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Brief freedom from voice inside my head? Was it "no self?"

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Recently i had very mild trip on shrooms, i had about 1.5g. In general, it was annoying, because it was like limbo zone, between trip/no trip... BUT for the first time in my life, I was meditating with my eyes open, and on the one point, my perspective collapsed.

Normally, it's "I AM LOOKING AT THIS VIEW.". There's "i'm" and "the view".

But suddenly, there was swift in my consciousness, and there was no longer "me" that's looking on something, but i became what i saw! I was literally it! The sense of "self" disappeared. For that brief moment, i was completely free, there was no thought whatsoever.  It was beautiful! Then my mind got too excited and started screaming, "that's it!" and.. it was gone.

Every meditation since, I try to go back to that state. I know that my monkey mind covers it, and it's so annoying. 

1) Do you think that state was famous "no-self'? is that a point of zen meditation?
2) What's the difference between what Leo teaches, and that state?
3) Once i got there, shouldn't it be easier to reach it again? I try so hard, and i can't go there, it's very frustrating for me... any tips please? 

I just want to get read of that voice inside my head who talks all day long. Or simply stop beliving in it...


Edited by Forza21

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1. Yes, because when you really know who you are, and who you are not, then the mind will be silent most of the time. Like Ramana Maharshi taught us, the I-thought goes back into the heart, then the brain/mind is free. You had a short moment like that, but if you do self-inquiry you will get more of those and eventually get permanent liberation.

2. Not sure.

3. Yes we can't force the mind to be quiet, that's something all spiritual teachers agree on, but we can get there without force by doing self-inquiry or other practises.

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35 minutes ago, Forza21 said:

Recently i had very mild trip on shrooms, i had about 1.5g. In general, it was annoying, because it was like limbo zone, between trip/no trip... BUT for the first time in my life, I was meditating with my eyes open, and on the one point, my perspective collapsed.

Normally, it's "I AM LOOKING AT THIS VIEW.". There's "i'm" and "the view".

But suddenly, there was swift in my consciousness, and there was no longer "me" that's looking on something, but i became what i saw! I was literally it! The sense of "self" disappeared. For that brief moment, i was completely free, there was no thought whatsoever.  It was beautiful! Then my mind got too excited and started screaming, "that's it!" and.. it was gone.

Every meditation since, I try to go back to that state. I know that my monkey mind covers it, and it's so annoying. 

1) Do you think that state was famous "no-self'? is that a point of zen meditation?
2) What's the difference between what Leo teaches, and that state?
3) Once i got there, shouldn't it be easier to reach it again? I try so hard, and i can't go there, it's very frustrating for me... any tips please? 

I just want to get read of that voice inside my head who talks all day long. Or simply stop beliving in it...


No self is enlightenment. Because there is no such as thinker, experienced, knower etc. all is an illusion. And realization of that is realization is now is before birth. And that’s enlightenment. 

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Sounds like a glimpse of cessation. States is another contextualization, like “I’m” and “view”, it’s the thought activity of “my” and “state”.  Just recognizing this as thought & meditatively letting it go is ample. It’d be counter productive to continue to focus on it beyond acknowledging it’s thoughts. Focus more so on the good feeling of the glimpse. Allow that same good feeling to arise anytime. Recognize thought activity of validation as thoughts also. Careful with the mental framing of ‘you got there’, ‘it’s hard’, ‘can I get there again’, etc. Notice that also is just thoughts, and the “getting there” wasn’t a thought based getting there, but the opposite. “Trying to get rid of” is adding resistance, and can also be recognized as thought narrative / thoughts. Relax, feel & allow, vs trying or focusing on being against anything in experience. 



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I think no-self is when you become nothingness, and understand that everything "you" is a changing appearance just like all appearances, with no static thing to actually grasp whatsoever.

It's like an experiential form of neti-neti to literal nothingness.

I think you described something like an out of body experience, lost boundary between self and other.

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Probably a nice quietude of mind or glimpse of some form of cessation. Enlightenment or no-self is not an experience like that -- it's nothing really to be sought, because the good and the bad side of it are one: the fact that it is the end of the search; the end of the seeming possibility of any of your ideas about enlightenment coming to pass.

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4 hours ago, Nahm said:


Sounds like a glimpse of cessation. States is another contextualization, like “I’m” and “view”, it’s the thought activity of “my” and “state”.  Just recognizing this as thought & meditatively letting it go is ample. It’d be counter productive to continue to focus on it beyond acknowledging it’s thoughts. Focus more so on the good feeling of the glimpse. Allow that same good feeling to arise anytime. Recognize thought activity of validation as thoughts also. Careful with the mental framing of ‘you got there’, ‘it’s hard’, ‘can I get there again’, etc. Notice that also is just thoughts, and the “getting there” wasn’t a thought based getting there, but the opposite. “Trying to get rid of” is adding resistance, and can also be recognized as thought narrative / thoughts. Relax, feel & allow, vs trying or focusing on being against anything in experience. 

This resonates with me so much, holly shit, thanks!

Today during meditation, i've finally noticed ( he he, there's no one to notice it) that there were way more thoughts to notice!!!

i thought that thoughts like "im getting there" "im doing fine/bad/ok/super/good "oh, new discovery" "oh i need to meditate more" and so much more, are just me, but they are not me!!!

They are simply arising !!! to none, and from nowhere. Im not doing it, cause there's no doer!!! Thoughts just are, i can't think that,  there's not such thing as "my thoughts" and "not my thoughts to notice". THEY ARE ALL ARISING TO NO ONE

Edited by Forza21

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Freeeedooom!!!!! xD

Also, there’s only one thought at a time so to speak. ‘They’ is one thought, ‘all’ is one thought. Like a hundred thoughts is not a hundred thoughts, but is of course one thought about a hundred thoughts. 



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15 hours ago, Forza21 said:

3) Once i got there, shouldn't it be easier to reach it again? I try so hard, and i can't go there, it's very frustrating for me... any tips please? 

The effort to get there comes from thought so thought is trying to go outside thought. When you experienced this the first time did you try to get there or did it just happen?

It's more like an effortless relaxation into it than efforting/struggling to get there. 

15 hours ago, Forza21 said:

I just want to get read of that voice inside my head who talks all day long. Or simply stop beliving in it...

This is a thought that want to get rid of thoughts.  Thoughts are no problem for the no-self.

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