
Should I join the forces?

38 posts in this topic

I am confused about something.... 

Should I try to join the forces and serve my country and live an extraordinary life of bravery and valour? Or should I choose some other career which is rather generic and doesn't involve life risk. 

Honestly I know that life in the defence is amazing! It's a completely different world altogether. But that also means that I will be cut off from the rest of the world in a very real way. I would have to away from my close ones all the time and ofcourse who knows if it will cost my life??  

Could someone kindly provide me some perspective on this?

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it could be an interesting experience

on the other hand i think you'll just be a kind of chess piece for questionable leaders with huge egos, so i wouldn't

but i don't really know your and your country's situation

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do not go into military. u will be a pawn of a general. the people at the top are corrupt. when a situation comes, u will be sacrifised like a lamp. read 33 strategies of war to get an idea of how a general think.there is a huge propoganda to hype army that is happening in movies.u r seduced to think there is something greate in army,

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the company of people close to you is more joyful when it is rare

Edited by Windappreciator

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I would personally avoid it if possible. Mandatory service is Ok I guess. To learn the basics etc. But the constant feeling that I have to put my own brain on the shelf and obey someone blindly was too much even for a 18 year old me. Military is SD stage blue level I guess. 

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This has been asked a few times here before, you should do a search and check out those answers too.

I'm not sure if I've answered one before so here's my take I guess....

Is it bravery or valor to fight against enemies when you have next-generation weapons? Where's the honor in bombing a bunch of guerilla fighters with infrared drones? It's not like medieval combat where you went hand-to-hand. Modern countries have a very imbalanced hand compared to insurgents in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc.

Think about whose interests you're really fighting for. Are you really serving your country, or are you serving international bankers, oil companies, etc that have been bought off by politicans?

Also realize that when you sign up to the military you become government property. Literally. You basically cease to be a person until your contract is up. You might not be able to just change your mind and walk away if you hate it. In many cases, abandoning your post is treason and you'll go to jail for it, or face penalities for trying to get discharged early. The military also has its own police and prison system and you have less rights than a regular citizen.

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6 hours ago, Vivaldo said:

Should I try to join the forces and serve my country and live an extraordinary life of bravery and valour? Or should I choose some other career which is rather generic and doesn't involve life risk. 

Your second choice doesn’t have to be so dull. I wouldn’t join the forces because then you are even more of a slave but that’s just me. I’m also in the US so could be different elsewhere. 

I’m more fun on Instagram :x


Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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4 hours ago, Knowledge Hoarder said:

Please for the love of God, choose anything else BUT the army. Literaly anything else.


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@Flowerfaeiry here on earth I exist as a probe and if limitations/bondages exist then I am supposed to experience these bondages. God sends probes only because it is completely free and wants to restrict itself.

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@Etherial Cat I agree. I might be an A-Z robot. 

But the thing is that my personality is such that I get a high out of kicking asses. I mean if I hurt my enemy of some kind, it gives me immense pleasure. That's why I think I can satisfy this craving of mine by choosing this a career.

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@Knowledge Hoarder what about BTS army?? 

Yeah maybe you are right.... But in the end someone has to do it, so why not me? Not enrolling in the forces will not prevent wars....

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2 hours ago, Vivaldo said:


But the thing is that my personality is such that I get a high out of kicking asses. I mean if I hurt my enemy of some kind, it gives me immense pleasure. That's why I think I can satisfy this craving of mine by choosing this a career.

The bravest thing you could do is find out that isn’t actually true. 



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2 hours ago, Vivaldo said:

But the thing is that my personality is such that I get a high out of kicking asses. I mean if I hurt my enemy of some kind, it gives me immense pleasure. That's why I think I can satisfy this craving of mine by choosing this a career.

What do you think about being a boxer or MMA fighter instead?

2 hours ago, Vivaldo said:

But in the end someone has to do it, so why not me? Not enrolling in the forces will not prevent wars....

Okay, if you want to get paid well to legally kill people for corrupt interests, then here's what you want to do...

You do a short stint, like 4 years or whatever the minimum is, in the most elite military branch you can in your country. In the US Marines or Navy Seals. SAS in UK, etc

Then when you get out you want to join a private defense company or mercenary force like Blackwater.

You get the same frontline action as a military grunt, but you get paid over $200k+ instead of $30k/year

You can also do cool stuff like go on cargo ships to dangerous areas around Africa and shoot at pirates as they try to attack the ship.

Edited by Yarco

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46 minutes ago, Yarco said:

What do you think about being a boxer or MMA fighter instead

Yeah I might join some martial arts classes... 

But don't u get that feeling that when you really wanna whop someone's ass. What do you do in those times?

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21 minutes ago, Vivaldo said:

Yeah I might join some martial arts classes... 

But don't u get that feeling that when you really wanna whop someone's ass. What do you do in those times?

Sounds like You should do some martial arts. Would recommend boxing or Muay thai . Aikido, Kung Fu, Thai chi etc are most likely not Your thing. 

When You join some group, stay after training, choose the biggest sparring partner and go for it. Use gear obviously.  Then analyze the situation after couple of “rounds”?

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