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Book of Keys (psychoanalyzing myself)

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I'm going to be using the lock and key analogy throughout this journal. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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I have decided to use keys as an effective way to analyze myself and my life. 

For this purpose I will divide keys into 3 categories.. 

The diamond key. Or the hope key. 

The Gold key or Golden key or the solution key. 

The stone key. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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(drawing quadrants in sand) 


Book of situations 


Book of Keys. 



Certain keys are good for life. They invite better conditions. They make things better. These are diamond keys 

Certain keys are bad for life. They invite bad conditions. They make things worse. These are stone keys. 

Certain keys help you to solve a specific problem or situation. I'll call it the solution keys or Golden keys or gold keys. 


If a key is attracting bad conditions in your life, the stone key, Just throw away that key. 




INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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How did i arrive to the concept of the key? 

I'll explain in the remainder posts. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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On the subject of emotions. 

I have realized (today) that emotions are not necessarily a good thing, not necessarily a bad thing, but there is a huge downside to emotions that I only came across today. Till now I was completely oblivious to how emotions can harm life. 

I'll discuss this in detail. 

I'll first categorize emotions into two different categories.


Healthy emotions or good emotions 

Dr. Fredrickson identified the following as the ten most common positive emotions: Joy, Gratitude, Serenity, Interest, Hope, Pride, Amusement, Inspiration, Awe, Love.



Unhealthy emotions 


What are healthy emotions? 

















What are unhealthy emotions? 








Self pity 











I'll describe the intensity of emotions as moderate or strong. 

For unhealthy emotions I'll call the yellow zone and the red zone 

Like a pendulum. 

The pendulum should swing from yellow zone to red zone. 

When the pendulum stays in the yellow zone it is a safe zone. When it moves into the red zone, that's a danger zone or bad zone. This is where these emotions start to create issues.. 

It's okay to experience anger, jealousy, hate as long as their intensity stays in the yellow zone. 

But if the anger reaches a level where it's too much and frequently experienced and enters the red zone this is where the anger becomes destructive and begins to attract bad things in life. 

Now coming to healthy emotions.. 

I'll have a similar zone created for healthy emotions. 

For healthy emotions the pendulum will swing from a brown zone to a blue zone. 

There is also an attached zone or additional zone attached next to the blue zone. This is the green zone. 


Let me explain. 

The healthy emotion of happiness is valid and good as long as it stays in the brown zone. The moment it crosses the brown zone and enters the blue zone, this is unhealthy happiness.. You might ask why. 

Well if you are too happy all the time then you will never experience pain or know pain. You are always experiencing happiness only. This means that you will never understand sadness or suffering, as a result you won't understand someone's pain or be indifferent or even insensitive to it. You might not be relate to your own child's pain and suffering because you never suffered yourself. This might make you an insensitive person. This privileged level of happiness is not a great thing. That's why the blue zone is unhealthy. Now psychopaths don't feel emotions. This is not because they are happy or unhappy. They simply do not feel emotions. Or at least lack feelings. Thus they are insensitive as well but in a different kind of way than happy people so I'll add them to the green zone. The experience of no emotion or little emotion especially in an emotional situation is a bad sign. So for such experiences I'll use the green zone. 

So in the case of unhealthy emotions, the pendulum will swing from brown to blue to green zones. 


Now what exactly happens when the pendulum of unhealthy emotions swings into the Red zone. 

I'll call this Emotional Red Syndrome. 

When the pendulum of healthy emotions swings into the green zone or blue zone I'll call Emotional Green Syndrome or Emotional Blue Syndrome and so on.. 

All these respective syndromes are dangerous to mental and emotional health. 

The best is to keep your emotions in the yellow and the brown zones. 

Don't allow these emotions to reach dangerous zones. 

When you suffer these syndromes, they act like a key. The lock represents chaos, bad people, dysfunctional people, narcissists, scammers, etc. 

The syndrome is represented by the stone key. 

The stone key can represent anything that is unhealthy. 

Right now the stone key represents the emotional syndrome.. 

When you have the Emotional Red Syndrome, you begin to attract paranoia and Delusions and mostly open the gate to manipulation, abuse and brainwashing. 

Since this lock is only opened by such a key. If you have this key it will automatically open the lock of dysfunctionality and attract bad people, bad conditions, bad juju, bad events in life. Therefore throw away this Key once you recognize it in your life.. 

This is how I arrived at the lock and key concept. 

You will have many such keys appearing in your life that you will need to identify and discard. 


Discard all stone keys. Invite diamond and gold keys. 

Any key that solves a problem in your life, keep it. It's a gold key. 

Any key that brings hope, happiness and Positivity and more growth in your life in general, then keep it. 

Keep all the good keys. Throw away all the bad keys.. 

Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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15 minutes ago, Marcel said:


*Throws away all of my stone keys and stays in my healthy brown and yellow zone 

Thats a wonderful concept to keep emotions in check, both healthy and unhealthy.

I love your systems. They’re so simple and still allow a lot of depth in them. 

Good job hun bun 

Kuss ? 


Hehe. Thank you my love. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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