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Hurt minds hurt others?

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How true is this statement? Does the desire to hurt other people only appear in broken wounded minds?

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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Yes, generally people will to hurt others as a twisted way of getting their own needs met, which happens when they have been emotionally wounded, left with unmet needs and denied the love they need. Basically their needs weren't met the first time around so subconsciously they resort to more twisted and distorted ways of trying to make it happen.

A person who has had their needs met in a healthy way and who has been given the love they needed throughout their life wouldn't be the type to actively try to hurt people.

"Those who are hardest to love need it the most" - Socrates

"We are born of Love, Love is our mother" - Rumi

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Yep, It is a form of twisted love that you wanna make others feel yours, you wanna propagate it so they can finally understand how it feels exactly.


"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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On 1/21/2022 at 5:27 PM, Husseinisdoingfine said:

How true is this statement? Does the desire to hurt other people only appear in broken wounded minds?

I wouldn’t say broken, but yes. What relieves us is the expression. Much clarity, understanding, relief and better feeling follows. Down the path a bit, deeper understanding, empathy, compassion, forgiveness, etc. More and more mental freedom and emotional equanimity arises, and generally speaking, better and better feeling as well.

But…  many people feel the emotions of rage and anger for example, and immediately attach to the thoughts in regard to other people. So it seems like one will feel better upon getting revenge / hurting someone. It also seems like one will be or feel more empowered (better feeling) by “gaining power” from taking power away from someone else. It can also seem like sharing the pain would reduce it.  But these actions do not work or help, or result in relief. It makes one’s life much more difficult. 

Mad, mad respect for you in looking into these matters. ??  There is much love for you here. Truly, truly, truly, one who has endured such difficulty, suffering & pain, and chooses the path and in doing so chooses not to perpetuate the conditioning is a true unspoken hero. You got this brother, and we’re all here to help. ?



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Yes, trauma affects the ways we treat others

I’m a trauma-informed inspirationalist for artists and creatives. Follow me on Instagram.


I also have a meditation available that teaches you how to connect to your heart:


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If we adapt to fight, we are more likely to fight.

If we adapt to peace, we are more likely to peace.


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Do what works

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Trauma can cause that. 

However it's not absolutely truth. 

Many People who are hurt don't go around hurting others. 

It is contextual. It depends on how you respond to pain and this varies from person to person. 

It is one of those things where we say that people who suffered child abuse are likely to become serial killers or mass shooters. However this is only true for some cases. 

In many cases people who have suffered child abuse develop empathy and don't hurt others. 

The statement is just a half truth. 

In other words "hurt people" and "hurting others" are mutually exclusive. 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Its just as likely to send someone in the opposite direction, and for them to be overzealous in defending people in the same situation for example, or calling for stricter laws on certain topics to protect victims. There are many people who go on to become councilors or therapists because they understand the people they are working with innately, they experienced it first hand and can more easily relate.

This isn't always helpful either, because its an imbalance to be overzealous in something, but sometimes it really is helpful because it helps equal out the opposite side of society who are dismissive or ambivalent. So in its own way, collectively it is balanced if you can step back and look at it. It also helps show the extremes of an issue.

As to a hurt mind. I would say no one alive hasn't been hurt at some point in their life.

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If you're content and living in abundance, there's no reason to hurt others

Except maybe something like telling someone a "harsh truth" that will upset or hurt them in the short-term, if your intentions are to help them in the long-term. Even then, there's usually a more gentle way to accomplish the same thing.

Edited by Yarco

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most definitely it does only appear in humans with hurt feelings. cornered, neglected egos and souls bite, blindly sometimes. if you search deeply inside it’s often the soft spot of disappointment even if it’s a lack from the start and a not knowing what’s missing, from an perspective of not even expecting, which is deteriorating human self-esteem slowly to be not different than a wild wounded animal. why do you think, there is a saying: love heals all wounds? - they must have been made by the opposite.

which is not exactly hate, cruelty maybe, it can be, but it’s also neglect and lack of care, sometimes lack of self-care, encapsulation, dissociation. its human made not nature made, nature always contains an antidote. i’d always start with that, if possible.

Edited by mememe

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Yes this is true. An wounded mind tends to hurt other people...

Those who needs love tends to be those who are the most unloving...


Edited by hyruga

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