. 

But the thing is that my personality is such that I get a high out of kicking asses. I mean if I hurt my enemy of some kind, it gives me immense pleasure. That's why I think I can satisfy this craving of mine by choosing this a career.

   If this is what you genuinely feel, and you have discovered this about yourself, that's a start and it's good, at least it's closer to your authentic self. Like others have said, exercise and martial arts satisfies the craving to hurt and/or kill in a healthier way. As a career option, joining the military, will depend on many factors, like one's value system, which ideally should be stage blue values like patriotism, nationalism, religion, love and pride of one's nation country, conservatism, conformity, these help a little being in the military because they will put you through a deprograming from being a citizen to being a soldier of the nation. Stage red to orange values are also valuable, at specific situations, but too much of either wouldn't help.

   You also have to be okey, with changing you cognitive development, from thinking of other people as human beings, to thinking of any men, women, children, at any time your subconscious mind cues you they are carrying a weapon, to think of them as enemies and targets to be neutralized. Check this in yourself that you are ok thinking like this. This also will effect your morality as well, because for the duration of serving the military and being a soldier, your sphere of concern will mostly be for your fellow soldiers, and less for the enemy and people on the other side of your weapon.

   If you are ok, being in states of consciousness that involve depression, boredom,  fear, terror, worry, nervousness, loss, sadness, guilt, frustration, anger, then the military might be an option to consider. However, try going on a hunting trip. Go hunt a dear. That's also a good test to see if you could be a good fit in the army, if you are capable and willing to kill an animal.

   One more thing, whatever decision you make, make it intentional, and well thought out, well contemplated. Do not join because family and friends and social pressures told you to join, or it looks like a cool way to satisfy one's need for power, or to show off, or because you have a romantic view of the military.


On 24/01/2022 at 11:36 AM, Vivaldo said:

@Flowerfaeiry here on earth I exist as a probe and if limitations/bondages exist then I am supposed to experience these bondages. God sends probes only because it is completely free and wants to restrict itself.


On 24/01/2022 at 11:43 AM, Vivaldo said:

@Knowledge Hoarder what about BTS army?? 

Yeah maybe you are right.... But in the end someone has to do it, so why not me? Not enrolling in the forces will not prevent wars....


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My best friend from middle school was a serious military nut and joined after high school. He spent 15 years in Afghanistan and Iraq. And he loved it. But he really loved that kind of stuff from a young age. He was very outdoorsy, very into weaponry, very into explosives, very into wrestling, etc. It's like the military was designed for him. He was a very hands-on, kinesthetic person.

Joining the military is a very specific thing. For some guys it gets their rocks off. They love that stage Blue discipline, toughness, machoness, loyalty, sense of clear mission, patriotism, etc. If you're that kind of guy then join. Otherwise stay away.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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30 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Otherwise stay away.

If ww3 starts because of the Ukraine issue, we’ll all be conscripted into the battlefield.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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51 minutes ago, How to be wise said:

If ww3 starts because of the Ukraine issue, we’ll all be conscripted into the battlefield.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Green: No, OFC not. Why would you even think that?

Yellow: I am glad people like you exist.

Turquoise: What ever you decide, it doesn't matter. 


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Funny enough, everybody I’ve met and known that’s actually served in the military has always said the same thing, “it’s just another job”. It really is funny to me because when you throw around the usual ideals we might attribute with being in the military you can feel the sense that you’re looking at them through this delusional starry eyed perspective. It’s like meeting celebrities or your favorite athletes or powerful people. They’re just people.

From how I read your original post you seem to be looking at it from a place of fantasy really. 

I inagine the military really is great for some people. I can imagine the kinds of bonds you can have with the men you serve with in combat is one that can be hard to describe. 

To me though, from how I read your post, you seem to be reflecting some qualities you kind of fantasize and imagine yourself having a chance to live up to. To have something to show for your life.

That said I don’t think I really need to do the laborious task of going into all the corrupt and negative things that come from the military as well.

On 1/24/2022 at 6:21 AM, PurpleTree said:

hey guys should i join a motorcycle gang

Anything to have an excuse to wear leather jackets all the time ???


On 1/24/2022 at 3:40 AM, Vivaldo said:

@Etherial Cat But the thing is that my personality is such that I get a high out of kicking asses. I mean if I hurt my enemy of some kind, it gives me immense pleasure. That's why I think I can satisfy this craving of mine by choosing this a career.

Why not just go into martial arts like BJJ? Where you can actually learn the kind of values and things to actually got those impulses humbled and actually under control. 

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just play call of duty instead :S for real though right now the world doesn't need more soldiers fighting me vs you, we need people to fight to stop the fight of me vs you

just be here, if you can do it this moment you can do it the next moment

this is the now, now is all that is real, the truth is now, not your concept or experience, just this

is there suffering in this ? work to be done young jedi. me

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15 hours ago, How to be wise said:

If ww3 starts because of the Ukraine issue, we’ll all be conscripted into the battlefield.

This is simply false.. Not sure of the exact time frame but The United States military force has so many members that as late as 2013 there was a reduction of forces, allowing member to discharge early. Some restrictions were also applied to eligibility to join to prevent such a wide range of potential candidates. Since then there has been no trouble with recruitment and many highschool kids still desire to join. There is also a wide variety a prerequisite requirements to join disqualifying many people. 

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Sure, try it.  It is good for directing masculine energy through discipline.  Think of it that way, and you can use it spiritually.  Are there benefits to joining in your country?  My ex said he wished he joined because he had a friend who went in a wimp and came out of the experience as a fully integrated man.  He found himself through the forces.
Some people get a calling for this sort of life; so don't let other people tell you the calling is wrong.

Just be sure you are educated on what it entails, if you have to go to war.  How do you feel about that?  What are your values?

And so forth. 
Integrity.  You can learn this through bootcamp.

I was in ROTC in high school and loved it, it was a branch of the airforce.  I learned a lot.

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