
how to articulate my answers

11 posts in this topic

leo gura seems to respond in a very clear way in this thread even when he is accused of something his response is well to shut them up 

how do i start to articulate my thoughts and respond 

what are some exercises you recommend?

what is the process of developing the skill of responding well to people and when accused or when asked to speak?

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I struggle a lot with this. Hehe. But over time I have gotten better. 

One thing I would recommend is to be as  nerdy as possible and make multiple copies of different responses on a word pad. Then choose or combine these responses to perfect your answer. 

Leo seems to have a natural ability of answering with precision and tact. 

His explanatory skills are perfect. 

I think it took him time to be able to do that. 

I try to observe Leo's answers and see how I can answer similarly. But it's kinda hard to do that since it's a natural skill to some extent. 

Try to respond as much as possible and sometimes copy other's responses and repeat them yourself. 

That way you keep gathering clues on how to respond tactfully. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Leos been practicing articulating thoughts in his videos for almost a decade so he's essentially close to mastered the skill. He also has the luxury to plan out exactly what hes going to say and what points hes going to make in a video so it seems like hes effortlessly talking about these complex topics. You dont see the hundreds and probably thousands of hours hes put into developing the skill, only the finished product.


In terms of exercises, I like to sing in the car (helps you to project voice), and instead of just thinking in your head, Ill speak my thoughts aloud and try  to have some sort of imaginary dialogue with myself. Also just generally reading more and being more informed on what your talking about

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13 minutes ago, MovForward said:

leo gura seems to respond in a very clear way in this thread even when he is accused of something his response is well to shut them up 

how do i start to articulate my thoughts and respond 

what are some exercises you recommend?

what is the process of developing the skill of responding well to people and when accused or when asked to speak?

There are lots of things you can do.

When it comes to responding to negative/condescending posts what you want to develop is meta awareness. Instead of just reading the exact comment, understand what format of communication the other one is using, just wonder " What is it that he/she is doing/trying to achieve?" e.g. "he's trolling" "she got triggered and tries to attack me" and then call out this behaviour without engaging in that same type of communication like "hmm...sounds like you're just trying to trigger egos...where does this need stem from"?

You'd have to read a little bit into frame control to understand more about this, there are many ways to change an unhelpful frame into one that suits you well. 

Then when you see good responses of other people you can look at them and wonder "why is this response so good?" "How did he change the meaning of the exchange?" and like this start to recognize patterns of successfull communication.

Don't overdo it with frame control though, because it can become very negative, like people just trying to dominate each other, people getting triggered etc.

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It seems like he often just answers the first thing to come to mind. Sometimes its very unhelpful, other times it does its magic by getting you to stop overthinking things.

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The best way to be direct and articulate (In my experience)  is to speak from your genuine direct experience. For example- if you learned an instrument and someone asked you how you learned it, you would have no issue being clear and direct in your answer about that. This is because you are pulling from your direct experience of a thing, and not your thoughts about a thing. When you try to speak about something of which you have no direct experience, it tends to come out in an insecure way. 

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On 18.1.2022 at 9:09 PM, MovForward said:

leo gura seems to respond in a very clear way in this thread even when he is accused of something his response is well to shut them up 

how do i start to articulate my thoughts and respond 

what are some exercises you recommend?

what is the process of developing the skill of responding well to people and when accused or when asked to speak?

I once had the opportunity to talk with Daniel Schmachtenberger about this. I dont know if you know him, but he is - for me at least - the clearest communicator I personally know. The way he presents his arguments and answers is just one beautifully strung together thread that makes perfect sense and keeps listeners interested.

Here is what he told me:
"Practice writing your ideas on things. Take the time to refine your writing to be as clear and precise as possible. Then have conversations with people about the topics after you have clarified good ways of expressing them. The writing will also make sure your understanding is clear. Clear communication arises from clear thinking. It is the process of transferring your clarity to another."

MD. Internal medicine/gastroenterology - Evidence based integral health approaches

"Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
- Rainer Maria Rilke

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Know what is the message you want to give to another human being. Only after that you can start your journey in expressing yourself, because without clear intention your communication will get messy. Say only what is necessary and nothing in excess, because you want to have compact impact to the receiver.

Also learn about the subject you are talking, because if you don't really understand what are you talking about how you suppose anyone else to get it then.

Final touch is magic of kindness.

Thanks for asking that important question <3

Who told you that "others" are real?

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@MovForward some steps you can try when thinking about responding (especially in writing):

  1. Do I genuinely care enough to respond? (if not then don't respond)
  2. Does responding add something new and positive? (if not then don't respond)
  3. Am I very clear about what I want to say? (if not then don't respond until you are clear)
  4. Keep the response short enough get your point over.
  5. Keep conversation going by asking open questions, prompting for answers, showing interest and so on.
  6. If you're being accused, then challenge the accuser's reasoning against you. (if you're feeling too emotional then cool down before responding, or sleep on it).

I've found that most times if you're being accused the other person is using faulty logic.

57% paranoid

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