Siim Land

How To Stay Mobile Throughout The Day

4 posts in this topic

Sitting and staying in one single position for a long time is extremely bad for our health, mobility and joint integrity. They're the biggest reason for back pain, crooked spines, weak knees and immobile shoulders. 

I have a ton of mobility exercises I do daily that help me stay strong and flexible. It's a lot more important than exercise. Check out my video in which I give you the mobility lessons learned from Tim Ferriss' book Tools of Titans and some of my own strategies, such as a standing workstation. 


Body Mind Empowerment 
My YouTube channel:

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Great work !

I have been drawn to similar practices as you do. I stumbled a year ago on Ido Portal, he is able to generate some amazing results. In the highly unlikely case that you dont know him check him out. 


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Nice content brother. Seems much richer than a lot of fitness content I see. I'm going to implement those daily exercises you recommended. Thanks for sharing. 

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