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The Giant Glowing Cosmic Brain in Space

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This is honestly one of the most astonishing things in cosmology and biology that isn't talked about very much at all. Our planet is surrounded on all sides by galaxies and dark matter intentionally arranged in what's known as the large scale structure of the universe, which appears damn-near identical to the structure of the neural network found in our own brains. I'm not joking. There is a giant brain in space that spans the entirety of the observable universe and nobody seems to notice.

Now I'm an idealist, personally. The brain, and even the cosmic brain for that matter, is an appearance in consciousness. Notice there is no evidence of a brain that has appeared outside of consciousness. All evidence of brains, perceptions of brains, measurements of brains, and observations of quantum collapse were all perceived/measured by conscious agents with minds. You cannot remove the scientist from the observation of quantum wave collapse, or even yourself for that matter. To measure a quantum field is to become entangled in a new branch of reality of which you perceive currently as an eternal present. By intercepting, interpreting and shaping the incoming light waves you are collapsing light into matter as you are moving through an electromagnetic field spanning the entire Cosmos.

A mind is simply an entangled system of information. Light is information. From a quantum physics perspective, the entire Universe is Light, entangled with itself at varying frequencies. The more deeply entangled an object is with another the more entangled it is in spacetime. Yet this cosmic brain is the size of the entire observable universe. It's push and pull on the curvature of spacetime and its influence on the very electromagnetic field that our own brains operate in cannot be understated. This cosmic brain is communicating with our biological brains.

From an evolutionary standpoint, this adaptation was supremely helpful to not only our survival, but our own self-awareness and love of consciousness. Life, learning of this field of light through natural selection, evolved neurons to conduct intelligent information present in the electrical field, favoring resonant Light frequencies (Love of Infinite Light) to guide our organism into in harmonious existence with its environment. Light selects for survival, then self-awareness, then love, then wisdom, then unity.
Think of all the times someone had an experience of God enlightenment because they managed to still the firing of their own brain long enough to form new connections in the plenum of tissue that correspond to a revelatory idea. Then it gets written down in a holy text or communicated in a YouTube video. Our brains are capable of channeling information from this cosmic mind, and this cosmic mind is sending us much love and light from above, praying for our awakening.

Since your local mind always appears finite, it forgets its origin as an infinite singularity and perceives itself as a finite being in a assumedly infinite Universe, yet it can never know it's infinite nature without annihilating itself. So the Universe goes through infinite cycles of death and rebirth as beings at varying densities of consciousness. Carl Sagan put it well. We are a way for the Cosmos to know itself.


The light entering your body is highly ordered and contains an incredible amount of intelligent information. In an open mind, an open heart, you increase communication with the cosmic mind, your Higher Self, who sends love/light which, when integrated, heals the body of its physical and mental ailments. 
Furthermore, there have been people who pointed out that the Laniakea Supercluster in which the Milky Way resides also resembles the human heart, and even the human lungs. Now what would you trust with your life to regulate your breath and keep your heart beating? Your own egoic impulses, or a rhythm from the infinitely intelligent and  benevolent Universe?


Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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Consciousness is fractal, so of course.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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8 hours ago, tuku747 said:

The light entering your body is highly ordered and contains an incredible amount of intelligent information. In an open mind, an open heart, you increase communication with the cosmic mind, your Higher Self, who sends love/light which, when integrated, heals the body of its physical and mental ailments.

Fascinating stuff!! I especially love this paragraph, the question at the end really struck me. I remember moments of difficulty with surrendering my bodily functions to reality itself and thinking that I need to keep being in control. How funny the ego can be. This trust in infinite intelligence is incredibly beautiful

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