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It's so weird

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Last night I had a dream that a lion was chasing after me. It was very vivid. More vivid than "real life".  I made several threads in the past about this topic of dreams but I still don't understand how dreams work. How are they even possible. 

And life is not less weird than dreams.. 

That's mindwarping. When we die are we aware of being in the void? Then we all just born into the world as something and then we forget where we come from? I always wondered where we came from. It just seems so strange that all of sudden we're all just here. Almost like we all just spawned out of nowhere. We all are just born from nowhere and then we live 80 years and then dissapear. It's so mysterious 


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2 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Silence is the highest teaching.. They say. 

Definitely. Rest is poor translation. 

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

When we die are we aware of being in the void? Then we all just born into the world as something and then we forget where we come from? I always wondered where we came from. It just seems so strange that all of sudden we're all just here. Almost like we all just spawned out of nowhere. We all are just born from nowhere and then we live 80 years and then dissapear. It's so mysterious 

"It just seems so strange that all of sudden we're all just here. Almost like we all just spawned out of nowhere."

Yea that might very well be the biggest mystery. Because all other questions can only come after you wake up/become conscious. You waking up/becoming conscious is the beginning to everything. Like Big Bang.

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@Someone here I like doing a bit of dream analysis it can be helpful to uncover some stuff you didn't know about yourself, as ego consciousness I mean, still can be helpful if it is something recurring. ^_^

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

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@puporing I'm Interested in understanding dreams metaphysically not psychologically. 

Edited by Someone here

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Is this your lion?

Last known photo of a Barbary Lion (i.e. Atlas i.e. Nubian Lion) (now officially extinct in the wild when the last one was supposedly shot and killed in 1942 though there were several unconfirmed reported sightings by Algerian communities of this breed of lion in the wild up until 1964) live in the wild was taken in the Atlas Mountains near Morocco in the Sahara in 1925 by a French explorer and photographer Marcelin Flaunders.

Barbary Lion last remaining photo in the wild 1926.png

Edited by Fleetinglife

''society is culpable in not providing free education for all and it must answer for the night which it produces. If the soul is left in darkness sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but he who causes the darkness.” ― Victor Hugo, Les Misérables'

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31 minutes ago, Someone here said:

@Khan 0 what's your opinion on dreams? 

The dreams are based on visiuals, feelings, actings, experiencing etc.. as now. Therefore, Now is dreaming too. Imagine, If you never wake up from sleeping or dreaming, can you know you were dreaming? You are actually sleeping (being) now. Therefore, you are dreaming within the dream. So of course it is possible. The real question is if no one told you what the dream is , can you dream?

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34 minutes ago, Khan 0 said:

The dreams are based on visiuals, feelings, actings, experiencing etc.. as now. Therefore, Now is dreaming too. Imagine, If you never wake up from sleeping or dreaming, can you know you were dreaming? You are actually sleeping (being) now. Therefore, you are dreaming within the dream. So of course it is possible. The real question is if no one told you what the dream is , can you dream?

Interesting. So both the waking state and the dream state are dreams? 

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11 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Interesting. So both the waking state and the dream state are dreams? 

Definitely. That's why after enlightenment realization happens that nothing has never happened. Because you have never began. So how can you be awake or sleep? 

As I said before, before enlightenment I am going to be enlightened. 

After enlightenment, what is me dream, real or enlightenment.

That's why enlightenment is called awakening to ultimate or awakening.

Edited by Khan 0

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Night time dreams are weird man. Great for investigating reality though and the similarities once lucid too. I’m a reasonably decent lucid dreamer myself. Can’t always pull it off but I’d say a good 4 or 5 really lucid dreams a month on average. I’ve had an issue with the dream characters the last few months though and it’s seriously irritating me? in a soft sort of sense. I’d noticed that whenever I ask a dream character what year it is, they just have no answer for me?. They either just blatantly refuse to respond or change the subject. And I’m there like just fucking tell me what year it is like?. They can seem confused when they try to think of what year it is, and I’m there thinking these fuckers havnt got a clue, they don’t know what year it is, not in terms of the real year or a made up year for the dream. I challenge anybody who can get lucid in dreams to ask any dream character this question of what year is it, and I’m almost certain they won’t get an answer. It’s so frustrating I’ve began to think I bet this just isn’t in my dreams, I bet it would happen to anyone in their dreams. I mean obviously I can’t be certain but anyone reading this who can lucid dream let me know if you can get any of those fucking characters to tell you the year?. A little off the subject of the thread I know but it’s still dream related haha

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yea it's weird.

the first memory of my life is also a dream from when i was around 2 y o

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Your anxiety is responsible for those kind of dreams. 

Heal your anxiety. 

Lion chasing you is an indication that you are running away from reality or some situation that is creating insecurity/uncertainty in you. 

Do shadow work and resolve that situation. 

I had such dreams for many years and I suffer anxiety. 

There is nothing metaphysical here. 

You have massive work to do 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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12 hours ago, Someone here said:

When we die are we aware of being in the void?

maan, look at what you just wrote and reflect on it, here, ill do it for you;

Imagine a hypothetical void, that you go to when you die,

its a void, and you are aware of it, there is a problem with language though, because in the void, there is only the void, which only you are aware of. 

you are not in or out of the void, there is void, so there is awareness of void, no in, no out, no you to shout and say: "A Void!"

just awareness.

a void being in itself, just a void, without language to validate it.

That seems to be the case in the dream you dreamt last night. It was real to you only to notice later on that it wasn't, it was only something appearing nowhere, just like what is appearing infront of you right now.

wake up



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