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Does Meditation Allow You To Sleep Less?

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I've read a few articles that state that meditation can actually train your body to live on very little sleep(3 hours a day) without developing any of the short term; lack of concentration, dizzyness etc, and long term; obesity, effects. For example, Sadghuru apparently lives off 3 hours a sleep a night.

If any of you have any experience in using meditation to train yourself to sleep less, can you please share your techniques/ what you did to achieve it? I currently would like to sleep less because my schedule demands it. 

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7 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

share your techniques

Every night before you go to sleep do a small technique, and that will help tremendously. Put the lights off, sit in your bed ready to sleep, but sit for fifteen minutes.Close your eyes and then start any monotonous nonsense sound, for example: la, la, la – and wait for the mind to supply new sounds. The only thing to be remembered is those sounds or words should not be of any language that you know. If you know English, German, Italian, then they should not be of Italian, German, English. Any other language is allowed that you don't know – Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese. But if you know Japanese then it is not allowed, then Italian is wonderful.

Speak any language that you don’t know. You will be in a difficulty for few seconds only for the first day, because how do you speak a language you don’t know? It can be spoken, and once it starts, any sounds, nonsense words, just to put the conscious off and allow the unconscious to speak.... When the unconscious speaks, the unconscious knows no language.

It is a wonderful method, one of the most deep and penetrating into the unconscious. You start by saying “la, la, la,” and then anything that comes you go on. Just for the first day you will feel it is a little difficult. Once it comes, you know the knack of it. Then for fifteen minutes, use the language that is coming to you, and use it as a language; in fact you are talking in it. This will relax the conscious so deeply.

Fifteen minutes – and you then just simply lie down and go to sleep. Your sleep will become deeper. Within weeks you will feel a depth in your sleep, and in the morning you will feel completely fresh.

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When I am feeling very high consciousness, I sleep for 4 hours. I experienced that when one day that I had very intense meditation sessions in which that Fear showed its face to me. And I was constantly challenging it. "What do you got? You show me more!" Anyway, this day I realized how fear runs my life and I don't even know it. So for this day, I simply didn't want to sleep. When I actually slept, it felt as if it were a very light sleep, as if my consciousness was still awake.

All in all, that's not something I can force. It simply happens.

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@Prabhaker Sounds interesting. Do you have more information on what exact changes this technique cause?

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