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Shameful Joe Rogan

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@PurpleTree Na, because I don't try and back it up against others, I have my opinions but at the end of the day they are just that.  Opinions.

Rarely do I feel someone should be, unless it can serve a greater message.

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I think it's fair enough to deplatform Joe Rogan especially if he doesn't apologize. 

Misinformation about the virus, talking bad about black people, and it's not about banning every right wing person, it's about banning people who don't use their platform responsibly, shouldn't matter if they are left or right wing. 

But if Joe Rogan apologizes, then he shouldn't be canceled. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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10 minutes ago, Preety_India said:

I think it's fair enough to deplatform Joe Rogan especially if he doesn't apologize. 

Misinformation about the virus, talking bad about black people, and it's not about banning every right wing person, it's about banning people who don't use their platform responsibly, shouldn't matter if they are left or right wing. 

But if Joe Rogan apologizes, then he shouldn't be canceled. 


He never talked bad about black people. You are spreading misinformation yourself, should you be cancelled as well? 

There are thousands of hours of Joe Rogan talking footage on the internet. If you dig hard enough you can find bad things about literally any person. Even if you are a saint, if you have made thousands of hours of content I can make a compilation that makes you a candidate to be cancelled.

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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5 hours ago, vizual said:

He never talked bad about black people. You are spreading misinformation yourself, should you be cancelled as well? 

There are thousands of hours of Joe Rogan talking footage on the internet. If you dig hard enough you can find bad things about literally any person. Even if you are a saint, if you have made thousands of hours of content I can make a compilation that makes you a candidate to be cancelled.

   That's true. Anyone who digs deep enough, not just the internet life of a person, but their entire life they lived  and they do a compilation only on the bad and evil things, anyone would look like the devil himself.

   Anyone would be made to look like a crazy person.

Edited by Danioover9000

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@CultivateLove You realize that the swastika symbol is something that was (and continues to be) used in a variety of Eastern religions long before the Nazis existed, right?


I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

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@Danioover9000 @DocWatts I am perfectly aware, but that wouldn't matter if I were to, hypothetically, try to smear Preety's image by displaying this image, and then fine-combing her 31000+ posts for anything I could use out of context to make her seem like a racist, sexist, nazi monster. Just imagine what I could do if I had thousands of hours worth of video of her talking to hundreds of different people...

Which is basically what the mainstream media is trying to do with Joe Rogan, which might actually get him cancelled if enough gullible people buy that garbage, even though anyone who's watched enough of JRE episodes knows he's not even close to being racist.

P.S. Leo better be ready for when/if he ever gets into as big of a spotlight as Joe Rogan with all the content he's put out, there is a lot, and I mean a lot of stuff you could eeeaaasily take out of context and use against him to make him seem like an actual psychopathic monster. Does that mean he should be cancelled? 

Edited by CultivateLove

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@CultivateLove As far as people who are combing through Rogan's hundreds of hours of content to find offensive content to use as 'ammunition' to cancel him for his spreading misinformation on Covid and vaccines, then yeah, I agree with you.

The irresponsible way that Rogan is using his platform to spread dangerous misinformation about Covid and vaccines during a pandemic is the actual issue, because it misinforms his audience in ways that lead to preventable deaths.

Spotify pulling down select episodes for that specific reason is defensible in a way that pulling down episodes for offensive content is not.

It's not like we as a society haven't already established some basic rules around using media to misinform and mislead the public. Which is why cigarette companies to aren't allowed to advertise to children. The huge amount of backlash that Rogan is recieving over has vaccine skepticism is completely deserved, and setting some ground rules of accountability for public figures with reach to millions of people is both reasonable and needed.

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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@Marcel. Lol  you should watch this. They used my video completely out of context. They are making me look like a Nazi now just because I wore my swastika pendant. Lmao.xD

Now you're a German. Maybe you can tell if you're offended or not. 

Are you offended because I wore it? 

(remember it's not tilted and it's not the way Hitler originally wore it. They(the Nazis) steal our Holy symbols and then blame us. Who is committing blasphemy here exactly?) 

These Nazis decided to malign Hindu and Mesopotamian symbols and we are supposed to pay the price lol. 

(I'll wait for you to come online and answer this tragedy :P I mean comedy). 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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   Joe has recently appologized and explained what led to his use of the N word. I can't link the video, but it's the most recent one, I think in Twitter or in YouTube.

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4 hours ago, CultivateLove said:

@Danioover9000 @DocWatts I am perfectly aware, but that wouldn't matter if I were to, hypothetically, try to smear Preety's image by displaying this image, and then fine-combing her 31000+ posts for anything I could use out of context to make her seem like a racist, sexist, nazi monster. Just imagine what I could do if I had thousands of hours worth of video of her talking to hundreds of different people...

Which is basically what the mainstream media is trying to do with Joe Rogan, which might actually get him cancelled if enough gullible people buy that garbage, even though anyone who's watched enough of JRE episodes knows he's not even close to being racist.

P.S. Leo better be ready for when/if he ever gets into as big of a spotlight as Joe Rogan with all the content he's put out, there is a lot, and I mean a lot of stuff you could eeeaaasily take out of context and use against him to make him seem like an actual psychopathic monster. Does that mean he should be cancelled? 

This is what @Marcel said about you -quoting him. 

"I mean he didn’t even watch the video I imagine. He probably read the title and imagined you showing it off and swinging nazi flags afterwards with fitting music playing the background pleasing your alliance with the third reich lol." 

You make absolutely false equivalences. 



Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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7 minutes ago, Danioover9000 said:

   Joe has recently appologized and explained what led to his use of the N word. I can't link the video, but it's the most recent one, I think in Twitter or in YouTube.

I think his apology should be accepted. Apologizing for it is a good first step I presume. I really don't like someone being canceled because I know that it can hurt their career so a simple apology can go a long way in making things better for communities that are offended. At least the person holds themselves accountable which is a humble thing to do. 

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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OP you seem kinda obsessed with Jo Rogan, you just opened 2 threads about the same. Get in mind that the guy is interpreting his character and his podcast-radio progams as just entertainment, dont take things so seriously, only normies do that.

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